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Long-distance relationship...
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10 Oct 2005 Mon 12:53 pm |
how will you handle a long distance relationship?
could you please give some advices how to keep the
love going on inspite of the distance?
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10 Oct 2005 Mon 02:05 pm |
Any relationship is built on trust. If you trsut someone enough then distance does not matter. it is difficult and lonely but rewarding in the end. If you love someone enough and truely feel all of yoursle fonly wants that person then you can stand the test of time, if of course the other person is willing to also.
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10 Oct 2005 Mon 02:19 pm |
I have found it difficult sometimes with my long distance relationship. I get sms messages usually every day but when I dont hear from him then I start to worry, he says the same. With a text message you can not say all you want to. I have recently been talking to him via the Hotmail MSN site which is great as it is like having a real conversation. It is difficult to phone due to the hours we both work, the last time I phoned it cost me a lot of money.
If you are like me you need constant reassurance that they still care for you. The imagination is a terrible thing sometimes brings lots of doubts into your head.
All I can say is keep writing and sending messages and always be honest and if two people care for each other enough it will work out. Good Luck
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11 Oct 2005 Tue 07:20 am |
yup, you are right about that. it is really difficult to be faraway from your love. actually we are talking everyday over the phone. he is not that really faraway only about two hour drive from me. he is staying in ajman and im staying in abu dhabi. we only get the chance to meet every friday which both of us is off at work but not every week because he has to spend time with his family. he is living here in UAE (12 years now) with his Mom and sis. the hardest thing about our relationship is that his mom doesn't know about it so we have to meet in secret. but what is rewarding is that his sis is nice to me and she is supporting our relationship. him and his sis are worried about their mom because she is old and weak and they do not want to give her something to worry about. she is not yet accustomed to the fact that my bf is having relationship. i can understand, and i don't want him also for her mom to have worries because of me. but one thing that is bothering me is that even though she doesn't know me yet, she is already angry from me because she is thinking that i am taking his son away from her. i just hope that everything will turn out ok in the end. thanks for the advice.
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11 Oct 2005 Tue 07:36 am |
hi cheeky...short but is says it all! thanks!!
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11 Oct 2005 Tue 12:11 pm |
Ooooppppsss...he is from turkey by the way and is 12 years now staying here in United Arab Emirates. When I said they're planning to buy home it is in Turkey! Sorry I forgot! )
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21 Oct 2005 Fri 11:57 pm |
i live in pakistan and my canim lives in the netherlands we only went out for 3 months before i went abraod to study. the first 3 years went by fine we would call write mail sms and chat regularly but once that became less it has been one big struggle. especially since her family doesn't know about us and would be against it. my advice would be:
- be as open as you can be!
- have as much contact as possible without interfering in each others lives(dont expect the other person to stay up all night long just to talk to you)
- be romantic (send e-cards, poems ect)
- let the other person know you where thinking of him or her
- on valentines day go all out (send a package of goodies like choclate and what ever els you want to send, my girl ones send me socks! yes socks and i have to say that that was so sweet of her because it told me that she was worried about me and wanted to take care of me)
- on aneversaries call (there are some really cheap calling cards you could buy)
- keep eachother updated on all the major events in live
- most important trust each other, the second you think he or she is cheating call the other person and find out how much you guys love each other trust me if you dont it will only build up and consume you.
well hope that helps you. this is my 6th year away from my canim and inshallah it will be my last. kendine iyi bak selam
ohhh and since you are a lady let the man know how horrible and empty you feel without him. selam
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22 Oct 2005 Sat 01:52 am |
I totally agree with Dr. Amin. My long-distance-relationship is actually built on the same things he said.
It's indeed not easy, because you live 2 different lives and you cant put them together tho that is waht you long for. My boyfriend and i just made several times a day that we spent together. We drink tea together And sometimes we both rent the same film and go watch it together with the webcam on msn. It's funny. You just see another dimension of relationships. Next year i will move in with him, after i passed my exams. Then we will see the other dimension of the relationship like most people have, but i think with a different point of view: we prooved our love by our patience and we know we can fight for what we aim for.
Im not saying distance-love is more precious than other loves when they work out,because each love is precious in its own way. But when you handle the right way and a big love grows and stays, you have a strong base to rely on for the rest of your life!