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Dutch approve ban on religious animal slaughter, Muslims, Jews outraged
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10.       stumpy
638 posts
 30 Jun 2011 Thu 01:28 pm


...cows appreciate watching their blood pour over their ears while hanging upside down


If you were to hang a cow upsidown by their hind legs to slit their throats, firts of all the cow would flay around and you would run the risque of getting kicked.  The throat is always slit when the animal is standing on all 4 legs. Secondly, when the jugular is slit, by the second heartbeat of the cow there is no blood going to the brain, that is why the jugular is slit, to stop the blood flow to the brain so basicly the animal does not feel anything.  When the animal if finaly hung upsidown it is dead.

You should see how many times the animals are not "stunned" properly, yes the piston gun is not fool proof because the piston has to break the thick bone of the cow´s forehead, so in 90 percent of the times the cows suffer more with what is called the humaine way of butchering.

11.       Daydreamer
3743 posts
 30 Jun 2011 Thu 04:49 pm

So you slit a cow´s throat, the animal falls on the floor with blood flowing out of the cut and when it is dead you hang it upside down so that the blood pours out? Ok, I stand corrected.

And, basically you´re saying that what I consider humanitarian way of slaughter is not so because it is sometimes done incorrectly? As opposed to 100% effective and never slipping hands of a butcher with a knife? Sorry, I find it hard to believe. I mean, sure, I can understand some animals happen not to be properly stunned, but the margin of mistake must be the same with animals killed the bloody way?

12.       barba_mama
1629 posts
 30 Jun 2011 Thu 05:53 pm


Quoting stumpy

If you were to hang a cow upsidown by their hind legs to slit their throats, firts of all the cow would flay around and you would run the risque of getting kicked.  The throat is always slit when the animal is standing on all 4 legs. Secondly, when the jugular is slit, by the second heartbeat of the cow there is no blood going to the brain, that is why the jugular is slit, to stop the blood flow to the brain so basicly the animal does not feel anything.  When the animal if finaly hung upsidown it is dead.

You should see how many times the animals are not "stunned" properly, yes the piston gun is not fool proof because the piston has to break the thick bone of the cow´s forehead, so in 90 percent of the times the cows suffer more with what is called the humaine way of butchering.


If you are right than Jews and Muslims and any kind of person is still allowed to kill in this way. The bill clearly states that killing an animal without being stunned is allowed when one can prove that the animal does not suffer more from this type of killing. A have heard a lot of Muslims complain that stunning or halal slaughter with a sharp knife give the animal the same level of harm. If that is so, they have nothing to fear.


And about the outraged people, calling this bill ignorant. What is ignorant about animal rights? I think a lot of people are so stuck in their religion, that they do not even want to slightly think outside of the box. So everybody is supposed to respect religion, but religious people should not look into methods of slaughter that will cause less distress for the animals? Who is ignorant then...

13.       stumpy
638 posts
 30 Jun 2011 Thu 05:56 pm

either way you kill an animal it is bloody, and when you slit the animal´s throat it is not running around willy nelly, it is in an inclosure that closes up on either side of it.  This type of enclosure the cow is used to because when it gets checked by the vet it is put in a similar inclosure.

I recommend you go work in a slaugther house for a few days and then come and tell me how you found the experiance...  I worked in a slaughter house...  and it is not because it is reglemented by the government that it is more humaine.  On the contrary like I said with the hight volume of animals needed to be butchered to feed the mass population, corners are cut big time.

Or maybe go vegetarian and leave the meat to people who´s heart does not bleed because an animal gave his life to feed them.


14.       Elisabeth
5732 posts
 30 Jun 2011 Thu 06:16 pm

In any case, I don´t think this bill is at all an animal rights bill.  Like I said, I think it is a bill made purposely to marginalize a certain segment of the population and to send a clear message that these peoples traditions are viewed as barbaric and will not be tolerated.  Politians do not care about cows or sheep.  This is just a convenient ploy so that racism can be legalized.  That´s my take on it anyway.  You can debate about the cruelty of slaughtering animals and which way is more pleasant all day but this is racism pure and simple. 

alameda liked this message
15.       stumpy
638 posts
 30 Jun 2011 Thu 06:27 pm

I would start to worry more about the fate of man kind because frankly, animals have more rights than humans, it is not permitted to torture, tease, taunt or kill then in an inhumane fashion but humans torture, tease, taunt and kill each other in inhumaine ways and the laws are less strick towards human cruelty than towards animal cruelty.

16.       acute
202 posts
 30 Jun 2011 Thu 08:02 pm


Quoting barba_mama



If you are right than Jews and Muslims and any kind of person is still allowed to kill in this way. The bill clearly states that killing an animal without being stunned is allowed when one can prove that the animal does not suffer more from this type of killing. A have heard a lot of Muslims complain that stunning or halal slaughter with a sharp knife give the animal the same level of harm. If that is so, they have nothing to fear.


And about the outraged people, calling this bill ignorant. What is ignorant about animal rights? I think a lot of people are so stuck in their religion, that they do not even want to slightly think outside of the box. So everybody is supposed to respect religion, but religious people should not look into methods of slaughter that will cause less distress for the animals? Who is ignorant then...


Anyone who really cares about animal cruelty should look into the massive bio-industry in the same country. Millions of pigs, cows, chickens are living miserable lives. Sort that out first before fussing about the last minute of those lives. Debeaking chickens - killing off male chicks - confining animals into small places - cruel transportation - there is so much more that is inhumane than final death.

I  believe that this is specifically a target of islamic traditions. Because Netherland has a very right wing government, of which one of the supporting parties (Geert Wilders´ PVV) is openly anti-Islam.

This is also the same country who uses horsemeat to the extreme, included in their hotdogs. The very same country who has been supporting  imports from cruel horse slaughter houses around the world

Netherlands animal rights group Wakker Dier said  many hamburgers, frikandels and krokets in the country contain horsemeat.

The Wageningen University study of 286 food items found 32 percent contained meat from horses

I  think the problem lies with the mass agricultural farming process and the demand for meat.

easy solution stop eating it

( but... but .... what are we going to do with all those horse´s who don´t jump 3´6 on

command... and those piglets  who are not cute anymore  they dont´ need to be monitored in death  either.



Edited (6/30/2011) by acute
Edited (6/30/2011) by acute

alameda and stumpy liked this message
17.       DaveT
70 posts
 30 Jun 2011 Thu 11:12 pm

I´d just like to thank Stumpy for his posts and add that, as someone who has also been around ranches and slaughterhouses, I can confirm that all his points are correct.

Last week, I helped a friend with branding and cutting his bull calves last week and can say that this causes much more distress than slaughtering either by halal procedures or by using a knocker. Ranching practices are not always kind to the animal, even though they are necessary. All the ranchers I know do their best to minimize their animals´ suffering.

18.       alameda
3499 posts
 01 Jul 2011 Fri 05:08 am

You know DaveT, it doesn´t have to be that way. I only buy eggs from a lady who lets me see her chickens. She has goats, rabbits, ducks, quail and chickens. I am happy to buy from her as I see happy healthy animals, and this is in the San Francisco Metropolitan area. She has a small lot, but it´s well organized. 

I am very against the industrialized methods of farming. They are inhumane and filthy. I pay more for the produce I get, but it´s worth it. You get what you pay for. 

Quoting DaveT

I´d just like to thank Stumpy for his posts and add that, as someone who has also been around ranches and slaughterhouses, I can confirm that all his points are correct. Last week, I helped a friend with branding and cutting his bull calves last week and can say that this causes much more distress than slaughtering either by halal procedures or by using a knocker. Ranching practices are not always kind to the animal, even though they are necessary. All the ranchers I know do their best to minimize their animals´ suffering.



19.       DaveT
70 posts
 01 Jul 2011 Fri 06:40 pm

alameda, there is no way to commercially raise meat animals without some suffering on the animals´ part. No bull calf, for instance, is going to enjoy being cut but it´s not practical to have a herd of bulls rather than steers, hence the bull calves get cut. There are similar practicalities for other procedures.

My friend, who I buy my beef from, is a small operator too, not quite a hobby farmer but certainly not a full time rancher. It´s nice to patronize people like this, but most people in the world will have to get their food from large corporations or do without. We should just encourage humane treatment by everyone.

20.       alameda
3499 posts
 01 Jul 2011 Fri 08:17 pm

You have a point there, but I do think we are overly reliant on the industrialization of our foods. There is a lot we can do ourselves. I have a small garden. It´s amazing what produce I get from it, and it´s tiny. 

We could grow & process a lot ourselves. 

Quoting DaveT

alameda, there is no way to commercially raise meat animals without some suffering on the animals´ part. No bull calf, for instance, is going to enjoy being cut but it´s not practical to have a herd of bulls rather than steers, hence the bull calves get cut. There are similar practicalities for other procedures. My friend, who I buy my beef from, is a small operator too, not quite a hobby farmer but certainly not a full time rancher. It´s nice to patronize people like this, but most people in the world will have to get their food from large corporations or do without. We should just encourage humane treatment by everyone.



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