Turkey |
Recent Events in Turkey
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01 Jun 2013 Sat 10:19 pm |
We see some news on European and American newspapers and websites: Springs of Turkey has started.
Westerns! You have been thinking us as the same as the Arabics. We are not Arabic. We cannot Arab. We are different, we are much more different people, we are Turkish people. We hope no spring(!) will come to us.
The foreigners in this site! You should think this text is an advice from a Turk, not a threat. I think most of you have been thinking many things are going well in Turkey. Thus you saw many things are going wrong. We hope you have understood that many things are not like our government had been showing.
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02 Jun 2013 Sun 10:07 am |
Whatever they may call it, I wouldn´t mind.
To call this a "Turkish Spring" would be over-dramatizing it. It could be, if there were opposition forces in Turkey that could move in to stop the one man show of a mighty power holder. But it can easily be said that the Taksim brinkmanship marked a turning point in the almighty image of Erdoğan. Big mistake!
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02 Jun 2013 Sun 12:00 pm |
Whatever they may call it, I wouldn´t mind.
To call this a "Turkish Spring" would be over-dramatizing it. It could be, if there were opposition forces in Turkey that could move in to stop the one man show of a mighty power holder. But it can easily be said that the Taksim brinkmanship marked a turning point in the almighty image of Erdoğan. Big mistake!
Merhaba si++ ! Are you aware of Elif Shafak´s book, "Baba ve Piç" ?
There is so much nonfiction in this, but she legally has to write her work under nonfiction. So, Here is a seçilmiş parça, an excerpt, from page 81:
"We are stuck. We are stuck between the East and West.
Between the past and the future. On one hand there are the
secular modernists, so proud of the regime they constructed, you cannot
breathe a critical word. They´ve got the army and half the state on their side.
On the other hand there are the conventional traditionalists, so infatuaetd with the Ottoman past, you cannot breathe a critical word.They´ve got the general
public and the remaining half of the state on their side. "
Bu suretle, (In this manner) si++,
do you believe this movement that Erdoğan, the 25th and current Prime
Minister of Turkey, supports, will help lead Istanbul into joing the EU?
On page 82 of "Baba ve Piç", she writes:
"Everyone is obsessed with entering the EU, making profits, buying stocks,
trading up their cars, and trading up their girlfriends. . . . "
Why do Istanbul´s general public desire to join the
EU, however they make protests for developments like this? I am confused
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02 Jun 2013 Sun 01:03 pm |
Merhaba si++ ! Are you aware of Elif Shafak´s book, "Baba ve Piç" ? Only I heard of the name of he book. She´s not my favorite writer.
There is so much nonfiction in this, but she legally has to write her work under nonfiction. So, Here is a seçilmiş parça, an excerpt, from page 81:
"We are stuck. We are stuck between the East and West.
Between the past and the future. On one hand there are the
secular modernists, so proud of the regime they constructed, you cannot
breathe a critical word. They´ve got the army and half the state on their side.
On the other hand there are the conventional traditionalists, so infatuaetd with the Ottoman past, you cannot breathe a critical word.They´ve got the general
public and the remaining half of the state on their side. "
Bu suretle, (In this manner) si++,
do you believe this movement that Erdoğan, the 25th (This is wrong) and current Prime
Minister of Turkey, supports, will help lead Istanbul into joing the EU? Joining EU? It´s a dead project! Europe is dying. Why should we be a part of it?
On page 82 of "Baba ve Piç", she writes:
"Everyone is obsessed with entering the EU, making profits, buying stocks,
trading up their cars, and trading up their girlfriends. . . . "
Why do Istanbul´s general public desire to join the
EU, however they make protests for developments like this? I am confused
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02 Jun 2013 Sun 02:54 pm |
A nice point of view by a columnist:
- Gezi Parkı için yapacağımız AVM’den vazgeçtik. - İstanbul’un son kalan yeşil alanını heba etmeyeceğiz… - Oradaki ağaçlara dokunmayacağız… - Orayı daha da şahane bir park haline getireceğiz… Başbakan Erdoğan çıksa… Ve böyle dese… Ne olur?
- Küçülür mü, yoksa büyür mü? - Karizması gider mi, yoksa artar mı? - Sözünden dönmüş olarak mı görülür, yoksa hatadan dönmüş olarak mı görülür? - Taraftarları isyan mı eder, yoksa alkışlar mı? - Sevmeyenleri aşağılar mı, yoksa takdir mi eder? - Ezbere mi teslim olur, yoksa ezberi bozmuş mu olur? - Türkiye daha mutsuz mu olur, yoksa daha mutlu mu olur? Söyleyin lütfen… Ne olur?
- We have given up building a shooping center on Gezi Park
- We will not remove the last green zone in that area.
- We will not cut the trees there.
- We will turn that place into a better park.
If the PM shows up and say something like this, what would happen?
- Would it be an embarasment for him or condifence?
- Would he lose his charisma or get it bigger?
- Would it be concieved as giving up one´s decision or stepping back from a mistake?
- Would his supporters protest him or applause him?
- Would his opponents humiliate him or appreciate him?
- Would Turkia be happier or sorrier?
Please tell me! What would it be?
Edited (6/2/2013) by si++
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02 Jun 2013 Sun 03:28 pm |
Sana katılmıyorum si++
Tüm bunların Gezi Parkı ile ilgili olduğunu düşünmek bence at gözlüğü ile bakmak olur. Her ne kadar samimi olanlar olsa da protestocuların arasında krizi fırsat olarak gören (!) art niyetliler çoğunlukta. Malesef medya da buna çanak tutuyor. Öyle içi boş haberler var ki.. bunların çözüme ne katkısı olacak anlamak imkansız..
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02 Jun 2013 Sun 03:44 pm |
A nice point of view by a columnist:
- Gezi Parkı için yapacağımız AVM’den vazgeçtik. - İstanbul’un son kalan yeşil alanını heba etmeyeceğiz… - Oradaki ağaçlara dokunmayacağız… - Orayı daha da şahane bir park haline getireceğiz… Başbakan Erdoğan çıksa… Ve böyle dese… Ne olur?
- Küçülür mü, yoksa büyür mü? - Karizması gider mi, yoksa artar mı? - Sözünden dönmüş olarak mı görülür, yoksa hatadan dönmüş olarak mı görülür? - Taraftarları isyan mı eder, yoksa alkışlar mı? - Sevmeyenleri aşağılar mı, yoksa takdir mi eder? - Ezbere mi teslim olur, yoksa ezberi bozmuş mu olur? - Türkiye daha mutsuz mu olur, yoksa daha mutlu mu olur? Söyleyin lütfen… Ne olur?
- We have given up building a shooping center on Gezi Park
- We will not remove the last green zone in that area.
- We will not cut the trees there.
- We will turn that place into a better park.
If the PM shows up and say something like this, what would happen?
- Would it be an embarasment for him or condifence?
- Would he lose his charisma or get it bigger?
- Would it be concieved as giving up one´s decision or stepping back from a mistake?
- Would his supporters protest him or applause him?
- Would his opponents humiliate him or appreciate him?
- Would Turkia be happier or sorrier?
Please tell me! What would it be?
- AVM yapilacak diye bir sey yok diyor
- son yesil alan oldugunu tabi ki kabul etmez (yani gercekten kalan son yesil alani mi? olayi bu kadar mi carpitma geregi duyuyorlar?), bu yazarin fikirlerindekiler olayi bu sekilde dramatize ederlerse karsit dusuncede olanlar da baska turlu dramatize eder (ediyorlar da zaten)
-olayin agaclarla ilgili olmadigini herkes soyluyor, bunu kabul ediyor, hem eylemciler hem de hukumet
- zaten ne yapilacagi belli degil diyor, park da yapilir diyebilir (demeyebilir de) ama olayi park yapmak diye kucultulmesini isteyenler zaten bu olay agaclardan parklardan ibaret degil diyorlar.
boyle derse, ne olacak, bence su anda ne oluyorsa yine o olur. birazcik agizlar degismis olur, protesto edenler yaptiklari fikri savunmalari ve fikri saldirilari baska yerlerden cikarir. hic bir sey degismez. ne basbakan degisir ne de yukaridaki satirlari yazan yazarin dusunceleri.
sanki herkes buyuk bir tutarlilikla is mi yapiyor? polis ayri bir yanilgida, hukumet ayri bir yanilgida. agaclarimizi yikiyorlar diyerek olayi baslatip daha sonra ´artik bu olayin agaclarla, cevreyle alakasi yok´ diyenler de ayri bir tutarsizlikta. su goruntude bir tane tutarlilik gormuyorum. herkes inatci, herkes tutarsiz ve herkes kaybediyor. taraf olanlar da, ve sonunda taraf olmak istemeyenler de... hepsi kayipta.
yani kisaca, neden kotu olan iki taraftan birini secmek gerekiyor hep?
shortly; why do I have to choose one of the side which are both bad?
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02 Jun 2013 Sun 04:02 pm |
Sana katılmıyorum si++ It´s not me! It´s Ahmet Hakan who wrote it.
Tüm bunların Gezi Parkı ile ilgili olduğunu düşünmek bence at gözlüğü ile bakmak olur. I didn´t say so. It was the last drop that spilled over. Everyhing else followed naturally. Her ne kadar samimi olanlar olsa da protestocuların arasında krizi fırsat olarak gören (!) art niyetliler çoğunlukta. Malesef medya da buna çanak tutuyor. What are you talking about? Turkish TVs ignored the unrest. Many Turks watched the riots on foreign networks. Many others turned to the Internet, making the ‘direngeziparki’ hashtag an instant Twitter hit. Öyle içi boş haberler var ki.. bunların çözüme ne katkısı olacak anlamak imkansız..
I answered your comments in English because I want others too to follow the discussion.
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02 Jun 2013 Sun 04:35 pm |
Şaştım kaldım valla. Ben herhalde farklı bir dünyada yaşıyorum. Başkalarının söylediği ya da yaptıklarından ziyade kendi görüşlerin varsa dinlemekten keyif alırım.
Cevaplarımı Türkçe yazıyorum çünkü sorunlarımızı başkalarına taşımadan kendi içimizde halledebilecek olgunlukta olduğumuza inanıyorum. Kol kırılır yen içinde kalır.
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02 Jun 2013 Sun 04:46 pm |
I was in Istanbul when this fisrt started and it was not yet this bad. The protest was for the protection of Gezi park. Is another shopping center really necessary?
I returned to my country and have not hear anything about this until yesterday.
Was it really neccessary to pepper spray people who were in a peacefull demonstration?
I do not blame one bit the people for escelating their protests. It shows a collective "we have enought and want to be heard" but to call it the Turkish spring I am not really ready to say that. It is the people voiceing their discontente towards a democraticly elected government just like any other protest in any other country.
For now the only way I can get news of what is happening are from my friends that are there, facebook posts and tweets.