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In Love with Turkish Men?
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20.       teaschip
3870 posts
 22 Aug 2006 Tue 01:26 am

Quoting christine_usa:

Dear Aslan,

I hear your response quite clearly. I am not a 'hormone raging' , 'alcohol drinking' vacationer. I am a teacher. I came to Turkey to study contemporary Islamikc culture in a secular context, on scholarship.

Yes, I did extend my 3 week scholarship to vacation in the Mediterranean. But I don't think I had blinders on completely.

I have to agree, sometimes, vacation, exotic smells and views on vacation lead one to fall in love. Of course!

But there is more than that. Really. I discovered a level of discourse, maturity, and intimacy in my Omer, that is generally void in the men of the USA.

By that I mean, he was articulate in stating his emotions, and clear in stating his wishes. He honored all of my boundaries (which were many)_. and really sought to know me.

So please- don't think every person falling in love is "mindless"


I can vouch Turkish men are just like American,German, Italian etc... Maybe you just haven't met the right American men. Regardless, you seem to have met a good Turkish man. Maybe it's the challenge all together that makes someone more appealing from another country. The challenge to learn their language, culture etc... Just a thought..

21.       SineNomine
81 posts
 22 Aug 2006 Tue 01:41 am

Quoting Aslan:

...oh, well...like I said...I am not the one to judge either way...really...don´t read what is not there, Christine! Anyone that knows me would describe me just as the 'hormone raging' , 'alcohol drinking' vacationer.

I'll drink to that dearest Aslan lol! At least you don't dress it up by saying it is the level of discourse and maturity that drives you !

Oh - and welcome back TT - I missed you

22.       Hilliar
23 posts
 22 Aug 2006 Tue 05:02 pm

Alot of Turkish women seem to like English men too. Whether or not that's because they think they're rich I don't know, but there's a Turkish girl I like that I only get to see once a year. Sucks to live in England.

23.       SineNomine
81 posts
 22 Aug 2006 Tue 06:01 pm

Quoting Hilliar:

Sucks to live in England.

It depends where you live, I guess. I actually love living in England

24.       Aslan
1070 posts
 22 Aug 2006 Tue 09:05 pm

Quoting SineNomine:

Quoting Aslan:

...oh, well...like I said...I am not the one to judge either way...really...don´t read what is not there, Christine! Anyone that knows me would describe me just as the 'hormone raging' , 'alcohol drinking' vacationer.

I'll drink to that dearest Aslan lol! At least you don't dress it up by saying it is the level of discourse and maturity that drives you !

Oh - and welcome back TT - I missed you

...thanks, TT! I have missed you too - big time! ...and now the south of Turkey can stop trembling...I am back in Sweden again...beware, swedes!

25.       caribena
6 posts
 22 Aug 2006 Tue 09:57 pm

Hi. Could I get some feedback from Turkish men about this discussion (ladies your comments are equally appreciated). I have a turkish boyfriend who seems a bit too protective and gets jealous quite easily (I think so) for little things. He says he wants me for himself and sometimes I think that translates into me being in solitary confinement and hidden from the view of others especially other men.. Im from a diferent culture,race, part of the world (Caribbean, West Indies) and faith, seems everything different. For me hugging and sometimes kissing (on the cheek)close guy friends is the way of greeting for me and there's no perversion in doing that for me. Even if Im chatting with a guy online he thinks it should not be and is very uncomfortable with that. Could I get smoe feedback on this. Do many turkish men think and act like this? Do turkish men get jealous easily?.. Are they very or evev overly protective of their women?

Thanks a lot.

Feon Chuah liked this message
26.       zbrct
90 posts
 22 Aug 2006 Tue 10:16 pm

"to continue the oriental dreams they see in Turkey" says a commentary. I think they should be careful to avoid cultural misunderstandings. as an example everything goes OK until they have a baby...and...the question of what will be the religion of their kids created so many frustrations so far...you can see many examples like that in the Turkish headlines...love is very complex and never coincides with reality

27.       cyrano
0 posts
 22 Aug 2006 Tue 10:21 pm

What you have said about turkish men are totally correct, caribena. Turkish men generally get jealous easily and are quite protective of their girlfriends/women.

By the way, please let your boyfriend not know I told you all these, otherwise he would definitely kill me!

28.       martuskaaa
63 posts
 22 Aug 2006 Tue 11:51 pm

Very good discussion girlsAnd some guys also
I will say like this;Turkish are the best because they are TURKISH.And I don't say "just" about love but also about friendship.You can realy rely on them.Maybe not from the first moment-they need a time to know you better but when they do it-there is no better friend than Turkish!!!!!
Kendine iyi bak!

29.       Dilara
1153 posts
 23 Aug 2006 Wed 12:03 am

Quoting martuskaaa:

Very good discussion girlsAnd some guys also
I will say like this;Turkish are the best because they are TURKISH.And I don't say "just" about love but also about friendship.You can realy rely on them.Maybe not from the first moment-they need a time to know you better but when they do it-there is no better friend than Turkish!!!!!
Kendine iyi bak!

Hi all ,
I couldn't agree with you more!!!
My best male friend is turkish and I've met him for 2 1/2 years! It took time to know eachother and trust eachother as friends at the beginning but when we felt confident he turned out to be the most DEVOTED and caring friend ever!! always supports me...besides, he's very smart and funny.
Wonderful friend...I don't know how I haven't fallen for him though haha with all these quealities lol

30.       Deli_kizin
6376 posts
 23 Aug 2006 Wed 12:11 am

Ofcourse the way people treat each other has to do with the way they have been brought up, the life they have, thus with their culture.. thus, in this case, with being Turkish.

Though many men and women over the world are jealous, we can state it's a Turkish common habit.
Though many men and women share passionate love all over the world, we can state the heartfelt passion, is a Turkish thing we find in men.

I love Kadir for who he is. I have never judged him for being Kurdish, when I met him, I didn't even know who the Kurds were and where Turkey was situated exactly. Now I love him even more for it as it makes me want to explore his roots. I love him for the way he treats his family. The way his friends can count on him. His sense of humor. The way he makes me feel like a goddess. I even love the way we get angry with each other. I love the way his love is overwhelming. It makes me want to get the best out of me for him. I love his interest in history and medicines. I love his passion for the sea and the ships. Oh I just love him. But not because he is Kurdish/Turkish whatsoever. Maybe because Turkish life made him this way. Maybe just because I managed to pick the right man (well, be found by the right man).

Christine, I think if you look at a website like this, but then in Spanish or Italian or any otehr holiday place, you will find just as many western girls falling for these men too. Everyone longs for the things that come from far. Everyone has an emotional boost on holiday. But from all the messages on this website, it is clear what loves are real and what loves won't survive one or 2 holidays. I think that is wat Aslan was talking about and I don't think she meant to judge you

The loves that are real, are beyond the 'happiness' aspect of Turkish lives. They are willing to also cope with the bad sides of living in Türkiye or being with a Turkish man. Turkey is not just gold that shines. Nor is any other country.

Yes. I think I can say that real loves are beyond the happiness aspect of Turkish lives. But just because of this, they can discover even more happiness by going through the surface. And I doubt if that has to do with loving a Turkish man. I pray for all the people who love another nationality, that this is just about love

Well, after this long letter I should send love and greetings Just kidding. But I do wish everybody luck with their love. Everything can be overcome

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