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Shortened form of future tense
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40.       caliptrix
3055 posts
 16 May 2006 Tue 09:13 pm

But don't forget this:

You cannot use them while you writing.
It is not like in English: i will=i'll
You may write like this in English,^^

But not in Turkish... They are just to say.
say: görecez/görcez/görüceğz
but write: göreceğiz

41.       erdinc
2151 posts
 17 May 2006 Wed 02:28 am

I have edited my first few posts in this thread.

I decided to avoid the slang version of future tense pronounciations.

Please check messages till message number 6 for updated information.

Let me summarize this issue:

There is only one correct way to write verbs in future tense conjugation and this is by including -ecek or -acak suffixes.

1. Correct spelling: "yapacağım, yapacaksın, yapacak, yapacağız, yapacaksınız, yapacaklar, gideceğim, arayacak mısın?"

2. Suggested pronounciation is according "Istanbul Turkish". We normally would pronounce these words as "yapıcağm, yapıcaksın, yapıcak, yapıcağz, yapıcaksınız, yapıcaklar, gidiceğm, arıyıcak mısın?"

3. Pronouncing them as they are written (#1) is also acceptable.

4. There is one more and shorter way to pronounce them. It goes like "yapçam, yapçaksın, yapçak, gitçem etc." and I think it is best to avoid this street slang.

42.       oceanmavi
997 posts
 17 May 2006 Wed 04:42 pm

Quoting caliptrix:

But don't forget this:

You cannot use them while you writing.
It is not like in English: i will=i'll
You may write like this in English,^^

But not in Turkish... They are just to say.
say: görecez/görcez/görüceğz
but write: göreceğiz

ok i'll remember thanks caliptrix

43.       Deli_kizin
6376 posts
 17 May 2006 Wed 04:45 pm

Quoting erdinc:

4. There is one more and shorter way to pronounce them. It goes like "yapçam, yapçaksın, yapçak, gitçem etc." and I think it is best to avoid this street slang.

Too bad Because i think they're way easier than their full versions

44.       oceanmavi
997 posts
 17 May 2006 Wed 04:53 pm

when i first started learning turkish i used to wonder why no one ever said 'i will...', then when i learnt there were shorter versions i realised they did say it, they just never said the full versions!

45.       mltm
3690 posts
 17 May 2006 Wed 05:15 pm

Quoting erdinc:

2. Suggested pronounciation is according "Istanbul Turkish". We normally would pronounce these words as "yapıcağm, yapıcaksın, yapıcak, yapıcağz, yapıcaksınız, yapıcaklar, gidiceğm, arıyıcak mısın?"

4. There is one more and shorter way to pronounce them. It goes like "yapçam, yapçaksın, yapçak, gitçem etc." and I think it is best to avoid this street slang.

I agree with Erdinç. If you trust your turkish and want to do a shortening as nearly all the natives do in speaking, you should learn the best pronounciation.
And avoid yapçam, yapcam, yapacam cuz they won't make you sound well. Choose yapıcağm versions. It's important I think, because once you get one version, it's difficult to get rid of it.

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