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Why Turkey and the EU need each other
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1.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 22 Mar 2009 Sun 12:48 am

It is over 20 years since Turkey first formally applied and Ankara has been warned that it could be a decade or more before the country actually joins. Besides, a few current EU member states, such as Austria and France, have indicated that they are not sure Turkish membership is a good thing anyway.


They are wrong. Full and equal membership of the EU will be good for both Europe and Turkey. Economically, the integration of Turkey into the European single market will make the EU a global colossus, a more than effective counterweight to the United States, let alone Japan and most of the major emerging economies. Moreover, the addition of a predominantly young Turkish labor force should be a stimulus to the European economy as it emerges from the current recession, given the ageing of the union´s population as a whole.


Politically, the potential gains are at least as important. The EU speaks with one voice not only on trade matters, but on global concerns such as climate change and the promotion of European values like democratic government and human rights. An integrated Turkey, clearly committed to the latter, could make the European Union an immense force for good in the eastern Mediterranean and beyond.


The Turkish population and business community will make a substantive leap forward through EU membership, far beyond the benefits of the customs union and other EU-Turkey arrangements currently in place. In particular, people in the less developed regions such as eastern Anatolia will see a whole new world of opportunity opened up, not just through migration but more importantly through the creative deployment of EU funds in the poorer regions themselves.


Politically, EU membership should strengthen democracy and human rights inside Turkey. An applicant country has to show that it fulfils stringent political as well as economic conditions in order to qualify -- the so-called Copenhagen criteria....


I do not underestimate the challenges ahead for both Turkey and the EU ..... The revelations about aspects of the "deep state" that have come about as the murky deeds of the Ergenekon group have become public are testimony to the scale of some of the problems. Moreover, even when laws are changed, it does not mean that they are immediately or successfully implemented. Crucially, there are still areas of the Turkish Penal Code (TCK) -- not least the notorious Article 301 -- and maybe even the Constitution which require further revision.


However, I wonder if some of the opponents of Turkey´s EU membership ....realize the degree to which their negative attitude endangers the process of reform ... When these critics mumble about how they want to keep the EU an overwhelmingly Christian society, they clearly do not know their history (or indeed acknowledge the growth of European secularism over the past century!). ..

.. six decades of membership of the Council of Europe, the Strasbourg-based, continent-wide organization ... Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Turkey is already half-integrated into the institutional architecture of Europe, as well as into the North Atlantic Alliance, through NATO.


EU membership is the logical and culminating stage of that bonding process and as such should be facilitated and welcomed by all parties involved.


Full article


2.       TheAenigma
5001 posts
 23 Mar 2009 Mon 02:23 pm

It must feel really strange lately when you post stuff like this and nobody replies


Edited (3/23/2009) by TheAenigma

3.       TheJanissary
384 posts
 23 Mar 2009 Mon 02:34 pm


Quoting TheAenigma

It must feel really strange lately when you post stuff like this and nobody replies



 Big smile

4.       lady in red
6947 posts
 23 Mar 2009 Mon 02:36 pm


Quoting TheJanissary



 Big smile


 I think you may have lockjaw! 

5.       TheJanissary
384 posts
 23 Mar 2009 Mon 02:44 pm


Quoting lady in red



 I think you may have lockjaw! 


 and angel of him comes...

6.       lady in red
6947 posts
 23 Mar 2009 Mon 02:54 pm


Quoting TheJanissary



 and angel of him comes...


Get a life Janis - nice to see you haven´t forgotten how to write though. ( Oh I just realised you probably didn´t understand my post)

Edited (3/23/2009) by lady in red

7.       TheJanissary
384 posts
 23 Mar 2009 Mon 03:03 pm


Quoting lady in red



Get a life Janis - nice to see you haven´t forgotten how to write though. ( Oh I just realised you probably didn´t understand my post)


 I wonder why u dont miss anything when somone wrote something about thehandsom

what kind of relation you have with thehandsomeBig smile that  forces you to protect him from every words  will make him sad or unhappy can u tell me if it s not private


8.       lady in red
6947 posts
 23 Mar 2009 Mon 03:13 pm


Quoting TheJanissary



 I wonder why u dont miss anything when somone wrote something about thehandsom

what kind of relation you have with thehandsomeBig smile that  forces you to protect him from every words  will make him sad or unhappy can u tell me if it s not private



Right - in words of one syllable for you:


Post 3 - Aenigma posts ´

It must feel really strange lately when you post stuff like this and nobody replies


Post 4 - Janissary replies to Aenigma´s post with - Big smile (fixed grin smiley) which he has used in answer to almost every post for the past few days.


Post 5 - lady in red replies with - I think you might have lockjaw!  (this is a word for tetanus which is a medical condition which eventually locks the jaw muscles).


All completely offtopic to the original post and nothing to do with defending anyone or anything.

Edited (3/23/2009) by lady in red
Edited (3/23/2009) by lady in red
Edited (3/23/2009) by lady in red [complaint from Aenigma]

9.       TheJanissary
384 posts
 23 Mar 2009 Mon 03:38 pm


Quoting lady in red


Quoting TheJanissary



 I wonder why u dont miss anything when somone wrote something about thehandsom

what kind of relation you have with thehandsomeBig smile that  forces you to protect him from every words  will make him sad or unhappy can u tell me if it s not private



Right - in words of one syllable for you:


Post 3 - Aenigma posts ´

It must feel really strange lately when you post stuff like this and nobody replies


Post 4 - Janissary replies to Aenigma´s post with - Big smile (fixed grin smiley) which he has used in answer to almost every post for the past few days.


Post 5 - lady in red replies with - I think you might have lockjaw!  (this is a word for tetanus which is a medical condition which eventually locks the jaw muscles).


All completely offtopic to the original post and nothing to do with defending anyone or anything.










 u understand what I mean, stop playing with words

I mean ur general attitude

10.       femmeous
2642 posts
 23 Mar 2009 Mon 03:46 pm


Quoting TheJanissary



 and angel of him comes...



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