I think knowledge is very much important. The reason why women in my country (third world countries you can say) are played by many White Causscian men is that women here do not travel, lack of reality knowledge, so they think innocently and believed that all Causscian men are better (nicer/kinder, wiser) than Asian men (which is so wrong)....
The same with you travelled to Turkey, your excitement for visiting a strange country prevented you to see the reality. You lacked of knowledge, plus you let your guard down (just like women in my country). Lets see, if you live there for at least 2 months, I know you will have different mindset
Remember: No one can trick a wise and intelligent people becausel all tricks are seen by them.
If Turkish men are "all" bad, then how can I heard many great stories about Turkish people from many European backpackers I met during my one month staying in Tbilisi? (They lived in Turkey for at least 3-6 months, and they told possitive things with wise knowledge like locals).
I myself have a turkish boyfriend too, but he does not work in tourist agent, he is a government officer (Tax inspector).... He told me Turkish men are loyal and honest at heart (I believe him, because I believe humankind is genuine most of the time no matter where you born)
- Well,... my point is that.... If you treat a person with all dignity (not what you think you should treat them), then you attracts people who are admirable to you regardless of nationality and ethnicity.
Edited (9/30/2017) by kimluuthien
Edited (9/30/2017) by kimluuthien
Edited (9/30/2017) by kimluuthien
Edited (9/30/2017) by kimluuthien
Edited (9/30/2017) by kimluuthien
Edited (9/30/2017) by kimluuthien
[shorten my answer]