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BBP leader Yazıcıoğlu / House of Lords/UK
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30.       armegon
1872 posts
 01 May 2008 Thu 01:12 pm


Quoting Daydreamer:

Why do I have the feeling that you meant me here?

it was not you , was a general comment in tamikidakika's thread but i do not suppose you think different so you can continue to assume it was you...

31.       Daydreamer
3743 posts
 01 May 2008 Thu 01:51 pm


Quoting armegon:

Quoting Daydreamer:

Why do I have the feeling that you meant me here?

it was not you , was a general comment in tamikidakika's thread but i do not suppose you think different so you can continue to assume it was you...

Sorry, the fact that the total number of Poles who replied there was...ONE and it was ME made me believe so lol

32.       armegon
1872 posts
 01 May 2008 Thu 02:49 pm

Quoting thehandsom:

Actually, you keep quoting articles from the events and I keep refraining myself doing the same..
The reason I am not doing that is becasue it is not going to help. As i said before, you can find many many horrible stories from both sides and taking the quotes from stories only about what ermenians did and brushing off the other part's stories as propaganda is a sign of denial of brain washing!! We have to do better than that.

These are the lightest ones, you can obtain also real videos of Hocaali Massacre in Azerbaijan from web, which were worse ones, that ones also washes the brains of Azeri’s . These examples are also good for showing nothing changed by armenian side. So kindly refrain from standard evasive answers like you can find many horrible stories for both sides bla bla…

Quoting thehandsom:

I think according to Talat pasha's records '924.158 ' ermenians subjected to relocation.
How many died is of course still disputed, according to ermenians the values is 1.5 million, orhan pamuk said 1 million, historian Halil Berktay says at least 600.000.

What a contradiction . Btw whats Talat pasha’s records? Are they like Talat pashas fake telgraphs? According to Ottoman archives number is 695.000 and all details are given where and how many armenians deported?

Quoting thehandsom:

Basically, I dont think we will ever know the real value.
It was the reason why I said 500.000.

So you give the number 500.000

Quoting thehandsom:

If you read a bit more about the issue you will see the embaressement ottomans felt after the incident. They opened court cases against those three pashas.

I think you should analyse a little bit the last times of Empire but before u begin let me give a clue, it was like “we do something but how England, Russia, France etc will think about it, what they will say etc”. This summarises the situation of Empire…

Quoting thehandsom:

Actually, i am abit bored about this topic myself. it was not my intention to discuss 'ermenian issue' here.

Same here

Quoting thehandsom:

you are coming back again and again like a broken record yourself with the knowledge of historic books published by our governement only.
This means not being able to take off yourself from the brain washing.

Come on, go and read different sources as well. It wont harm.

Same can said for you. By my side i prefer to read every kind of source if i have got time. But unfortunately i cannot rely on story books as seen real history books, also sorry but i cannot trust the sources of forces who came to occupy my country or their Turkish spokesman.

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