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540.       lemon
1374 posts
 08 Oct 2010 Fri 06:38 pm

Whom shall we lynch tonight?

541.       lemon
1374 posts
 08 Oct 2010 Fri 07:14 pm

Who is Adam25?

An old user?

542.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 08 Oct 2010 Fri 07:26 pm


Quoting lemon

Whom shall we lynch tonight?


Do you have the list? {#emotions_dlg.think}

(Just cross me out and also DD.. I have been at the top of the charts for so long and DD was at the top very recently too)   

543.       lemon
1374 posts
 08 Oct 2010 Fri 07:31 pm


Quoting thehandsom



Do you have the list? {#emotions_dlg.think}

(Just cross me out and also DD.. I have been at the top of the charts for so long and DD was at the top very recently too)   


Then, boy, keep quiet. {#emotions_dlg.silenced}

544.       Daydreamer
3743 posts
 08 Oct 2010 Fri 09:03 pm

Lynch me? And who would dare? lol I have never met here a person who´d logically show me wrong (it helps that I express my opinions, and they´re not facts but personal beliefs so unable to prove wrong). False accusations is something I´m used to here. But you know, dogs bark but the caravan goes on lol

545.       oeince
582 posts
 09 Oct 2010 Sat 12:18 am

Quote: Daydreamer

I have never met here a person who´d logically show me wrong


Actually, even the holy book could not convince you, it should be really hard for a human being to satisfy your outstanding brain

Daydreamer liked this message
546.       Daydreamer
3743 posts
 09 Oct 2010 Sat 12:22 am


Quoting oeince

Quote: Daydreamer

I have never met here a person who´d logically show me wrong


Actually, even the holy book could not convince you, it should be really hard for a human being to satisfy your outstanding brain


hahahhaha I loved this comment. The retort will be:


This proves the book you call holy was written by people


547.       lemon
1374 posts
 10 Oct 2010 Sun 08:15 pm


Quoting lemon

Whom shall we lynch tonight?


Stumpy got christened by TC´s rotweiller. Everyone stay away from AE tonight. She´snt in mood.

548.       TheAenigma
5001 posts
 10 Oct 2010 Sun 08:16 pm


Quoting lemon



Stumpy got christened by TC´s rotweiller. Everyone stay away from AE tonight. She´snt in mood.


Hahahaha I do love you - you know me too well! lol

Yes I am! lol

549.       stumpy
638 posts
 11 Oct 2010 Mon 11:23 pm

Instead of lynching TC members why not lynch the bastard of a man who just beat his 13 year old daughter to death because she did not want to go to prayer.  I did not know that refusing to go to prayer for a muslim girl was a death sentence.  The man was arrested but his wife and other children say he is innocent.  Yeah right! He called the police himself and said he slapped his daughter.  The girl was bloodied and beaten beyond recognition.  It is a shame that Canada does not have the death penalty, now that man will spend 5 to 10 years in prison being fed and clothed with the peoples tax money.


If you want to lynch someone, lynch people like that!

Edited (10/11/2010) by stumpy

lemon and TheAenigma liked this message
550.       lemon
1374 posts
 12 Oct 2010 Tue 05:03 am


Quoting stumpy

Instead of lynching TC members why not lynch the bastard of a man who just beat his 13 year old daughter to death because she did not want to go to prayer.  I did not know that refusing to go to prayer for a muslim girl was a death sentence.  The man was arrested but his wife and other children say he is innocent.  Yeah right! He called the police himself and said he slapped his daughter.  The girl was bloodied and beaten beyond recognition.  It is a shame that Canada does not have the death penalty, now that man will spend 5 to 10 years in prison being fed and clothed with the peoples tax money.


If you want to lynch someone, lynch people like that!


Agree with you completely.

The other day I saw like 4-5 boys (age 10-12) punching a girl of age 14-15 and having fun. I was so angry and when I shouted at them they ran away. But the girl caught the one who didnt touch her but stood aside giggling then she slapped him. She was asking me to help. I did. The boys disappeared. It was a good lesson to them. Then the girl was swearing at their mothers. I said it wasnt their mothers but fathers fault. They grow up watching their fathers. And them are bastards.

All this time there was another girl wearing hijab who stood next to that girl. I thought she was a passer by. But it turned out to be that it was her friend. She stood there enjoying the whole thing. Did nothing to protect her friend. If she was my friend I would unfriend her immidiately.

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