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Negative Hastar Hali Form
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1.       bod
5999 posts
 14 May 2006 Sun 04:23 pm

How do you form the negative infinitive in Türkçe???

Is it like this?

Do not go!

Or do you use değil?

2.       caliptrix
3055 posts
 14 May 2006 Sun 04:34 pm

Quoting bod:

Do not go!

that is good!

gitme , gel
do not go, come

dont speak

kapıyı kapatma
dont close the door

hayvanları incitme
dont hurt animals

canını sıkma
dont worry lollol

3.       bod
5999 posts
 14 May 2006 Sun 04:48 pm

Quoting caliptrix:

that is good!


Quoting caliptrix:

hayvanları incitme
dont hurt animals

As the -me suffix can also make a verbal noun, would "the hurting animals" (i.e. the animals that are hurting) be incitme hayvanları or hayvanları incitme???

4.       caliptrix
3055 posts
 14 May 2006 Sun 04:53 pm

Quoting bod:

Quoting caliptrix:

that is good!


Quoting caliptrix:

hayvanları incitme
dont hurt animals

As the -me suffix can also make a verbal noun, would "the hurting animals" (i.e. the animals that are hurting) be incitme hayvanları or hayvanları incitme???

"incitme hayvanları" is imperative and like a lyric: dont hurt!

but "hayvanları incitme" is also not used for verbal noun, according to its meaning. about grammar, you are right, but pratically, you cannot understand "hayvanları incitme" as a work "hurting animals"

5.       Kadir37
0 posts
 14 May 2006 Sun 04:55 pm

6.       caliptrix
3055 posts
 14 May 2006 Sun 04:58 pm

btw incitmek is a polite verb emotionally, or the little hurting is incitmek... for example;

dont make a bad thing even a little hit. incitme!

7.       bod
5999 posts
 14 May 2006 Sun 04:59 pm

Quoting caliptrix:

but "hayvanları incitme" is also not used for verbal noun, according to its meaning. about grammar, you are right, but pratically, you cannot understand "hayvanları incitme" as a work "hurting animals"

So how would you form a sentence to say "these are the hurting animals"? Would you translate "These are the animals that are in pain" instead?

Bunlar hayvanları incitme
I assume!

And what about "my hurting heart"......
Would that not be:
kalpım incitme

8.       caliptrix
3055 posts
 14 May 2006 Sun 05:05 pm

Quoting bod:

Quoting caliptrix:

but "hayvanları incitme" is also not used for verbal noun, according to its meaning. about grammar, you are right, but pratically, you cannot understand "hayvanları incitme" as a work "hurting animals"

So how would you form a sentence to say "these are the hurting animals"? Would you translate "These are the animals that are in pain" instead?

Bunlar hayvanları incitme
I assume!

And what about "my hurting heart"......
Would that not be:
kalpım incitme

Bunlar acı çeken hayvanlar

acı çeken kalbim... or incinen kalbim<<-- still hurting
incinmiş kalbim<-- the pain has gone but the efects are still in my heart

can i explain?

9.       bod
5999 posts
 14 May 2006 Sun 05:09 pm

Oh yes - I forgot the consonant mutation yet again!!!

* Bod wonders if he will ever learn Türkçe *

10.       bod
5999 posts
 14 May 2006 Sun 05:57 pm

Quoting caliptrix:

Bunlar acı çeken hayvanlar

acı çeken kalbim... or incinen kalbim<<-- still hurting
incinmiş kalbim<-- the pain has gone but the efects are still in my heart

can i explain?

I am really struggling to understand

What is çeken here???
Does it come from çekmek and, if so, what is the -en suffix here??? Is it the present participle suffix?

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