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A frustrating situation, losing my mind
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19 Oct 2005 Wed 07:13 pm |
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19 Oct 2005 Wed 08:36 pm |
Well in my opinion you should be very very carefull, it's something strange with this guy.
Don't get me wrong, nut romantic poems and sweet words aren't anything special for turkish men who have grown up in turkish culture, full of love songs, love poetry and love at all.
I think he doen't seem to be faithfull or he could have problems with it in future. You said he remembered you during the whole year but he had 4 girls in thet time... Well it doesn't seem true love. That question to your father about his marriage was also strange.
What exactly do you know about him? I don't ask you to explain it on Forum but think yourself. Do you know him good enough to marry him?
You also should do it if you are so confused and not sure about your and his feelings. Long distance relationships require full trust from both sides.
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19 Oct 2005 Wed 08:52 pm |
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19 Oct 2005 Wed 08:59 pm |
Yes, what Seticio said is very wise. She knows Turkish culture a little better and all she said is very true.
This boy sounds suspicious... and if not now, you might have problems with him in the future. If you really love someone, let him go, if he comes back, he belongs to you, if not - he never did.
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19 Oct 2005 Wed 09:16 pm |
It sounds like you may mean something to him, but it's difficult because when you write things on here they sound different, I mean we can't see things as they happen. Perhaps he just sent you the same text again purposely. It's easy to be paranoid in long-distance relationships, I know this. The question he asked your dad is basically saying he will look at other women regardless of whatever happens. If he works in tourism he will be with girls often. You should get to know him better, but don't worry so much. Time will tell the answer. Perhaps some day you and him will be together. He kept his promise this time about contacting you, which is good. He invited you to meet his family,and also he said you won't touch (I presume you mean in that way) until your marriage, which shows he must have respect for you, more than just a fling. But that is just my opinion. You say his friends were 'shocked'? That seems good, don't you think?
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20 Oct 2005 Thu 12:44 am |
I can add a little something to this discussion. In your first post you said that he told you it is his job to be 'loving' to the ladies.
This is quite true. Turkish boys who work in tourist areas always smooze the punters! Do you understand this expression? it means basically they make themselves very attractive to the ladies because it keep them coming back to the bar/hotel/restaurant whatever, not just for that holiday but other years too. The texting is part of it also. The bosses in Turkey rely on their staff to forge relationships with the customers to keep them coming back. the boys who work, if they are successful at attracting the customers,will also get their jobs back the following summer. this is the way the entire Turkish tourist industry works. i hate to be so negative to you, but when he said he had 4 other girls he was telling the truth, although I would say for 4 girls he meant 10 girls (at least)
The reason he became so close to your dad is also simple. In turkish society Men are everything. although you will read lots on this site and others that turkish mothers are 'everything' actually it is the male relationships that are the most important. Just watch any group of turkish men together. Even the tiny 'boy' children are part of the group. They are encouraged to be like 'small men' the older boys will teach the little ones to be just like them. There is a very close bond between brothers, cousins uncles, fathers etc. they all look out for each other. This is a very powerful thing. Watch the boys in the tourist areas when they have finished work. They stay closely together and the camaraderie between them is very strong. He like your dad a lot because a) he is another man. b) He would need your fathers approval to 'court' you and c) Your father was the most important person in your family group.
There are two separate issues for you to learn about here. One is the way the Turkish boys behave in tourist areas and their attitude towards the holidaymakers - there is a lot of politics here which you need to learn to understand fully. The other thing is Turkish culture, which is totally different from the tourist thing. This is so hugely different from your experiences in England. (I'm guessing you are from the UK becuase of the way you write, but please correct me if I am wrong) Turkish culture is rather like English culture was 50 or 60 years ago, but a bit more complex because of the religious differences.
I am guessing you are around 16 or 17 years old and not sexually experienced. He could tell this and this is why he said you were 'like a turkish girl' - again correct me if i am wrong. You didn't say whether he tried to have sex with you (this is quite surprising), but maybe you didn't give him any signals to encourage him. There are a zillion posts on this sites about relationships between Turkish boys and tourist girls. You would do well to read them all and see if any of them sound similar to your story. You will have your eyes opened. You will also learn something of Turkish culture and of the 'tourist politics' I mentioned.
I hope I didn't sound too hard on you or have upset you by explaining things you didn't want to hear, but please read all the posts you can - click on the blue word 'Forums' and read everything. You will learn a lot and maybe come up with some ideas of your own. GOOD LUCK
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20 Oct 2005 Thu 12:58 am |
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20 Oct 2005 Thu 01:59 am |
Hi again Luisa. No i don't think you were stupid. I think you have just fallen for this boy because he is handsome, charming and made you feel like a beautiful cherished lovely girl. Just learn everything you can about turkey and turkish boys and wait and see what happens.
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20 Oct 2005 Thu 11:43 am |