I drive in Turkey, but only round Bodrum penisular and Bodrum at night. Its great fun, as long as you drive at your pace and not others. Don´t be harrased by crazy drivers behind you, they will soon overtake you. Also, be aware at T junctions, while I was looking for oncoming traffic a Turkish driver pulled out from behind me and turned left the way I was going.
It´s true Turkish drivers do not observe the rules and seem to make up their own. Oh, and also be aware of cows, ducks and slow walking Turks crossing roads, other than that, enjoy, there´s some beautifull scenery to look at (not while driving of course)
Especially in that area people shouldn´t drive too fast...jeez, the police LOVE to have stake-outs there 
And to the list of animals I want to add goats and chickens.