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How do you understand friendship?
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07 Jun 2005 Tue 08:34 am |
Friendship is a special gift
given to us all.
The smile of a friend
is sunlight on a cloudy day,
and every smile
given to a friemd
is returned.
A friend is
one whom you can talk to
and listen to,
without judging.
A friend doesn't ignore your faults
but accepts them as a part of you.
A friend is a shoulder to lean on
when you need support,
a pat on the back when you do well,
and symphatetic ear when you fail.
A friend is a person
you can laugh with
about everything,
you can cry without shame,
and whom you trust completely.
A friend is a partner in life
and a part of you always.
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07 Jun 2005 Tue 02:19 pm |
Very smart!!!!!!!!!
Hey guys, don't you have anything to say except what SHT said?
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07 Jun 2005 Tue 03:16 pm |
I tried to translate, Liz.
In English for 'dost' and 'arkadaş' there is same word - FRIEND. In Russian we have 'dost = drug', 'arkadaş = tovarish'. The meaning is not same.
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08 Jun 2005 Wed 12:06 pm |
Heya Bliss,
Thanks for trying to translate Really appreciate the effort. No worries about not translating it OK. See ya around!
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21 Jul 2005 Thu 08:33 pm |
The real key to friendship
Is a tender, gentle blend
Of this plain and simple truth -
That one must be a friend.
Friendship is based upon
What we give, not what we take,
And it steers its kindly course
For a special friend's own sake.
Friendship which shall endure
And shall never crave an end
Is biult upon truth -
That one must be a friend.
- all my classmates!
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22 Jul 2005 Fri 02:29 pm |
Exellent idea using Russian for explanation, Bliss! Since in my native language also exist separate words for DOST and ARKADAŞ and since I spaek Russian too, now I apsolutely understand the difference. Ochen horosho sdelano
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22 Jul 2005 Fri 08:28 pm |
Thank you Slavica. I know it is better to use Russian for understanding Turkish.My problem is to put my knowledge into practice.
I want to thank you, Erdinc one more time for your help with your posts. My thanks to all my wonderful classmates.