General/Off-topic |
Missing persons at tc...
350. |
08 Nov 2007 Thu 07:16 pm |
Quoting AEnigma III:
Maybe he is Polyanna?  |
Hmmmmmmmmm, that is an intriquing theory. But crazy as the dear boy is he is never that boring.
351. |
08 Nov 2007 Thu 07:17 pm |
Quoting femme_fatal:
or hes drunkard? |
I'll drink to that!!
353. |
08 Nov 2007 Thu 08:27 pm |
STOP mentioning the "D" word!!! Libralady has been sucking lemons again today...
354. |
08 Nov 2007 Thu 09:06 pm |
Quoting AEnigma III: STOP mentioning the "D" word!!! Libralady has been sucking lemons again today...  |
ewwwwwwwwww .. no wonder we can't use our favourite words anymore .. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiduuuuu know lemons are a natural water pill .. hahahahahahaha ..
355. |
08 Nov 2007 Thu 11:07 pm |
Quoting AEnigma III: STOP mentioning the "D" word!!! Libralady has been sucking lemons again today...  |
I am so honoured that you give your valuable time (wasting your DUDUing time), to scrutinise my uhmmm let me think 4 posts today only to discover that you have lost your sense of humour!
356. |
08 Nov 2007 Thu 11:09 pm |
Quoting AEnigma III: STOP mentioning the "D" word!!! Libralady has been sucking lemons again today...  |
no, she hasnt.
she falls asleep over a reading, i wonder what she drinks before starts reading?
357. |
08 Nov 2007 Thu 11:56 pm |
In any case I do miss the resident animal, asshole and strange thread starter.....where oh were has our dear pagli gone?
358. |
09 Nov 2007 Fri 07:28 am |
yes, he was weird at first but then he got really normal/helpful for a while "disgust creature" was my favorite comment of his.
359. |
09 Nov 2007 Fri 07:44 am |
Quoting Aslan: ...the only reason for disappearing is the good feeling of being missed...
...don´t worry about the cake, sweetie...I am on a diet! I have lost so much weight lately I weigh now what I weighed 15 years ago! hay mal que por bien no they say in spanish...I don´t remember how to translate it to english...
...I have missed you too!  |
no hay mal que por bien no venga maybe can b like this " there is not bad thing that cant come from a good thing"
360. |
10 Nov 2007 Sat 12:46 am |
...where is bod these days?