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Recent Events in Turkey
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10.       stumpy
638 posts
 02 Jun 2013 Sun 04:46 pm

I was in Istanbul when this fisrt started and it was not yet this bad.  The protest was for the protection of Gezi  park.  Is another shopping center really necessary?

I returned to my country and have not hear anything about this until yesterday.

Was it really neccessary to pepper spray people who were in a peacefull demonstration?

I do not blame one bit the people for escelating their protests.  It shows a collective "we have enought and want to be heard" but to call it the Turkish spring I am not really ready to say that.  It is the people voiceing their discontente towards a democraticly elected government just like any other protest in any other country.

For now the only way I can get news of what is happening are from my friends that are there, facebook posts and tweets. 

mehmet111 liked this message
11.       Johnk
468 posts
 02 Jun 2013 Sun 04:54 pm

si++ thanks for writing in english as i am trying to follow this from UK.

I try to keep in touch in what is happening in Turkey on the net and english written papers like the Turkish Daily News.I was aware of turkish people being unhappy about various government decisions.But the recent events have been a big shock to us here in UK.We didnt realise the depth of feelings.

We are on holiday in Kadikoy in a few weeks time and can´t wait to get there as it´s been 4 years since last visit. So lets hope things get sorted out for the best.


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12.       Abla
3648 posts
 02 Jun 2013 Sun 09:32 pm

Quote: si++


- We have given up building a shooping center on Gezi Park

- We will not remove the last green zone in that area.

- We will not cut the trees there.

- We will turn that place into a better park.


If the PM shows up and say something like this, what would happen?


- Would it be an embarasment for him or condifence?

- Would he lose his charisma or get it bigger?

- Would it be concieved as giving up one´s decision or stepping back from a mistake?

- Would his supporters protest him or applause him?

- Would his opponents humiliate him or appreciate him?

- Would Turkia be happier or sorrier?


Please tell me! What would it be?



A nice attempt of taking it onto an individual level. I often find myself thinking this way, finding reasons for people´s public behavior from their personal qualities.


Years in power change a person and not to the better. He is surrounded by people who support and flatter him and expect privileges in return. He may become blind to what really happens in his country, no matter how sincere his intentions once may have been. When he looks at the demonstrators he grows very small and instead of thinking like a great statesman he feels surprised and insulted.


Unfortunately politicians seldom think the way this columnist described.



Edited (6/2/2013) by Abla

13.       mehmet111
195 posts
 02 Jun 2013 Sun 10:27 pm


It is the people voiceing their discontente towards a democraticly elected government just like any other protest in any other country.

Mrs. Stumpy.


It is also controversial, if the elections were so democraticly. I´m not getting angry with you, I´m never accusing. Don´t understand false. It´s very possible that you can´t know this because you are foreign or haven´t got many knowledges about politics of Turkey.

The Turkish people didn´t get mad suddenly. This is a duration for more than eight years. The last thing was the fact that the police assaulted the youngs in Gezi Park even though those youngs were doing no bad thing.

Turkish people would be able to stand no more. Can you imagine a government which don´t let people to celebrate their own national day (clearest example: the anniversary of the foundation of our republic (29th October) and the Commemoration of Atatürk and Youth and Sports Day (19th May)) ? Yes. Who has founded our country is Atatürk and we have a government which is fully enemy to Atatürk.


There are many more events that are reason to revolt. But unfortunately today there were some provocateurs.

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14.       stumpy
638 posts
 03 Jun 2013 Mon 12:24 am

You are right mehmet111 I do not know what your country is going through but like in many coutries peaceful protests are being disturbed and turn into violence because of certain radical groups, here they are called black block, they mingle with the other protesters and when the time comes they put on black hoodies and masks and start problems.

I know that the peole did not get mad all of a sudden, I was in Istanbul when the manifestations first started for Gezi park.  It is normal that when strong arm tactics are used by the authoroties to disperse crowds that things boil over and all the discontent of the people comes out. 

I cannot say I am an expert on Turkish politics as I am not there but they have the right to voice their discontente and if the governing body is too oblivious or disconnected to see that the people have had enough then this is what happens.

All I wish for is that the peoples voices are heard and that the government takes appropriate actions to satisfy the people that elected them to power.

mehmet111 liked this message
15.       mehmet111
195 posts
 03 Jun 2013 Mon 12:30 am

And, our prime minister (RTE) are going to visit a few Arabic countries for a few days. And he will return on Thursday. This is a very recent news.


He has always wanted to make Turkey an Arabic country. And he is flying away to Arabic countries in such serious days.

16.       stumpy
638 posts
 03 Jun 2013 Mon 12:38 am

then it will come back and bite him in the preverbial ass, because when you leave your country in a state like Turkie is at the moment it is not good public relations for the government in question.  The people will remember and Erdogan will most likely regret doing so

LonsingerAmber liked this message
17.       mehmet111
195 posts
 03 Jun 2013 Mon 12:44 am

He does never be regret. He said many things, did many things for these 8-10 years and he did never be regret. You can be sure.

18.       AlphaF
5677 posts
 03 Jun 2013 Mon 08:36 am


Quoting si++

Whatever they may call it, I wouldn´t mind.


To call this a "Turkish Spring" would be over-dramatizing it. It could be, if there were opposition forces in Turkey that could move in to stop the one man show of a mighty power holder. But it can easily be said that the Taksim brinkmanship marked a turning point in the almighty image of Erdoğan. Big mistake!



His PRESIDENCY has become a distant dream....Big mistake !

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19.       AlphaF
5677 posts
 03 Jun 2013 Mon 12:45 pm

"We are stuck. We are stuck between the East and West.

Between the past and the future. On one hand there are the

secular modernists, so proud of the regime they constructed, you cannot

breathe a critical word.


That is the bulshit likes of Elif Şafak may be paid to spread around. Secular modernists, as the name implies, are modern; they set up the secular republic after a revolution, on the ruins of a shattered Empire.

Atatürk´s dream was that the new generations would keep the revolution alive and carry the Republic to levels of advanced civilization. He did not consider the young republic to be perfect and never recommended it be kept exactly as it was founded. When he was asked how he rated his followers, his reply was that he liked them better if the followers were ahead of him.

National target was set forward however, strays into past or habits of previous ages were not promoted or encouraged.

Today´s turmoil is not between people who differ in revolutionary ideals to carry the Republic forward. It is between revolutionaires and counter-revolutionaires.

Edited (6/3/2013) by AlphaF

20.       si++
3785 posts
 05 Jun 2013 Wed 10:58 am

Turkish Media


Foreign media noted that the protests had attracted relatively little mainstream media coverage in Turkey, due to either government pressure on media groups´ business interests, or simply ideological sympathy by media outlets.[42][272] The BBC noted that while some outlets have are aligned with the AKP or are personally close to Erdogan, "most mainstream media outlets - such as TV news channels HaberTurk and NTV, and the major centrist daily Milliyet - are loth to irritate the government because their owners´ business interests at times rely on government support. All of these have tended to steer clear of covering the demonstrations."[272] Few channels provided live coverage – one that did was Halk TV.[273]

"[On the afternoon of Friday, May 31, 2013] CNN Turk was broadcasting a food show, featuring the “flavors of Niğde.” Other major Turkish news channels were showing a dance contest and a roundtable on study-abroad programs. It was a classic case of the revolution not being televised. The whole country seemed to be experiencing a cognitive disconnect, with Twitter saying one thing, the government saying another, and the television off on another planet."[80]

At 1am on 2 June CNN Turk was broadcasting a documentary on penguins while CNN International was showing live coverage of the protests in Turkey.[274] "Many of the protesters complained about the lack of coverage on Turkish television. Some newspapers too were largely silent on the protests: on Saturday morning [2 June], the lead article in Sabah, a major pro-government newspaper, was about Erdogan´s campaign against smoking."[275] Sabah´s front page on 2 June did not feature the protests at all, but found space to cover "President Abdullah Gul being presented with a horse during his official visit to Turkmenistan."[276]

On 3 June the TV game show Kelime Oyunu ("Word Game"), on Bloomberg HT TV, hosted by Ali İhsan Varol supported the protests by placing questions and answers (eg "gazmaskesi", gas masks) that refer to the protests.[149] A previous attempt to smuggle protest support into other television shows included Kenan Doğulu taking off his top on a Turkish TV show ("Elidor Miss Turkey", Star TV, 31 May) to reveal an "Occupy Gezi" T-shirt.

On 3 June, thousands of white collar people working in the financial district of Maslak and Levent were gathered in front of Doğuş Media Center to protest coverage by Doğuş Holding´s NTV, one of the major news channels. NTV was forced to broadcast events live, while protesters chanted "satılmış medya istemiyoruz" ("We do not want media that is for sale."), "Tayyip istifa" ("Resign Tayyip"), "Her yer Taksim, her yer direniş" ("Taksim everywhere, resistance everywhere").

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