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Native English Speakers Please Help
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1.       erdinc
2151 posts
 20 Apr 2006 Thu 07:43 pm

In another forum there was a sentence to be translated and it started like this:
"It may very will be ..."
When I saw this sentence I immediately realised the mistake. There is a typo here. It should be "It may very well be ..."

I corrected the sentence and translated it. But the funny part of the story started afterwards. Some Turkish guy argued with me that "very will be" was correct. He said


there's nothing wrong with the sentence and 'may very will be'. It's just one of them things you have not heard before. It's new to you.

He claimed to be heard the phrase "very will be" on TV! I told him that he was lying.

I even have showed examples like "you did very will". They just don't understand that it was a typo. They drive me crazy. Now another guy has joined the gang claiming that the phrase is used in a region somewhere. It is so annoying.

Please check this discussion and add your commenst. If you are native please remember to mention it.

2.       Deli_kizin
6376 posts
 20 Apr 2006 Thu 07:51 pm

I read it and i think the person is mixing up the way people might pronounce it with the way it is spelled. I may not be native, but the sentences he made, really don't make any sense at all to me.. I lost my password though so i can't reply yet ;D

Erdinç, could you maybe take a look at the 'Kadir!' thread and translate the last post of mine? If somebody else hasn't done it yet..


3.       Elisa
0 posts
 20 Apr 2006 Thu 07:52 pm

Of course you are right, but I can't add a comment because I'm not a native English speaker

But there is no such thing as "it may very will be".

4.       miss_ceyda
2627 posts
 20 Apr 2006 Thu 07:54 pm

erdinç you are right

this is all that needs to be said i think hihi

5.       erdinc
2151 posts
 20 Apr 2006 Thu 07:54 pm

They drive me nuts. This is nightmare. I wish some natives would add a few commenst. These amateurs are crazy.

6.       erdinc
2151 posts
 20 Apr 2006 Thu 07:57 pm

Oh no. Another amateur argues that "may very will be" is correct by giving an example of "may will be".

The gang has started a second thread.

I wish I could send them all back to primary school.

7.       miss_ceyda
2627 posts
 20 Apr 2006 Thu 07:58 pm

Quoting erdinc:

They drive me nuts. This is nightmare. I wish some natives would add a few commenst. These amateurs are crazy.

iv commented look
i wouldnt get to angry about it you know hehe dont worry erdinç.. some people like to be ignorant... some people have perfectly working eyes but are still blind... some people have perfectly working ears but are still deaf..
i think we should just put those people aside (or lock them in one large room all together hehe) and just get on with our own lives..

takma kafana erdinç ya.. boş ver

8.       Deli_kizin
6376 posts
 20 Apr 2006 Thu 07:58 pm

Quoting erdinc:

They drive me nuts. This is nightmare. I wish some natives would add a few commenst. These amateurs are crazy.

I added a comment and i also mentioned i have British nationality.. they won't have to know i wasn't raised in english and that my english isn't perfect either

Don't be driven too crazy about it though.. I'm always VERY annoyed by misusage of Dutch language too, but Kadir says i pull too strong on it and therefore it's me causing my annoyed feeling, not the one who uses incorrect.. so let it go a bit
It should be their problem, not yours!

9.       Etty
137 posts
 20 Apr 2006 Thu 08:39 pm

erdinç, don't let it get to you these forums are to help people learn. If people are more interested in being right than learning they will never learn.
That said why waste your energy on jerks like him when you could be looking at my thread on 'ise' and giving a nice person like me a hand!!!!
I have posted hope it helps.

10.       Etty
137 posts
 20 Apr 2006 Thu 08:43 pm

Re thread quoting 'may will be', you may like to point out the only time this could be correct is 'May will be warm this year'

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