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the poem that U dedicate to UR love
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30.       slavica
814 posts
 06 Jul 2006 Thu 10:27 am


Güneş yine tepemde
sen artık bir serapsın
yanlızlığın çölünde.
ve biliyorum ki;
Hiç kimseyi özlemedim,
seni özlediğim kadar...

Boğaz hala masmavi.
sen artık bir martı yuvasız
ve biliyorum ki;
Hiç kimseyi beklemedim,
seni beklediğim kadar...

Yol belgeselleri çekmiyorum,
Yollar sensiz ve sevisiz
güzellikler şehrinde.
ve biliyorum ki;
Hiç kimseyi öpmedim,
seni öptüğüm kadar.

Kuşlar ağaçlara küstü
ay bulutların ardında,
deniz fenerin çakmiyor artık.
Ve sen de biliyorsun ki;
hiç kimseyi sevmedim,
seni sevdiğim kadar...


The Sun is burning again
and you are a fantasy
in a desert of loneliness.
And I know
I havent missed anyone
so much as I have missed you.

The sea are still shining blue.
And you are a seamew lost in
the sky
and I know;
I havent waited for anyone
as much as I have
waited for you...

No more do I make documentaries
of journeys
journeys now without you
are meaningless in this land of beauty.
and I know;
I havent kissed anyone
as much as I have kissed you.

Birds dont talk anymore to trees
The moon is hidind behind the clouds
your lighthouse doesnt light anymore
and you know my love
I havent loved anyone
as much as I have loved you

Translated by Erdinç

31.       Aenigma
0 posts
 21 Jul 2006 Fri 01:40 am

Bir Gün - Ãœmit Yaşar Oğuzcan

Apansız uyanırsan gecenin bir yerinde
Gözlerin uzun uzun karanlığa dalarsa
Bir sıcaklık duyarsan üşÃ¼yen ellerinde
Ve saatler gecikmiş zamanları çalarsa
Bil ki seni düşÃ¼nüyorum

Bir vapur yanaşırsa rıhtımına bin, acil
Örtün karanlıkları masmavi denizlerde
Ve dinle kalbimi bak nasıl çarpıyor nasıl
O bütün özlemlerin koyulaştığı yerde
Bil ki seni bekliyorum

Bir sabah gün doğarken aç perdelerini, bak
Sevinçle balkonuna konuyorsa martılar
Kendini tadılmamış derin bir hazza bırak
Dökülsün dudağından en umutlu şarkılar
Bil ki seni istiyorum

Gecelerden bir gece uyanırsan apansız
Uzaklarda elemli, garip bir kuş öterse
Bir ceylan ağlıyorsa dağlarda yapayalnız
Ve bir gün kabrimde bir kara gül biterse
Bil ki seni seviyorum

One Day - Ãœmit Yaşar Oğuzcan

If you wake up all of a sudden in the middle of the night
If you get lost in your thoughts looking into the darkness
If you feel a warmth on your cold hands
And if the alarm clock rings times that are too late
Know that I am thinking of you

If a ferry approaches your quay, get on, hurry
Take the darkness as your blanket on the blue seas
And listen to my heart, how it beats
In that place where all the longing condenses
Know that I am waiting for you

One morning, at the start of a new day, open your curtains and look
If the seagulls are landing on your balcony with happiness
Leave yourself to a deep untasted joy
Let the most hopeful songs come out of your lips
Know that I want you

If you wake up all of a sudden, one night among all the nights
If you hear the chirping of a poor, sorrowful bird at a distance
If a gazelle is crying on the mountains, alone
And if a black rose grows on my grave one day
Know that I love you

32.       Aenigma
0 posts
 22 Jul 2006 Sat 01:04 am

No apologies for posting another poem already featured on this site - because it takes my breath away and so I will dedicate it to the one I love:

Nasıl oldu anlayamadım
Nedenini sorma boşyere
Seni kucaklamak geldi içimden
Kendimi tutamadım işte geldim yanına

Anladım sendin aradığım hayatım boyunca
Kim koşup açmaz hemen aşk kapıyı çalınca
Yalnız yaşamak zor beklemek ondan da zor
Çektiklerim artık yeter gel benimle ol
Mantık irade kuvvet
Sevince pek işlemiyor
Canım seninle olmak istiyor

İnanmazdım sevgiye
Gülerdim ben herkese
Derdim; insan kısmetini kendi bulur isterse
Oysa sözler ne kadar boş insan sevince
Kalbim sanki deli gibi seni görünce

Mantık irade kuvvet
Sevince pek işlemiyor
Canım seninle olmak istiyor

I couldn't comprehend how, but
We met
Out of nowhere.
Don't ask me why, there is no point
I just wanted to hug you.
I couldn't help myself, and I came to you.

I see now, it was you I have been looking for all my life
Is there anyone who won't open the door when it's love knocking...
It is hard to live alone, but it is even harder to wait
I suffered enough, come and stay with me.
Reason, determination, strength...
They just don't work when you are in love
I want to be with you.

I used to not believe in love
I used to laugh at other people
I used to say, one will create his own destiny
But words are vain when you are in love
My heart goes crazy whenever I see you

Reason, determination, strength...
They just don't work when you are in love
I want to be with you.

Zuhal Olcay

33.       sophie
2712 posts
 08 Aug 2006 Tue 02:54 pm

SMALL AUTUMN ΕLEGY - Christos Koulouris

This wind will betray us.

Telling everywhere,
That it was yesterday that you held in your hands
The heartbeat of an autumn,
And you saw the swooning of a town under the rain.

This wind will betray us.

Whistling everywhere,
Which streets we walked in the night,
In which windows the dreams of people were gleaming,
Which gardens bloomed with our breath.

This wind will betray us.

All alone it was following us,
Gathering the love from each step we took,
From each moment,
That turns into an ocean blue wave and strikes us back with passion.

This wind will betray us.

It took the shiver from our bodies,
And all the courage, that hides inside our desire,
The height from the stars, the sob from the sea, the odd bitterness,
That the teardrop of rain brings, when it rolls on a face.

This wind will betray us.

There will exist no other moment like now,
It is now that the feeling is living inside us all alive,
The sense of the new juice in the blood, the joy of consent,
The journey in the silence of debt and …the end.

34.       SuiGeneris
3922 posts
 09 Aug 2006 Wed 12:05 am

VE SENI KAYBETMEK (and losing you)

O seni düşÃ¼nmek yok mu
Geceler dolusu seni düşÃ¼nmek
Sarılmak karanlıklara sen diye
Sen diye kucaklamak yorganı okşamak, öpmek

O seni beklemek yok mu
Her gün sabahlara dek uykusuz beklemek
Ahh, ayak sesleri, kapı gıcırtıları bilemezsin
Bir defa yaşamaktır o, bin defa ölmek

O seni özlemek yok mu
Saçlarını, ellerini, dudaklarını özlemek
Uzun uzun gözgöze gelmek seninle
Seninle bir olmak, beraber olmak, sevişmek

O seni gizlemek yok mu
Kuşlardan, çiçeklerden bile kıskanıp gizlemek
Seni saklamak içimde delice, divanece
Öylece yaşamak seni, öylece sevmek

Ve seni kaybetmek yok mu
Bulduktan sonra seni kaybetmek
İşte o beni yakan, yıkan, solduran
Ses versem de duyamazsın artık
Yüreğimde kan, gözlerimde kan, dudaklarımda kan

Ahmet Selcuk İLKAN

That thinking of you?
full of nights thinking of you
hugging darkness as if it is you
hugging blankets as if it is you, caressing, kissing

That waiting for you?
everyday waiting sleepless till mornings
Aaahh, that foot step sounds, the moans of doors you cant know
living once is that, and dying thousand times

that missing you?
missing your hair, your hands, you lips.
being eye to eye long and long times with you
being one with you, being together with you, and making love.

That hiding you?
from birds,and flowers jealosing and hiding
keeping you inside of me crazily, madly
living you like that, loving you

And that losing you?
losing you after finding...
and thats burning me, ruining me, fading me
even if i shout you dont hear anymore
blood in my heart, blood in my eyes, blood on my lips

35.       maisie
31 posts
 09 Aug 2006 Wed 02:33 pm

I Loved You
by Alexander Pushkin

I loved you-
even now I may confess
Some embers of my love their fire retain
But do not let it cause you more distress-
I do not want to sadden you again.

Hopeless and tongue-tied, yet, I loved you dearly
With pangs the jealous the timid know
So tenderly I loved you, so sincerely,
I pray God grant another love you so.

36.       SuiGeneris
3922 posts
 16 Aug 2006 Wed 12:52 pm

Jacques Prevert - This Love

This love
So violent
So fragile
So tender
So hopeless
This love
Beautiful as the day
And bad as the weather
When the weather is bad
This love so true
This love so beautiful
So happy
So joyous
And so pathetic
Trembling with fear like a child in the dark
And so sure of itself
Like a tranquil man in the middle of the night
This love that made others afraid
That made them speak
That made them go pale
This love intently watched
Because we intently watch it
Run down hurt trampled finished denied forgotten
Because we ran it down hurt it trampled
it finished it denied it forgot it

This whole entire love
Still so lively
And so sunny
It's yours
It's mine
That which has been
This always new thing
And which hasn't changed
As true as a plant
As trembling as a bird
As warm as live as summer
We can both of us
Come and go
We can forget
And then go back to sleep
Wake up suffer grow old
Go back to sleep again
Awake smile and laugh
And feel younger
Our love stays there
Stubborn as an ass
Lively as desire
Cruel as memory
Foolish as regrets
Tender as remembrance
Cold as marble
Beautiful as day
Fragile as a child
It watches us, smiling

And it speaks to us without saying a word
And me I listen to it, trembling
And I cry out
I cry out for you
I cry out for me
I beg you
For you for me for all who love each other
And who loved each other
Yes I cry out to it
For you for me and for all the others
That I don't know
Stay there
There where you are
There where you were in the past
Stay there
Don't move
Don't go away
We who loved each other
We've forgotten you
Don't forget us
We had only you on the earth
Don't let us become cold
Always so much farther away
And anywhere
Give us a sign of life
Much later on a dark night
In the forest of memory
Appear suddenly
Hold your hand out to us
And save us...

37.       sophie
2712 posts
 17 Aug 2006 Thu 05:23 pm

I hide you inside me...
Constantly I stroll around the end of my logic
On the edge, where it meets the unreasonable, I roam
Which logic can bring you here, beside me?

In the absurd, in the imaginary
I can undisturbed speak to you
For the unspoken that besiege my thoughts
And your thoughts…yes...

And you speak to me, you sing to me, you carry me away
Your words crimson roses that stretch out their petals to my each corner
Your breath shapes waves of desire in my mind’s ocean
Also unutterable...

Your kiss on my lips speaks of journeys
Narrated a thousand times...
I touch your lips and with my fingers I follow
Their shape…
Like a journey in the ocean...

And when you touch me, the full moon above us is dyed red
And entirely full and proud it shines night and day in the sky…

38.       bliss
900 posts
 18 Aug 2006 Fri 10:43 am

If You Were Coming In The Fall
by Emily Dickinson

If you were coming in the fall
I'd brush the summer by
With half a smile and half a spurn
As housewives do a fly.

If I could see you in a year
I'd wind the months in balls
And put them into separate drawers
Until their time befalls.

If only centuries delayed
I'd count them on my hand
Subtracting 'till my fingers dropped
Into Van Diemen's land

If certain when this life was out
That yours and mine should be
I'd toss life yonder like a rind
And taste eternity.

But now all ignorant of length,
Of times uncertain wing,
It goads me like the goblin bee
That will not state its sting!

39.       corrine ashleig
19 posts
 18 Aug 2006 Fri 10:47 am

hi sophie! i like those poem from you.. keep it up!

40.       sophie
2712 posts
 18 Aug 2006 Fri 03:03 pm

Quoting corrine ashleig:

Thank you

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