I have made baklava soo many times, once you make it you will be able to make it and never forget it. I worked at a greek restuarant and the chef showed me.
Now, the secret for a good baklava is to use REAL butter. Now, when i was in turkey, i did not really like their baklava because their butter is a bit different, I think they use goat cream for that, as in goat´s milk. The second biggest secret is to brush each layer of phyllo VERY GENEROUSLLY with butter. It give it the crispy and lightness and ofcourse awsome flavour.
The best butter is butter made from cow´s cream and it must have a hint of salt in it. I know many recipes say "use unsalted butter" , but the salt in the butter fuses marvellouslly with the cinnamon, all spice and sugar once you pop it in the oven.
In turkey they have thicker pastry, but I know in the West we use the greek style phyllo which is thin, I recommend it, because it makes the baklava lighter and crispier.
This recipe I used when i made baklava for turkish students and they allllll loved it!! So you should not go wrong
You can either make a pistachio baklava or walnut, i prefer the walnut, because the flavour is good with all spices.
500g of rougly chopped walnuts (don´t make it too small, you don´t want to loose the crunch)
1 packet of phyllo (thaw it well, if phyllo is not thawed well once it is out of the freezer it will tear and break easily)
2 teaspoons of cinnamon
1, 5 teaspoon of all spice (this is a mixture of nutmet, cinnamon, anis ect) if you can´t find it in a shop, add cinnamon, nutmec, sweet spice and anis)
500g of butter (you can use unsalted, but i prefer salted)
a quare pyrex dish
4 table spoons of white sugar
for the syrup
2-3 tablespoons of lemon (i never us the lemon for the baklava , but if you want to give it an exotic flavour add it, but not too muh)
1 cinnamon stick
3 table spoons of white sugar
2 tea cups of water.
Preheat oven at 200 degrees
melt butter in microwave, or in a sause pan and set aside
Mix cinnamon, all spice, sugar in a bowel and set a side with a spoon
brush the pyrex dish very generouslly with butter.
2. Unfold the phyllo gently and cut according to the side of your dish. The idea of a baklava it needs to fit the dish exactly.
When phyllo is cut. place one layer of phyllon the dish and then brush generouslly. Continue to layer till you have six layers of phyllo
3. Spread your nut mixture well with a spoon so that the phyllo is fully covered.
4. Continue to layer, after every 5-6 layer spread the nut mixture. Layer until you have reached the top of your dish.
Pour remaining melted butter over the baklava
5. With a sharp knife, cut the baklava right rough but don´t cut the bottom layer of it. Cut either in square or in diamond shapes.
6. Place baklava in oven and let it bake for 20 minutes. However, stoves differ, so make sure to check your baklava every 10 minutes. You will see it bubbling because of the sugar and nut mixture. Take it out when it is golden on top.
7. Let it cool for 5-10 minutes
In a heavy saucepan
add the sugar and water.
Add the cinnamon stick
Add your lemon juice (optional)
Stir the the syrup continouslly over low head until the sugar has dissolved. Don´t let it boil!!!
When finished, pour the syrup in the sliced groves of the baklava, the best part is to hear the baklava sizzle when pouring the syrup.
Let it set for until cool.
Serve with ice cream or just as.
Never eat more than one baklava slice, you will die of the amazing taste I always make Baklava in winter or in summer. It is lovely when it is warmed up in winter and delicious at room temperature.
* Never eat baklava that has been standing for more than 10 days, due to the sugar levels and its sticky, it will become soggy and will mold.