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Ramazan Bayram
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10.       Deniz Kız
82 posts
 20 Oct 2006 Fri 12:51 pm

thank you very much!

11.       Deniz Kız
82 posts
 20 Oct 2006 Fri 02:02 pm

Please, maybe somebody has other variants of congratulations.Especially I would like to ask men. If you are kind of a little bit angry or up set with a girl what kind of words you wish to hear in this congratulations to make you be opened to the girl again? Please, men, help me with advice cause sometimes I just don't know what you need I really need your help cause I want desparately to change situation with man. He became so cold and doesn't react on my sms. I suffer a lot. Want to change it. What can I write to him in such a great celebration with such a great spirit?

12.       Deniz Kız
82 posts
 20 Oct 2006 Fri 03:25 pm

((Looks, like nobody can help me(((((

13.       Deniz Kız
82 posts
 20 Oct 2006 Fri 05:23 pm

Help me , please!

14.       nor4e
20 posts
 20 Oct 2006 Fri 05:43 pm

Quoting Deniz Kız:

Please, maybe somebody has other variants of congratulations.Especially I would like to ask men. If you are kind of a little bit angry or up set with a girl what kind of words you wish to hear in this congratulations to make you be opened to the girl again? Please, men, help me with advice cause sometimes I just don't know what you need I really need your help cause I want desparately to change situation with man. He became so cold and doesn't react on my sms. I suffer a lot. Want to change it. What can I write to him in such a great celebration with such a great spirit?

Merhaba DenizKiz,
Unfortunately I can not give you some specific words for to help you, because I'm at the beginning of this, so..But I think that example that they gave you was very good one. And something else- If that special someone is willing to hear your congratulations and excuses - they will apreciate it, no matter how you say it! Better be simple and understandable, than too complicated and confusing I wish you luck
Iyi aksamlar

15.       Deniz Kız
82 posts
 21 Oct 2006 Sat 10:06 pm

Teşekkur ederim, Nor4e! Thank you for your words. I think you are right

16.       Deniz Kız
82 posts
 22 Oct 2006 Sun 08:11 pm

Is there some certain time when Bayram starts? As far as I know it starts from morning.. But is it some certain hour when Ramazan is finished and Bayram is starting? Thank you in advance..

17.       CANLI
5084 posts
 23 Oct 2006 Mon 02:24 am

Well,it considered Bayram with the born of the new day,and that would be at dawn ,it be last night for Ramazan and birth of Bayram .

18.       Deniz Kız
82 posts
 23 Oct 2006 Mon 10:40 am

Teşekkur ederim, Canlı

19.       aenigma x
0 posts
 23 Oct 2006 Mon 11:11 am

Sometimes it's a good idea to search through this site. There is a lot of information already posted here about Bayram, including essays. Just go to TC Website and click "search".

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