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480.       Deli_kizin
6376 posts
 05 May 2006 Fri 06:35 pm

Robbie Williams - Old before I die

(ps - I still prefer Teoman's version of Gemiler. Probably because I've been listening to it for 2 years without getting bored now).

481.       sophie
2712 posts
 05 May 2006 Fri 07:47 pm

My daughter singing 'My number one' with her barbie microphone!

'you're my lava, unde cava, you're my secret passion and I have no atha...' thats how it sounds

482.       Deli_kizin
6376 posts
 05 May 2006 Fri 08:15 pm

Quoting sophie:

My daughter singing 'My number one' with her barbie microphone!

'you're my lava, unde cava, you're my secret passion and I have no atha...' thats how it sounds

Don't bang your head!! That's amazing

I'm afraid it sounds better than many of my classmates in English class

483.       Aenigma
0 posts
 06 May 2006 Sat 04:44 pm

Virginia Moon - Foo Fighters
Mmmm so mellow....

484.       SuiGeneris
3922 posts
 06 May 2006 Sat 11:51 pm

Anathema - Lost Control

Life has betrayed me once again,
I accept some things will never change.
I've let your tiny minds magnify my agony,
and it's left me with a chem'cal dependency for sanity.

Yes, I am falling... how much longer till I hit the ground?
I can't tell you why I'm breaking down.
Do you wonder why I prefer to be alone?
Have I really lost control?

I'm coming to an end,
I've realised what I could have been.
I can't sleep so I take a breath and hide behind my bravest mask,
I admit I've lost control.

485.       Deli_kizin
6376 posts
 07 May 2006 Sun 12:51 am

Pink ft. Redman - Get the party started, sweet dreams remix

486.       Aenigma
0 posts
 07 May 2006 Sun 05:06 pm

Feel Good Inc. - GORILLAZ

487.       Boop
785 posts
 07 May 2006 Sun 05:32 pm

Bir derdim var - mor ve ortesi

488.       oceanmavi
997 posts
 07 May 2006 Sun 06:34 pm

usher - throwback

489.       sanja_isyankar
457 posts
 08 May 2006 Mon 12:44 am

ANNA VISSI - call me

490.       Aenigma
0 posts
 08 May 2006 Mon 03:36 pm

The One - Daniel Beddingfield

"...If you’re not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you’re not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?"

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