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230.       teaschip
3870 posts
 11 Mar 2008 Tue 07:36 pm

The majority of Palestinians 70% support suicide bombings
The majority of Palestinians support the killing of Jewish civilians, including Jewish children
The majority of Palestinians do not accept Israel's right to exist.
The majority of Palestinians support the Sept 11th killings.
Palestinians dance in the streets on 9/11.

The only people I feel sorry for are the innocent, which looks to be roughly 30%.

231.       KeithL
1455 posts
 11 Mar 2008 Tue 07:42 pm

Quoting teaschip1:

The majority of Palestinians 70% support suicide bombings
The majority of Palestinians support the killing of Jewish civilians, including Jewish children
The majority of Palestinians do not accept Israel's right to exist.
The majority of Palestinians support the Sept 11th killings.
Palestinians dance in the streets on 9/11.

The only people I feel sorry for are the innocent, which looks to be roughly 30%.

The majority of french resistence and warsaw ghetto occupants supported suicide bombings.
The majority of french resistence and warsaw ghetto occupants did not recognize Nazi germany's right to exist.
The majority of french resistence and warsaw ghetto occupants support all the acts of violence against german military and citizens during wwii.

232.       KeithL
1455 posts
 11 Mar 2008 Tue 07:43 pm

Quoting teaschip1:

The majority of Palestinians 70% support suicide bombings
The majority of Palestinians support the killing of Jewish civilians, including Jewish children
The majority of Palestinians do not accept Israel's right to exist.
The majority of Palestinians support the Sept 11th killings.
Palestinians dance in the streets on 9/11.

The only people I feel sorry for are the innocent, which looks to be roughly 30%.

I don't doubt most of these, but I would like to see where you got your facts for killing Jewish children...

233.       teaschip
3870 posts
 11 Mar 2008 Tue 07:50 pm

Quoting KeithL:

Quoting teaschip1:

The majority of Palestinians 70% support suicide bombings
The majority of Palestinians support the killing of Jewish civilians, including Jewish children
The majority of Palestinians do not accept Israel's right to exist.
The majority of Palestinians support the Sept 11th killings.
Palestinians dance in the streets on 9/11.

The only people I feel sorry for are the innocent, which looks to be roughly 30%.

I don't doubt most of these, but I would like to see where you got your facts for killing Jewish children...


234.       KeithL
1455 posts
 11 Mar 2008 Tue 07:55 pm

thank you tea....
please note however, this poll is over 5 years old. At that time, it was the height of Israel's internationally recognized illegal property seizures and settlements.
Since that time, many of these settlements were forfeited due to international pressure. I would hope that no one on anyside whould take pleasure in the death of a child.

235.       teaschip
3870 posts
 11 Mar 2008 Tue 08:03 pm

Quoting KeithL:

thank you tea....
please note however, this poll is over 5 years old. At that time, it was the height of Israel's internationally recognized illegal property seizures and settlements.
Since that time, many of these settlements were forfeited due to international pressure. I would hope that no one on anyside whould take pleasure in the death of a child.

Keith I have attached a 2007 survey, which you may find interesting. Unfortunately, there are people who do take pleasure in killing children to the degree that they even strap on a bomb to their own childs back. As far as I can see nothing has changed in five years on either side.

236.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 12 Mar 2008 Wed 12:14 am

US Mid-East commander steps down

The Esquire article suggested Adm Fallon was standing up to a president supposedly contemplating war with Iran.

He is described in the article as "the strongest man standing between the Bush Administration and a war with Iran".

Mr Gates said the idea that Adm Fallon's departure indicated that the US was planning to go to war with Iran was "ridiculous".

I hope this is not true..A war with iran will be a BIGGEST mistake.


237.       adonis
0 posts
 12 Mar 2008 Wed 12:31 am

a court jester and a traitor in somewhere...

238.       Roswitha
4132 posts
 12 Mar 2008 Wed 12:50 am

That Peace Train resigned

239.       Deli_kizin
6376 posts
 12 Mar 2008 Wed 12:54 am

Quoting Roswitha:


240.       Roswitha
4132 posts
 12 Mar 2008 Wed 04:45 am

Fall from Grace: E. Spitzer

prosecutors said in court papers that Spitzer had been caught on a wiretap spending $4,300 with the Emperors Club VIP call-girl service, with some of the money going toward a night with a prostitute named Kristen, and the rest to be used as credit toward future trysts. The papers also suggested that Spitzer had done this before.

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