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07 Jun 2005 Tue 02:33 am |
Yes , very sad story, especially when kids are involved.As a woman, I am proud of you Milisa.You could stand for yourself,and girls too.You are good example for them.And you know what, you are not alone, there are so many women who suffer but can't do what you did do.They do not have courage and stay in bad realationship only to be married.
Congratulations and good luck to you.
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07 Jun 2005 Tue 08:24 am |
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07 Jun 2005 Tue 02:15 pm |
Hey , Milisa!
You are very welcome.I mean it. We are here to help each other.
We have russian saying: "Odna golova khorosho, a dve luchshe" which means "One head is good but two are better".
I wish you luck and happiness. Don't have regrets! You are more than welcome!
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07 Jun 2005 Tue 11:38 pm |
I also have to add my congratulations to Milisa (Italian Brat) - You must be a very strong and decisive person. Brava! Milisa. You saw this man for what he was and you did not allow your earlier emotions to cloud your judgement. Your story of getting yourself and your girls in your car and taking what must have been a really scary journey home alone was inspiring - Brava again!
You were also lucky that you had the resources and the means to escape. i don't think 'escape' is too strong a word here. I agree that this man's problems were greater than simple cultural differences. Whoever it was who described him as a 'psycho' was spot on! Even his family seem to have been aware of his problems and warned you, although this must have been difficult for them because it would have been very easy for them to share the burden of this man with someone else.
My work involves dealing with dangerous and psychotic people and in my view this man was very dangerous. I am appalled to think that someone without your courage and resources could fall into this mans hands. He found you easily on the internet and seduced you into to coming to him. You are obviously not someone who is so easily fooled and you went to him, but saw the dangers and escaped. Someone else may not be so lucky. I again congratulate you for escaping this nightmare Milisa. I think this man did have some outdated cultural basis to his behaviour, but his psychotic side magnified them into something truly horrible.
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08 Jun 2005 Wed 01:23 am |
I'm glad we cheered you up!!!