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1.       carol.trky
165 posts
 18 May 2006 Thu 12:12 am

2.       caliptrix
3055 posts
 18 May 2006 Thu 12:18 am


not herkeze!...

3.       carol.trky
165 posts
 18 May 2006 Thu 12:21 am

4.       caliptrix
3055 posts
 18 May 2006 Thu 12:32 am

Quoting carol.trky:

herkeze slm, I need help with this.. I hope someone can help me...

about Personal Past Tense Suffixes...
Normal Forms
-dim/-dım/-dum/-düm or (After Vowels) -ydim .etc.. - I was
-din . etc.. or -ydin - you were
-di. etc.. or -ydi - he/she/it was
-dik. etc.. or -ydik - we were
-diniz. etc.. or -ydiniz - you were
-diler. etc.. or -ydiler - they were

and then

Consonant Mutation
-tim. etc.. - I was
-tin - you were
-ti - he/she/it was
-tik - we were
-tiniz - you were
-tiler - they were

then it will be like -ytim, -ytum??? and like that???

i think you looked here:
www.turkishclass.com/grammar_regularPastTense.htm ?

-ydım.. is just for after nouns:

but it is iyi olmak:to be good.

not just a verb... like gitmek:to go
gittim: i went
kaldım: i stayed
uyudum:i slept

but: şıradışı olmak:to be extraordinary
o sıradışıydı.... he was extraordinary...
so here is to be verb+ noun.

and always -ydın... not -ytın.

5.       carol.trky
165 posts
 18 May 2006 Thu 12:37 am

6.       caliptrix
3055 posts
 18 May 2006 Thu 12:41 am

Quoting carol.trky:

thank u so much YaaaaaSHinnnn now I see, how did said -ytin hahaha sounds funny, thanks amigooooo

lollollol did i say you charol? lollollol

bu işte kötüydü ama gün geçtikçe iyileşti.
he was bad at this job but he got better day by day.

7.       carol.trky
165 posts
 18 May 2006 Thu 12:43 am

8.       caliptrix
3055 posts
 18 May 2006 Thu 12:48 am


Quoting carol.trky:

lollollol did i say you charol? lollollol

bu işte kötüydü ama gün geçtikçe iyileşti.
he was bad at this job but he got better day by day.

evet, orumcek var, hahaha

by the way, look at this:

o bir örümcekti. it was a spider.

9.       carol.trky
165 posts
 18 May 2006 Thu 12:51 am

10.       caliptrix
3055 posts
 18 May 2006 Thu 12:56 am

then, he was a spider... o bir örümcekti...

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