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240.       Roswitha
4132 posts
 12 Mar 2008 Wed 04:45 am

Fall from Grace: E. Spitzer

prosecutors said in court papers that Spitzer had been caught on a wiretap spending $4,300 with the Emperors Club VIP call-girl service, with some of the money going toward a night with a prostitute named Kristen, and the rest to be used as credit toward future trysts. The papers also suggested that Spitzer had done this before.

241.       girleegirl
5065 posts
 12 Mar 2008 Wed 08:06 am

Quoting Roswitha:

Fall from Grace: E. Spitzer

The funny thing is, the Governor was caught because of banking software that tracks all money transfers to look for money laundering. Software that, as New York Attorney General, Spitzer himself lobbied it have beefed up and installed in all financial institutions in New York.
His transfers raised suspicions which lead to the Escort Service and ultimately right back to the Governor.

242.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 12 Mar 2008 Wed 10:21 am

Quoting libralady:

Pupils 'to take allegiance oath'

All school leavers could be asked to swear an oath to the Queen. School-leavers should be encouraged to swear an oath of allegiance to Queen and country, says a report commissioned by Gordon Brown on British citizenship.
source BBC News

What a downright insult! How much more like America do they want us to be

and we are not citizens we are subjects as we are a monarcy! So Gordon Brown, put that in your pipe an smoke it.

I knew Mark Steel wont miss this subject

When Tony Blair and Gordon Brown launched the idea of New Labour, it was as a crusade to be modern...

And they ended up so modern they gave the job of reviewing British citizenship to Lord Goldsmith, who's concluded everyone should undergo a ceremony in which they pledge an oath of allegiance to the Queen. This is so advanced the rest of Europe only abandoned it 200 years ago. So there are probably other bits of his report, not yet published, which go: "Loyal British citizenship will be enhanced by dismantling the system of local government, and replacing it with a network of barons. A sense of modern national unity will be advanced if citizens, who shall also be known as 'serfs', kneel before them on the third Sunday of each month and offer them their wives as chattel. This measure, I feel, should bring about a rapid decrease in the practice of city centre binge-drinking."

One of the questions in the British Citizenship test asks what you should do in the event of someone spilling your drink in the pub. So from now on the correct answer will be: "Challenge them to a duel."

So maybe the boys will have lessons in subjects such as being sexually attracted to Helen Mirren. And teachers will say: "We're very lucky today because Mrs Mirren has kindly agreed to sit at the front of the class for us so off you go. Come on Jenkins, start tingling boy, and Walcott, let's have a bit of drooling shall we, this is a national treasure, surely the odd slobber isn't too much to ask."

But their pledge is to a set of ideas on which the country was founded

Anyway, the thing is we just don't do oaths and pledges of allegiance because they're not British. And anyone who says otherwise should be told they've failed the test, don't understand our culture and have to go and live somewhere else.


243.       Roswitha
4132 posts
 12 Mar 2008 Wed 03:30 pm

this article


244.       teaschip
3870 posts
 12 Mar 2008 Wed 08:15 pm

Quoting Roswitha:

this article


I feel sorry for his family...

245.       geniuda
1070 posts
 12 Mar 2008 Wed 08:18 pm

Quoting girleegirl:

The funny thing is, the Governor was caught because of banking software that tracks all money transfers to look for money laundering. Software that, as New York Attorney General, Spitzer himself lobbied it have beefed up and installed in all financial institutions in New York.
His transfers raised suspicions which lead to the Escort Service and ultimately right back to the Governor.

How stupid, isnt? lol

246.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 13 Mar 2008 Thu 01:26 pm

I am sure you are dying to learn who 'Mr and Mrs Slimming World 2008.'
Here we go
Darren Starling Michelle (39) and Andy (46) Smith from Kirkby, Nottinghamshire who have lost over 13 stone together to be crowned Mr and Mrs Slimming World 2008.



247.       Roswitha
4132 posts
 13 Mar 2008 Thu 10:47 pm

Spitzer stepped down amid a call-girl scandal that made a mockery of his straight-arrow image and left him facing the prospect of criminal charges and perhaps disbarment. Paterson takes over Monday, and requested the time lag so he could prepare and so Spitzer could say a proper goodbye to his staff.

Lawmakers embrace new order
Spitzer and his successor have starkly different leadership styles. While Spitzer was famously abrasive, uncompromising and even insulting, Paterson has built a reputation as a conciliator, and lawmakers quickly embraced the new order.

Barely known outside his Harlem political base, Paterson, 53, has been in New York government since his election to the state Senate in 1985. Though legally blind, he has enough sight in his right eye to walk unaided, recognize people at conversational distance and even read if the text is placed close to his face.

Paterson said he had spoken to Spitzer. “I just told him how sorry I was this happened and how much he still inspires me,” Paterson said.

Of Spitzer’s disclosures and resignation, Paterson said: “I’m getting over it.”

Spitzer resigned Wednesday, making an announcement without securing a plea bargain with federal prosecutors, though a law enforcement official said the former governor was still believed to be negotiating one. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the case.

“I cannot allow my private failings to disrupt the people’s work,” Spitzer said at a Manhattan news conference, his weary-looking wife, Silda, again standing at his side as he answered for his actions for the second time in three days.

Crusader brought down by sex scandal
The resignation brought down the curtain on a riveting drama — played out, sometimes, as farce — that made Spitzer an instant punchline on late-night TV and fascinated Americans with the spectacle of a crusading politician exposed as a hypocrite.

The scandal erupted Monday after federal law enforcement officials disclosed that a wiretap had caught the 48-year-old father of three teenage daughters arranging to spend thousands of dollars on a call girl at a fancy Washington hotel on the night before Valentine’s Day.

Investigators said he had arranged for a prostitute named Kristen to take the train down from New York while he was in the nation’s capital to testify before a congressional subcommittee about the bond industry.

The New York Times reported Wednesday that the woman, born as Ashley Youmans, legally changed her name to Ashley Rae Maika DiPietro and is now known as Ashley Alexandra Dupre. She declined comment when asked by the Times when she first met Spitzer and how many times they had been together.

It was unclear whether she would face charges; attorney Don D. Buchwald confirmed that he represents the same woman in the Times story but wouldn’t comment further.

Law enforcement officials said the governor had hired prostitutes several times before and had spent tens of thousands of dollars, and perhaps as much as $80,000, on the high-priced escort service Emperors Club VIP, whose women charge as much as $5,500 an hour.

Spitzer not charged, future unclear
After making a watery-eyed, nonspecific public apology Monday with his wife by his side, Spitzer continued to talk to family and advisers through Tuesday. By Wednesday morning, aides said, he had decided to resign.

In a statement issued after Spitzer quit, U.S. Attorney Michael Garcia, the chief federal prosecutor in New York, said: “There is no agreement between this office and Gov. Eliot Spitzer relating to his resignation or any other matter.”

Among the possible charges that law enforcement authorities said could be brought against the former governor: soliciting and paying for sex; violating the Mann Act, the 1910 federal law that makes it a crime to take someone across state lines for immoral purposes; and illegally arranging cash transactions to conceal their purpose.

Spitzer could also be disbarred. In New York, an attorney can lose his license to practice law for failing to “conduct himself both professionally and personally, in conformity with the standards of conduct imposed upon members of the bar.”

It was a spectacular collapse for a man who cultivated an image as a hard-nosed politician hell-bent on cleansing the state of corruption. He served two terms as New York attorney general, earning the nickname “Sheriff of Wall Street,” and was elected governor with a record share of the vote in 2006. The tall, athletic, square-jawed Spitzer was sometimes mentioned as a potential candidate for president.

248.       Roswitha
4132 posts
 15 Mar 2008 Sat 02:57 am

Thrills or Chills (re:Spitzer)

There's chemical evidence: sensation seekers have lower levels of monoamine oxidase A, which regulates the brain's levels of dopamine, the "pleasure" neurotransmitter.

Risk Rules! Sensation seekers don't just lust after things--they take them, often disregarding the risks that block their way. "When you're dealing with these high-level, in-your-face, go-for-everything guys, you're dealing with people who take a lot of risks.

He's Hormonal. Alpha males are high on testosterone, the hormone that underlies almost all the typical traits of the politico-sexual animal: high levels of testosterone make for a high sex drive, a love of risks, aggressiveness and competitiveness. "These people have a strong need to win at games, which is obviously important in power politics," says Zuckerman. Success sends their testosterone spiraling up, while a loss brings the levels down—a phenomenon that's been documented in the lab as well as in athletes and chess champions.



249.       eddie
0 posts
 16 Mar 2008 Sun 03:08 am

250.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 16 Mar 2008 Sun 12:11 pm

Balloon Dresses
caption says:

Designers have come up with some eye-popping dresses that are made entirely from balloons. Each dress consists of around 300 modelling balloons twisted together and took about ten hours to make. Most of the balloons are 60 inches long and either one or two inches thick. Balloon artist Katie Laibstain, 23, has sold some of her designs for as much as £1,000, even though they are likely to be wearable once only. Fellow balloon artist Steven Jones, 39, said his purple and gold dress took nearly 10 hours to make 'with an additional one and half hours to get the young lady in the piece'.

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