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Polat will take the revenge of Blue Marmara
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10.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 08 Sep 2010 Wed 11:47 am


Quoting timeless

i disagree some members who think that this film should be banned ..why do you think negatively? otherwise it shouldnt be forbidden..the valley of the wolfves iraq was rather an explanatory film.and now, i think that the valley of the wolfves palestin will determine the relations between Israel and the turkey. this film gave us some information on some politic problems like that.. please dont be negative. .i am sure that some friends who think about it should be banned " watch it pleasurely and they are going to watch the valley of the wolfves palestin on 5 november ..


Well.. I think watching the introduction fragment of Kurtlar vadisi will give an idea..


EU is being shown as a group that is planning to devide Turkey into four.. The same EU we are trying to get into.. The same EU, millions of Turks are living. Israil is shown as country planning to devide Turkey into three.

There are some people really believe that is true!!  What sort of generations those people will be? what sort of mentality will they have? Creating imaginary enemies, imaginary occupations, imaginary splitting of your countries are more different than with giving maps, naming countries, declaring them enemies..

I think this series are simply advocating racism and violence. 

No wonder why almost all surveys are showing a serious xenophobia in Turkey.


Edited (9/8/2010) by thehandsom

11.       si++
3785 posts
 08 Sep 2010 Wed 01:19 pm

Release date has been delayed

´Kurtlar Vadisi Filistin´ will not be on theaters on 5Nov2010

Vizyon tarihi ertelendi

The release date earlier announced has been delayed due to some problems. The new release date will be announced by the producer company "Pana film" after the upcoming religious Ramadan holiday.


Quoted from: here

12.       si++
3785 posts
 11 Jan 2011 Tue 06:12 pm


İşte ´Kurtlar Vadisi Filistin´in afişleri! GALERİ

Merakla beklenen filmin afişleri yayınlandı...

11 Ocak 2011 Salı, 12:36:12
İşte ´Kurtlar Vadisi Filistin´in afişleri!  GALERİ

Yapımcılığını Pana Film’in üstlendiği, başrollerinde Necati Şaşmaz, Gürkan Uygun, Kenan Çoban, Erdal Beşikçioğlu, Nur Aysan ve Erkan Sever´in yer aldığı ´Kurtlar Vadisi Filistin´ filminin afişleri yayınlandı. Senaryosu Raci Şaşmaz, Bahadır Özdener ve Cüneyt Aysan tarafından kaleme alınan, yönetmen koltuğunda Zübeyr Şaşmaz´ın oturduğu film, 28 Ocak 2011’de vizyona girecek.

 Afişleri görmek için tıklayın...

 ´Kurtlar Vadisi Filistin´ fragmanı için tıklayınız...

 ´Kurtlar Vadisi Filistin´den olay yaratacak 2. fragman

Gazze’ye insani yardım malzemeleri götürmeye çalışan gemilere yapılan kanlı baskın üzerine Polat Alemdar ve arkadaşları Filistin’e gitmiştir. Yapılacaklar bellidir: Bu baskının askeri planlayıcısı ve yürütücüsü olan İsrailli komutan ele geçirilmelidir.

Filistinlilerle kurulan ilk temaslar sayesinde hedefine adım adım yaklaşmaya çalışan Polat Alemdar’ı bazı sürprizler beklemektedir. Hedeflerindeki kişi olan Moşe Ben Eliezer’in kural tanımaz gaddarlığı ve teknolojik imkânları işleri zorlaştırmaktadır. Polat, Moşe’ye ulaşmaya çalışırken, Filistin’de masum insanların nasıl öldürüldüklerini görür. Moşe, köyleri yıkmakta, çocukları öldürmekte ve Polat’a yardım eden herkesi hapse atmaktadır. Ancak teknolojik imkânlar ve kural tanımazlık, Moşe’yi kurtarmaya yetmeyecektir.


Short translation:

"Kurtlar Vadisi Filistin" (Valley of wolves - Palestine), starring Necati Şaşmaz, Gürkan Uygun, Kenan Çoban, Erdal Beşikçioğlu, Nur Aysan and Erkan Sever, produced by Pana Film will be on theaters on 28 Jan 2010. Finally!


Source: here

13.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 11 Jan 2011 Tue 08:23 pm

Second trailer is incredible. I look forward to watch the movie. Nobody talks about banning Rambo movies but when it comes to a Turkish movie everybody start to protest it. This is called hypocrisy.

14.       Elisabeth
5732 posts
 11 Jan 2011 Tue 10:49 pm

I think its silly to ban movies because you don´t agree with the subject matter but its just as silly to ban a TV show because it shows a long dead sultan from a long gone empire drinking wine.  see:  http://www.turkishclass.com/turkish/forum/forumTitle_48807_4


It´s just entertainment.  If you don´t like it, don´t watch it. 

Edited (1/11/2011) by Elisabeth

gokuyum liked this message
15.       scalpel
1472 posts
 12 Jan 2011 Wed 12:56 am

None of "F type" movies attract me. I have no interest in watching any part of that series.

thehandsom liked this message
16.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 12 Jan 2011 Wed 02:29 am

I watched all episodes of "Valley of the Wolves" series. And I am also aware of the political change in the subtext. I don´t approve it. I watch the series because there are action and talented actors. But movies are different. I like brave movies. And I think criticising U.S.A. so harshly in the first movie and now Israil in the second movie requires courage. I appreciate scenarists. Someone has to tell the tragedy of the people in the occupied countries. Using cinema for that purpose is very effective. I think we should support this kind of movies.

17.       si++
3785 posts
 12 Jan 2011 Wed 11:23 am

I rarely go to movie theaters but I will likely see this one.

18.       scalpel
1472 posts
 12 Jan 2011 Wed 02:33 pm


Quoting gokuyum

I watch the series because there are action and talented actors. . 



You should have added:apart from the one who plays Polat Alemdar in the series. He is the most "kazma" Turkish actor I have ever seen. He is as equally untalented as S.Stallone! {#emotions_dlg.lol} 

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19.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 12 Jan 2011 Wed 04:27 pm


Quoting scalpel




You should have added:apart from the one who plays Polat Alemdar in the series. He is the most "kazma" Turkish actor I have ever seen. He is as equally untalented as S.Stallone! {#emotions_dlg.lol} 

Of course he is not as talented as others. But in years he has improved his acting.


20.       si++
3785 posts
 13 Jan 2011 Thu 10:15 am


Quoting gokuyum


Of course he is not as talented as others. But in years he has improved his acting.



Nevertheless, isn´t he the most paid actor anyway?

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