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1.       duskahvesi
858 posts
 05 Oct 2005 Wed 07:10 am

why ppl kill themselves?
just coz of character weakness of there is no was to be succesful????

2.       duskahvesi
858 posts
 05 Oct 2005 Wed 07:10 am


3.       catwoman
8933 posts
 05 Oct 2005 Wed 07:29 am

Jesus... Duskahvesi, you ask questions which take hundreds of books and lots of research to answer. People commit suicide for many different reasons, I even heard of someone thinking of doing this because he was curious about what happens when he dies and if there is an afterlife!

4.       duskahvesi
858 posts
 05 Oct 2005 Wed 07:41 am

what do they expect after dying?

5.       catwoman
8933 posts
 05 Oct 2005 Wed 07:58 am

heheh... they don't expect anything, they are just curious , isn't it interesting?

6.       duskahvesi
858 posts
 05 Oct 2005 Wed 08:00 am

too much
they can see smth

7.       duskahvesi
858 posts
 05 Oct 2005 Wed 10:44 pm

i really wonder this subject...

8.       sjm0698
53 posts
 05 Oct 2005 Wed 11:10 pm

My theory on this subject is neither a charater weakness, or that there is no way to be successful. When someone decides to kill themselves they mentally have come to the worst point possible, you may not understand if you have never felt depressed or severe anxiety over something. But, they feel there is no other way out, no way to make themselves happy or to feel better inside. They may feel that they are bringing pain to the ones they love, and they would be better off without them. Or, on the other end they may feel that they have nobody to love or who love them.

9.       erdinc
2151 posts
 06 Oct 2005 Thu 12:35 am

I think the idea grows inside you without you realising it first. At the beginning the person will ignore the idea and pretend it isnt existing. But with time the idea becomes stronger and stronger and takes control over you.
Even the most health looking people can commit suicide if this thought is hidden somewhere in the subconsciousness. It can be also hereditary.

An important detail is that a person just a short time before, possibly a few days ago, will talk about committing suicide to friends or relatives. The person will not tell you clearly what he or she is going to do but tell you enough to make you suspicious.

This is a way of asking for help. So you need to be aware at the time when you hear this from someone.

But it is perfectly all right for arabesk lovers to talk about this issue. This doesnt mean anything. They might say things like "I'm gonna kill myself if you leave me". But they will end up being drunk.

10.       kelley
131 posts
 06 Oct 2005 Thu 01:30 am

Merhaba/Selam Classy Classmates

sjm0698 & erdinc your replies I agree with

completely but sometimes these people are affected

by other situations one being medication I have heard

of a younglady who had taken and was perscribed an

Anti-ddepressent and committed suicide and I have

heard of others as well. It is so sad.

:-S duskahvesi for a interesting

but sad topic.

Peace & Love to all
Tsarevna Stacia


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