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510.       gezegen
269 posts
 04 Jun 2010 Fri 12:10 pm


Quoting barba_mama

 Is there any proof of your attractiveness?


Wel... I must admit that was a lie! {#emotions_dlg.sad} I am not attractive at all... but non-the-less, why don´t we now concenrate on more important points? {#emotions_dlg.bigsmile}

511.       gezegen
269 posts
 05 Jun 2010 Sat 10:55 pm

Edited (6/7/2010) by gezegen

512.       alameda
3499 posts
 07 Jun 2010 Mon 03:31 am

Why has thehandsome posted over a dozen posts regarding supposed maltreatment of Kurds in Turkey...and nothing about the Mavi Marmara?


.............just wondering? Did I miss something?

513.       gezegen
269 posts
 07 Jun 2010 Mon 10:14 am


Quoting alameda

Why has thehandsome posted over a dozen posts regarding supposed maltreatment of Kurds in Turkey...and nothing about the Mavi Marmara?


.............just wondering? Did I miss something?


I guess he simply couldn´t yet find a chance for it, due to the clouds of dust that our Israil experts on TC have risen. I suggest to wait till the dust settles. {#emotions_dlg.bigsmile}

thehandsom liked this message
514.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 07 Jun 2010 Mon 11:54 am


Quoting alameda

Why has thehandsome posted over a dozen posts regarding supposed maltreatment of Kurds in Turkey...and nothing about the Mavi Marmara?


.............just wondering? Did I miss something?


They are mainly not maltreatment of Kurds.

Most of  my recent posts are anti-racist.. I am hoping that you are not against them..

But I will post something about it soon as soon as I find time..

We should talk about the merits of being on that ship to be a ´shahid-martyr´. (nobody questions Israel´s inhumane actions in Gaza, but there is a difference being on that ship as you are a protester or you are there to fight against jews because they are cruel to your muslim brothers)

Edited (6/7/2010) by thehandsom

515.       Elisabeth
5732 posts
 07 Jun 2010 Mon 11:52 pm


Quoting thehandsom



They are mainly not maltreatment of Kurds.

Most of  my recent posts are anti-racist.. I am hoping that you are not against them..

But I will post something about it soon as soon as I find time..

We should talk about the merits of being on that ship to be a ´shahid-martyr´. (nobody questions Israel´s inhumane actions in Gaza, but there is a difference being on that ship as you are a protester or you are there to fight against jews because they are cruel to your muslim brothers)


 This was the one thread that was not corrupted by your humanistic lovefest! {#emotions_dlg.lol_fast}  Would you please move it onto another thread???{#emotions_dlg.puking} 

516.       alameda
3499 posts
 07 Jun 2010 Mon 11:57 pm


Quoting thehandsom



They are mainly not maltreatment of Kurds.

Most of  my recent posts are anti-racist.. I am hoping that you are not against them..

But I will post something about it soon as soon as I find time..

We should talk about the merits of being on that ship to be a ´shahid-martyr´. (nobody questions Israel´s inhumane actions in Gaza, but there is a difference being on that ship as you are a protester or you are there to fight against jews because they are cruel to your muslim brothers)


Excuse me, but there are almost two dozen posts about some aspect of Kurds, and nothing regarding the murder (of your own countrymen) and brutal mistreatment of peace activists bringing aid to the Gaza people.Shot in the back of the head...shot in the back?...but no time to discuss this....you have more important things to disguss.


We all have our priorities.


As usual, divert attention and change subject of the conversation...but....it doesn´t always work. In fact, it more often directs attention.........

517.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 08 Jun 2010 Tue 12:01 pm


Quoting alameda



Excuse me, but there are almost two dozen posts about some aspect of Kurds, and nothing regarding the murder (of your own countrymen) and brutal mistreatment of peace activists bringing aid to the Gaza people.Shot in the back of the head...shot in the back?...but no time to discuss this....you have more important things to disguss.


We all have our priorities.


As usual, divert attention and change subject of the conversation...but....it doesn´t always work. In fact, it more often directs attention.........


Excuse me Alameda but I did not know that you were "following me especially" about what I write or which subjects I write about here. Woohoo.. You are one of my fans  

But I will be more careful next time.. (ps..I was  on holiday and trying to answer the questions in my columns!! And then there was an attack suddenly!! That was the reason why I was busy...OK?    

518.       alameda
3499 posts
 08 Jun 2010 Tue 11:27 pm


Quoting thehandsom



Excuse me Alameda but I did not know that you were "following me especially" about what I write or which subjects I write about here. Woohoo.. You are one of my fans  

But I will be more careful next time.. (ps..I was  on holiday and trying to answer the questions in my columns!! And then there was an attack suddenly!! That was the reason why I was busy...OK?    


Don´t flatter yourself, my feelings regarding you.  If you really knew what my feelings are towards you,  you would not like it.......but you have a loud voice that is difficult to not hear.  It was not difficult to notice your many posts regarding Kurds in the last week, and a deafening silence regarding the murder and mistreatment of your own countrymen on a humanitarian mission. Quite frankly, I haven´t read your recent columns, so I didn´t notice all your answers to the many questions...but I did notice all your comments regarding Kurds.

519.       armegon
1872 posts
 09 Jun 2010 Wed 06:08 pm

Whats the purpose of "like" link which appears at below right corner of your posts? {#emotions_dlg.unsure}

armegon liked this message
520.       lady in red
6947 posts
 09 Jun 2010 Wed 06:35 pm


Quoting armegon

Whats the purpose of "like" link which appears at below right corner of your posts? {#emotions_dlg.unsure}


If you like/approve/agree with someone´s post but don´t feel the need to reply with another post you can click on the ´like´ button as you did on your own post.


After refreshing the page your nickname comes up as ´liking the post´.  To remove it just click on the ´unlike´ button which has appeared.

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