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Gokuyum´s Favorite Folk Songs ;)
(54 Messages in 6 pages - View all)
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1.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 24 Jan 2013 Thu 10:47 pm

1)Eylen Yolcum:



Please someone kill me right this moment. It is so beatiful.


Eylen yolcum 

Rest passenger

Eylen yolcum eylen bir su vereyim, 
Susuz çöller aşmadınmı yaralı, 
Hüseyin cemali vardır yüzünde, 

 Beni mahrum etme dost ellerinden,şah yollarından 


Rest passenger, rest. Let me give you some water.

Didn´t you cross deserts wounded and thirsty?

You have the beauty of Huseyin(1) on your face.

Don´t deprive me of friend´s lands, the roads of Shah(2)


Bende ayrı düştüm sevdiklerimden,

Ok yedim zamane yezitlerinden, 

Dileğim var kerbelanın gülünden, 
Beni mahrum etme dost ellerinden,şah ellerinden 


I am seperated too from my friends

I was hit by arrows of today´s Yezids(3)

I have a wish from Kerbela´s rose(4)

Don´t deprive me of friend´s lands, the roads of Shah(2)



Sensin Zeynel canım kabe dediği, 
Sana gelen oklar sinemi deldi, 
Bak bende susuzum o günden beri, 
Beni mahrum etme dost ellerinden,şah yollarından.


You are Zeynel(5), who my heart calls Kaaba(6)

The arrows hit you pierced my chest

Look, I have been thirsty too since that day

Don´t deprive me of friend´s lands, the roads of Shah(2)



1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hussein_ibn_Ali






Edited (1/24/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (3/29/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (3/29/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (3/29/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (3/29/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (3/29/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (4/1/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (4/1/2013) by gokuyum

kindah, Turkish Lady, Nidi , ikibir, trip and 3 others liked this message
2.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 01 Feb 2013 Fri 11:10 pm

Ötme Bülbül


I get soft every day  


Ötme Bülbül (Ne Ötersin)

 Don´t sing nightingale (Why do you sing?)

Ne ötersin dertli dertli
Dayanamam zara bülbül
Hem dertlisin hem firkatli
Yakma beni nara bülbül

Why do you sing with sorrow?

I can´t bear seeing you crying 

You are both troubled and alone

Don´t burn me in fire nightingale.

Ötme bülbül ötme bülbül
Derdi derde katma bülbül
Benim derdim bana yeter
Bir dert de sen katma bülbül

Don´t sing nightingale, don´t.

Don´t add more to troubles.

My troubles are enough already

Don´t add one too nightingale.

Bilirim aşıksın güle
Gülün halından kim bile
Bizim bahçedeki güle
El atıp dolaşma bülbül

I know you are in love with rose

Who knows how fare the rose?

Around the rose in our garden

Don´t wander o nightingale.

Ötme bülbül ötme bülbül
Derdi derde katma bülbül
Benim derdim bana yeter
Bir dert de sen katma bülbül

Don´t sing nightingale, don´t.

Don´t add more to troubles.

My troubles are enough already

Don´t add one too nightingale.

Bülbüllerin aslı mısın
Kafeslerde besli misin
Benim gibi yaslı mısın
Niçin giydin kara bülbül

Are you the chief of nightingales?

Are you fed in a cage?

Are you mournful for me?

Why do you wear black nightingale?

Ötme bülbül ötme bülbül
Derdi derde katma bülbül
Benim derdim bana yeter
Bir dert de sen katma bülbül

Don´t sing nightingale, don´t.

Don´t add more to troubles.

My troubles are enough already

Don´t add one too nightingale.

Bülbüllerden hurişansın
Yardan bana bir nişansın
Benim gibi perişansın
Gel ah u zar etme bülbül

You are the angel of nightingales

You are a reminiscence from beloved

You are miserable like me

Don´t sigh and cry nightingale.

Ötme bülbül ötme bülbül
Derdi derde katma bülbül
Benim derdim bana yeter
Bir dert de sen katma bülbül

Don´t sing nightingale, don´t.

Don´t add more to troubles.

My troubles are enough already

Don´t add one too nightingale.

Edited (2/1/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (2/1/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (5/1/2013) by gokuyum

elenagabriela, ikibir, ümitli and trip liked this message
3.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 29 Mar 2013 Fri 02:49 pm

Senden bana yar olmaz 



Senden bana yar olmaz
Olsa vefâkar olmaz

 You cant be my lover

Even you could, you wouldnt be loyal

Kışa çevirme yazımı
Çalıp dinletme sazımı
Küstürüp sen al nazımı
Yaralıyam yaralı

 Dont turn my summer into winter

Dont make me play and listen to my saz

You offended me, appease me

I am wounded, wounded.

Her ağaçta bar olmaz
Seven bahtiyar olmaz

 There is no fruit on every tree.

A lover cant be happy.

Kışa çevirme yazımı
Çalıp dinletme sazımı
Küstürüp sen al nazımı
Yaralıyam yaralı


Dont turn my summer into winter

Dont make me play and listen to my saz

You offended me, appease me

I am wounded, wounded.


Yar ki yardan ayrılsın
Ağlamaktır neşesi

For a lover who is seperated from his beloved

Only joy is to cry.

Kışa çevirme yazımı
Çalıp dinletme sazımı
Küstürüp sen al nazımı
Yaralıyam yaralı


Dont turn my summer into winter

Dont make me play and listen to my saz

You offended me, appease me

I am wounded, wounded.

Yöre: Artvin
Kaynak kişi: Hasan Çıtak
Derleyen ve notaya alan: Muzaffer Sarısözen


Edited (3/29/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (3/29/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (5/17/2013) by gokuyum

trip, elenagabriela and ikibir liked this message
4.       ikibir
8 posts
 29 Mar 2013 Fri 03:03 pm


Quoting gokuyum

Senden bana yar olmaz 



Senden bana yar olmaz
Olsa vefâkar olmaz

 You cant be my lover

Even you could, you wouldnt be loyal

Kışa çevirme yazımı
Çalıp dinletme sazımı
Küstürüp sen al nazımı
Yaralıyam yaralı

 Dont turn my summer into winter

Dont make me play and listen to my saz

You offended me, appease me

I am wounded, wounded.

Her ağaçta bar olmaz
Seven bahtiyar olmaz

 There is no fruit on every tree.

A lover cant be happy.

Kışa çevirme yazımı
Çalıp dinletme sazımı
Küstürüp sen al nazımı
Yaralıyam yaralı


Dont turn my summer into winter

Dont make me play and listen to my saz

You offended me, appease me

I am wounded, wounded.


Yar ki yardan ayrılsın
Ağlamaktır neşesi

 For a lover who left his beloved

Only joy is to cry.

Kışa çevirme yazımı
Çalıp dinletme sazımı
Küstürüp sen al nazımı
Yaralıyam yaralı


Dont turn my summer into winter

Dont make me play and listen to my saz

You offended me, appease me

I am wounded, wounded.

Yöre: Artvin
Kaynak kişi: Hasan Çıtak
Derleyen ve notaya alan: Muzaffer Sarısözen

This is my favorite turkish folk song too  thanks so much for your post and translation!!!




gokuyum liked this message
5.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 29 Mar 2013 Fri 03:07 pm


6.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 11 Apr 2013 Thu 11:52 pm

Çanakkale Türküsü



Çanakkale içinde vurdular beni
Ölmeden mezara koydular beni
Of gençliğim eyvah

 They shot me in Dardanelles

They put me into grave before dying.

Pity my youth pity.

Çanakkale köprüsü dardır geçilmez
Al kan olmuş suları bir tas içilmez
Of gençliğim eyvah

Dardanelles bridge is narrow, it can´t be passed

Its water has turned to blood, even a bowl of it cant be drunk.

Pity my youth pity.

Çanakkale içinde aynalı çarşı
Anne ben gidiyorum düşmana karşı
Of gençliğim eyvah

There is a mirrored bazar in Dardanelles

Mother I go against enemy.

Pity my youth pity.

Çanakkale içinde bir dolu testi
Anneler babalar ümidi kesti
Of gençliğim eyvah

There are lots of jugs in Dardanelles

Parents gave up hope.

Pity my youth pity.

Çanakkale´den çıktım yan basa basa
Ciğerlerim çürüdü kan kusa kusa
Of gençliğim eyvah

I got out of Dardanelles walking sideways

My lungs have rotted throwing up blood.

Pity my youth pity.

Çanakkale içinde sıra söğütler
Altında yatıyor aslan yiğitler
Of gençliğim eyvah

There are row upon row of willows in Dardanelles

Many brave young men lie under them.

Pity my youth pity.

Çanakkale´den çıktım başım selamet
Anafarta´ya varmadan koptu kıyamet
Of gençliğim eyvah

I got out of Dardanelles safely

But without reaching Anafarta, hell broke loose

Pity my youth pity.

Edited (4/12/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (5/17/2013) by gokuyum

rumeysa liked this message
7.       trip
297 posts
 12 Apr 2013 Fri 01:23 pm

Çanakkale Türküsü.

So sad. So moving. ... Thank you, gokuyum.

8.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 12 Apr 2013 Fri 03:11 pm


Quoting trip

Çanakkale Türküsü.

So sad. So moving. ... Thank you, gokuyum.


I am pleased that you like it trip. You have a good music taste.

trip liked this message
9.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 13 Apr 2013 Sat 09:05 pm

Hekimoğlu Türküsü




Hekimoğlu derler benim aslıma

Aynalı martin yaptırdım da narinim kendi nefsime


My origin is known as Hekimoğlu

I had a martin rifle with a mirror made for myself my delicate.


Konaklar yaptırdım mermer direkli

Hekimoğlu dediğinde narinim aslan yürekli


I had residences with marble pillars built

Hekimoğlu is lion-hearted my delicate.


Konaklar yaptırdım döşetemedim

Ünye Fatsa bir oldu da narinim baş edemedim


I had residences built but couldnt decorate them

Fatsa and Ünye came together I couldnt handle them my delicate.


Ünye Fatsa arası ordu da kuruldu

Hekimoğlu dediğin de narinim o da vuruldu.


Army took position between Ünye and Fatsa

Hekimoğlu was shot my delicate.


Edited (4/13/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (4/13/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (4/13/2013) by gokuyum

10.       trip
297 posts
 13 Apr 2013 Sat 11:23 pm

Hekimoğlu Türküsü

I like this one very much, too, gokuyum. And I always learn something from your posts. 

Baş edemedim: I couldn´t handle. Baş edememek: Not to be able to cope.

In reading a little about Hekimoğlu, I am struck at how much he sounds like Memed in "İnce Memed." Hekimoğlu was on the Black Sea, yes? And Memed´s story takes place in Çukurova. But the story sounds very similar. Do you think Yaşar Kemal was thinking of Hekimoğlu when he created Memed? Or maybe there were many such brigands who fought for the people and not just themselves. ... As Kemal says: Turkey´s brigands and bards -- a ripe combination for storytelling!

Yine şarkılar için teşekkürler!

Edited (4/13/2013) by trip

gokuyum liked this message
11.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 14 Apr 2013 Sun 08:08 am


Quoting trip

Hekimoğlu Türküsü

I like this one very much, too, gokuyum. And I always learn something from your posts. 

Baş edemedim: I couldn´t handle. Baş edememek: Not to be able to cope.

In reading a little about Hekimoğlu, I am struck at how much he sounds like Memed in "İnce Memed." Hekimoğlu was on the Black Sea, yes? And Memed´s story takes place in Çukurova. But the story sounds very similar. Do you think Yaşar Kemal was thinking of Hekimoğlu when he created Memed? Or maybe there were many such brigands who fought for the people and not just themselves. ... As Kemal says: Turkey´s brigands and bards -- a ripe combination for storytelling!

Yine şarkılar için teşekkürler!

It seems you know the story of Hekimoğlu. How did you learn it? There are many similarities between the stories of Hekimoğlu and İnce Memed. It is possible that Hekimoğlu´s story influenced Yaşar Kemal. You know Yaşar Kemal was really interested in folklore. And he has even a book where he collected some folk tales that he listened from villagers of his homeland. 


trip liked this message
12.       trip
297 posts
 14 Apr 2013 Sun 08:55 am

Quote: gokuyum

It seems you know the story of Hekimoğlu. How did you learn it? There are many similarities between the stories of Hekimoğlu and İnce Memed. It is possible that Hekimoğlu´s story influenced Yaşar Kemal. You know Yaşar Kemal was really interested in folklore. And he has even a book where he collected some folk tales that he listened from villagers of his homeland. 

I am sort of ashamed to say I learned about Hekimoğlu from Wikipedia. Your translation of the lyrics made me curious, so I went searching.

I have read "İnce Memed" and liked it very much. In English criticisms, Memed is compared to Robin Hood. So, I was interested to find a real person, Hekimoğlu, who sounded like he could be a model for Memed.

Is the story of Hekimoğlu an isolated one? Or were there other brigands like him in real life? Is he considered a Turkish hero? I saw a mention of the Laz people. And he was fighting Georgian lords, yes? This history is all new to me.

The photo below is on the Wikipedia page for the Laz people. These men certainly look like they could be fighting alongside İnce Memed!



13.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 14 Apr 2013 Sun 09:05 am


Quoting trip


I am sort of ashamed to say I learned about Hekimoğlu from Wikipedia. Your translation of the lyrics made me curious, so I went searching.

I have read "İnce Memed" and liked it very much. In English criticisms, Memed is compared to Robin Hood. So, I was interested to find a real person, Hekimoğlu, who sounded like he could be a model for Memed.

Is the story of Hekimoğlu an isolated one? Or were there other brigands like him in real life? Is he considered a Turkish hero? I saw a mention of the Laz people. And he was fighting Georgian lords, yes? This history is all new to me.

The photo below is on the Wikipedia page for the Laz people. These men certainly look like they could be fighting alongside İnce Memed!





There are many laz people live in Black Sea region of Turkey. They speak Turkish. They are considered Turkish. There are also Georgions in the region. So Hekimoğlu is also a Turkish hero.


Edited (4/14/2013) by gokuyum

14.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 01 May 2013 Wed 07:09 pm

Sarıkamış Türküsü (Özhan Eren)



Sarıkamış üstünde kar 
Kar altında Mehmedim yatar 
Gülüm donmuş kara dönmüş 
Gören sanmış yarini sarar 

There is snow on Sarıkamış

My Mehmed lies under snow.

My rose has frozen, turned into snow

Like he has hugged his beloved

Oy gülüm yar vay canım yar 
Kar altında Mehmedim yatar 

O my rose, o my soul

Under snow my Mehmed lies

Kimi Yemen kimi Harput 
Üzerinde ince bir çaput 
Avut yiğit gönlünü avut 
Yar sarmazsa Mevla´m sarar 

Some from Harput, some from Yemen

Only thin rags on them 

Console your brave heart, console

If beloved cant hug you, God will.

Oy gülüm yar vay canım yar 
Kar altında Mehmedim yatar 


O my rose, o my soul

Under snow my Mehmed lies



Note: Sarıkamış disaster is one of the biggest disasters in the Turkish history.


Edited (5/1/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (5/1/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (5/1/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (5/2/2013) by gokuyum

trip liked this message
15.       trip
297 posts
 02 May 2013 Thu 09:42 am

Another very sad song, gokuyum. You have sent me to Wikipedia again, this time to learn about Sarıkamış. This is the battle in 1914-15 between the Ottomans and the Russians, yes? I see Turkish losses of 60,000 to 80,000 men out of a force of 90,000. These numbers are unbelievable but I´m afraid very real. And many of these deaths are thought to have been caused by the freezing conditions, yes? Thus, this song. ... Thank you for another lesson in Turkish music and Turkish history. ... Teşekkür ederim.

P.S. -- Please explain "yar." What does it mean here? I see it means "precipice" or "cliff," but I have a feeling it also means "love" (this feeling comes from the translation of a Barış Manço song, I think). 

Edited (5/2/2013) by trip

gokuyum liked this message
16.       AlphaF
5677 posts
 02 May 2013 Thu 09:56 am

yar = beloved

While spellings of Yar= cliff and Yar= beloved are same in today´s Turkish..."a" in "beloved" is pronounced longer than in "cliff".

Edited (5/6/2013) by AlphaF

gokuyum liked this message
17.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 02 May 2013 Thu 11:46 am


Quoting trip

Another very sad song, gokuyum. You have sent me to Wikipedia again, this time to learn about Sarıkamış. This is the battle in 1914-15 between the Ottomans and the Russians, yes? I see Turkish losses of 60,000 to 80,000 men out of a force of 90,000. These numbers are unbelievable but I´m afraid very real. And many of these deaths are thought to have been caused by the freezing conditions, yes? Thus, this song. ... Thank you for another lesson in Turkish music and Turkish history. ... Teşekkür ederim.

P.S. -- Please explain "yar." What does it mean here? I see it means "precipice" or "cliff," but I have a feeling it also means "love" (this feeling comes from the translation of a Barış Manço song, I think). 

Most of them froze to death even without shooting a single bullet. Enver Pasha´s wrong war strategy caused this.


18.       trip
297 posts
 02 May 2013 Thu 08:30 pm

Another interesting thing about this song: Harput is today´s Elazığ, if I am understanding what I read on the Internet. So, some men came from relatively nearby. And then there is Yemen, meaning others came from across the empire to fight. It is a reminder of just how far the Ottoman Empire stretched, even in its final days. Amazing.

gokuyum liked this message
19.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 02 May 2013 Thu 08:40 pm


Quoting trip

Another interesting thing about this song: Harput is today´s Elazığ, if I am understanding what I read on the Internet. So, some men came from relatively nearby. And then there is Yemen, meaning others came from across the empire to fight. It is a reminder of just how far the Ottoman Empire stretched, even in its final days. Amazing.

I dont really know if anyone came from Yemen. But you know when a Muslim country fights against an enemy from another religion, it is a jihad. And always some muslims from other countries  wants to join that war. They think it is a sacred war. You know many muslim people from other countries fought against Serbia with Bosnia because of that. So it is possible maybe some volunteers came from Yemen.


Edited (5/2/2013) by gokuyum

20.       trip
297 posts
 02 May 2013 Thu 08:59 pm

Quote: gokuyum

I dont really know if anyone came from Yemen. But you know when a Muslim country fights against an enemy from another religion, it is a jihad. And always some muslims from other countries  wants to join that war. They think it is a sacred war. You know many muslim people from other countries fought against Serbia with Bosnia because of that. So it is possible maybe some volunteers came from Yemen.

Yes, I am aware of that aspect of the war in the Balkans. And it goes on in other parts of the world today, yes? ... But I wonder if the Ottomans would have conscripted people from all over the empire. Perhaps some men from far away had to come join this fight? If you are losing so many men in single battles, you might have to draw on very distant resources. This was not long before Çanakkale, correct? I don´t know the sequence of events really, but the Turks must have known they were in a huge struggle even before these two huge losses of men.

21.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 03 May 2013 Fri 01:35 am


Quoting trip


Yes, I am aware of that aspect of the war in the Balkans. And it goes on in other parts of the world today, yes? ... But I wonder if the Ottomans would have conscripted people from all over the empire. Perhaps some men from far away had to come join this fight? If you are losing so many men in single battles, you might have to draw on very distant resources. This was not long before Çanakkale, correct? I don´t know the sequence of events really, but the Turks must have known they were in a huge struggle even before these two huge losses of men.


I would recommend you to read the beginning  of this column about the sequences of the events during that year-from mid 1914 to mid 1915-. (http://www.turkishclass.com/columns/thehandsom/2010/06/10/armenian-question--iii--medz-yeghern-buyuk-facia This incident, Sarikamis incident was very important to the entire nation at the time and we are still facing the consequences of it. (it is much more important  than just a song about 100.000 deads) The entire Armenian deportation was related to this incident. If it was not Sarikamis, the history could have happened in a different way. Enver pasha banned the new papers in Istanbul, writing about this incident for example. When  the failure started to emerge, he had to create a cause to unite people and divert people´s attention. Then, the Armenian deportation happened.  Because of Armenian deportation, allied countries pretty determined to punish the perpetrators. Then the most charismatic generals like Enver/Cemal had to leave. Then ´sari pasa´/Ataturk was the only one who remained behind and he established Turkey...   



Edited (5/3/2013) by thehandsom

22.       trip
297 posts
 03 May 2013 Fri 08:24 pm

Quote: thehandsome

I would recommend you to read the beginning  of this column about the sequences of the events during that year-from mid 1914 to mid 1915-. 

Teşekkürler, thehandsome. I have read your column and some of the discussion afterward. I hesitate to talk about these questions because I can see they are extremely complicated even for the people who know about them, and I am just learning. But one question: Before the horrible events of the WWI era, did Turks and Armenians generally get along? Is all the animosity that seems to still exist today stem solely from these events in the early part of the 20th century? (Armenians in America feel very strongly about this issue, as I´m sure you know.) As someone noted in the discussion at the end of your article, it is a shame that Turkey and the Armenians cannot find some resolution all these years later. It would be better for both peoples. ... I don´t want to start an argument here, so please, everyone, take my comments in the spirit they are intended -- in peace. ... Teşekkür ederim.

23.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 03 May 2013 Fri 09:15 pm

I think an endless discussion is about to begin. I hope I am wrong. But if someone wants to discuss this issue please let him do it in another topic. Because I want this topic to be about only folk music.

Edited (5/3/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (5/3/2013) by gokuyum

24.       trip
297 posts
 03 May 2013 Fri 09:28 pm

Quote: gokuyum

I think an endless discussion is about to begin. I hope I am wrong. But if someone wants to discuss this issue please let him do it in another topic. Because I want this topic to be about only folk music.


Yes, I agree. Let´s start another thread. Sorry, gokuyum.

gokuyum liked this message
25.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 04 May 2013 Sat 01:46 am


Quoting gokuyum

I think an endless discussion is about to begin. I hope I am wrong. But if someone wants to discuss this issue please let him do it in another topic. Because I want this topic to be about only folk music.


Rule of the thumb is "I want doesn´t  get" Gokuyum

But do not worry, I was not trying to interfere with anything. It was just the case that I wanted to add some historical facts about the song you tried to translate.

26.       si++
3785 posts
 04 May 2013 Sat 07:47 am


Quoting trip


Teşekkürler, thehandsome. I have read your column and some of the discussion afterward. I hesitate to talk about these questions because I can see they are extremely complicated even for the people who know about them, and I am just learning. But one question: Before the horrible events of the WWI era, did Turks and Armenians generally get along? Is all the animosity that seems to still exist today stem solely from these events in the early part of the 20th century? (Armenians in America feel very strongly about this issue, as I´m sure you know.) As someone noted in the discussion at the end of your article, it is a shame that Turkey and the Armenians cannot find some resolution all these years later. It would be better for both peoples. ... I don´t want to start an argument here, so please, everyone, take my comments in the spirit they are intended -- in peace. ... Teşekkür ederim.


I believe yes. Also see the following thread:


27.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 05 May 2013 Sun 07:52 pm

Acem Kızı





Çırpınıp da Şanova´ya çıkınca 

Eğlen şanova´da kal acem kızı

Uğrun uğrun kaş altından bakınca 

Can telef ediyor gül acem kızı 


When you get to the Şanova after struggling

Rest on Şanova stay there Persian girl

When she secretly looks at under her eyebrows

Rose-like Persian girl wastes lives 


Seni seven oğlan neylesin malı 

Yumdukça gözünden döker mercanı 

Burnu fındık ağzı kahve fincanı 

Şeker mi şerbet mi bal acem kızı


What is the use of possession for the boy who loves you?

He cries corals when he shuts his eyes

Her nose is a hazelnut, her mouth is a coffee cup

Is honey-like Persian girl a sweet or sherbet?


This is a song of a love strory. (Of course it ended badly) 


Edited (5/5/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (5/5/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (5/17/2013) by gokuyum

28.       Nidi
3 posts
 06 May 2013 Mon 03:14 pm

Ne kadar güzellll müzik, beğendim  Teşekkürler Gokuyum!

Edited (5/6/2013) by Nidi

gokuyum liked this message
29.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 17 May 2013 Fri 08:16 pm

Gökhan Kırdar - Kerpiç Kerpiç Üstüne Kurdum Binayı



Kerpic kerpic ustune kurdum binayi

I built the buildung brick on brick

Binayi kurar iken gordum leylayi

When I was building it, I saw Leila

Leyla basima acti turlu belayi

Leyla caused many troubles to me.

Ah leyla leyla leyla etme bu nazi

Ah Leila Liela dont act coy to me.

Gel barisalim baban kiysin nikahi

Lets reconcile, let your father marry us

Kerpic kerpic ustune duzdum bir sira

I aligned a row brick on brick

Leyladan haber aldim gitmis misir´a

I heard that Leila had gone to Egypt.

Kuzu olup melesem arkasi sira

May I become a sheep and bleat after her

Ah leyla leyla leyla etme bu nazi

Ah Leila Liela dont act coy to me.

Gel barisalim baban kiysin nikahi

Lets reconcile, let your father marry us

Edited (5/17/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (5/17/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (5/17/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (5/17/2013) by gokuyum

trip liked this message
30.       trip
297 posts
 18 May 2013 Sat 08:46 am

Çok güzel, gokuyum. Another song to add to my list of favorites. Some questions:

1) Gel barisalim baban kiysin nikahi

Of course, I don´t really know what I am looking at, but in the above line, why do you not translate the "gel"? Would it not be "Come, let us reconcile." That is such a nice line.

2) Kerpic kerpic ustune kurdum binayi

When I try to translate Turkish lyrics, it often seems to me that the usual word order shifts. Isn´t that true in the above line?: The verb comes before the object here -- kurdum binayı. Is this happening simply for poetic effect? Or do these lyrics come from a time when the word order might have been different? For instance, Shakespeare might not say things in the same order we do today in English.

(I hope my questions aren´t stupid.)

Tekrar teşekkür ederim.

gokuyum liked this message
31.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 18 May 2013 Sat 09:47 am


Quoting trip

Çok güzel, gokuyum. Another song to add to my list of favorites. Some questions:

1) Gel barisalim baban kiysin nikahi

Of course, I don´t really know what I am looking at, but in the above line, why do you not translate the "gel"? Would it not be "Come, let us reconcile." That is such a nice line.

2) Kerpic kerpic ustune kurdum binayi

When I try to translate Turkish lyrics, it often seems to me that the usual word order shifts. Isn´t that true in the above line?: The verb comes before the object here -- kurdum binayı. Is this happening simply for poetic effect? Or do these lyrics come from a time when the word order might have been different? For instance, Shakespeare might not say things in the same order we do today in English.

(I hope my questions aren´t stupid.)

Tekrar teşekkür ederim.

1. Yeah I guess I forgot to translate it

2. Word order is not strict in Turkish. But most of the time we put verb at the end. I think as you say for poetic effect poet put it before object.


trip liked this message
32.       harp00n
3993 posts
 18 May 2013 Sat 11:26 am

Badi, 2 gündür PM yolluyorum ama bir sorun var sanırım, gelmediler.

33.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 18 May 2013 Sat 05:04 pm


Quoting harp00n

Badi, 2 gündür PM yolluyorum ama bir sorun var sanırım, gelmediler.


Evet pm gelmedi. Ama pozitif enerjini hissettim

34.       harp00n
3993 posts
 18 May 2013 Sat 09:14 pm

35.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 18 May 2013 Sat 09:17 pm

Resimlerini profiline ne zaman ekledin. Ben şimdi gördüm valla. Hoş bir süpriz oldu

36.       harp00n
3993 posts
 18 May 2013 Sat 09:21 pm

Sürpriz yaptım

gokuyum liked this message
37.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 30 May 2013 Thu 09:46 pm


Var Git Turnam - Sezen Aksu


Dağlar dağlar dumanlı dağlar

Yücelerinde erimez karlar

Evimden ocağımdan oldum aman

Bana kurtlar kuşlar ağlar

Yerimden yurdumdan oldum aman

Bahtım kareler bağlar


Mountains, mountains, o foggy mountains.!

On their tops snow don´t melt

I lost my house, my family

Even wolves and birds cry for me

I lost my house, my family

My fortune wears mourning


Gün geçmez yüzbin yıl olur

Bu ayrılık kanun mudur

Evimden ocağımdan oldum aman

Kanlı göz yaşım çağlar

Yerimden yurdumdan oldum aman

Har ciğerimi dağlar


Days dont pass, it becomes  one thousand years

Is this seperation a law?

I lost my house, my family oof

My bloody tears splash

I lost my house, my family oof

Fire burns my liver.


Var git turnam tez haberimi uçur

Dedim dağ kavuşmaz insan kavuşur


Go quickly my crane, carry away my news

I said even mountains reunite, but humans don´t.


Zemheriden ötesi bahar aylar

Kuzu meler yoncalanır yaylalar

Zemheriden ötesi bahar aylar

Kuzu meler yoncalanır yaylalar


After winter, months of spring come

Lambs bleat, pleteaus gets full with clovers

After winter, months of spring come

Lambs bleat, pleteaus gets full with clovers

Benim derdimle yedi cihan dolar

Dedim hakka ulaşır bütün yollar


Seven sides of world get full with my sorrow

I said all roads go to God.


Zemheriden ötesi bahar aylar

Kuzu meler yoncalanır yaylalar

Zemheriden ötesi bahar aylar

Kuzu meler yoncalanır yaylalar

After winter, months of spring come

Lambs bleat, pleteaus gets full with clovers

After winter, months of spring come

Lambs bleat, pleteaus gets full with clovers

Edited (5/30/2013) by gokuyum

38.       nessah
744 posts
 14 Jun 2013 Fri 01:54 am

Bir Mendil Aldım Dereden
Yolum Geçmez Yar Buradan
Bin Bir Derdim Var Yaradan

Güzel Seni Çok Özledim
Üç Ay Oldu Yol Gözlerim
Hakikattir Bu Sözlerim

Bahar Çiçek Açar Dalda
Ömür Geçer Hep Bu Yolda
Benim Gönlüm Değil Malda

Güzel Seni Çok Özledim
Üç Ay Oldu Yol Gözlerim
Hakikattir Bu Sözlerim

Selam Gelir Mektub İle
Mektup Değil Bu Bir Sille
Sever İsen Beni Dinle

Güzel Seni Çok Özledim
Üç Ay Oldu Yol Gözlerim
Hakikattir Bu Sözlerim


39.       nessah
744 posts
 14 Jun 2013 Fri 01:57 am



40.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 14 Jun 2013 Fri 02:04 am


Quoting nessah

Bir Mendil Aldım Dereden
Yolum Geçmez Yar Buradan
Bin Bir Derdim Var Yaradan

I took a hankerchief from brook

My way doesnt pass through here

I have a thousand trouble my Lord.

Güzel Seni Çok Özledim
Üç Ay Oldu Yol Gözlerim
Hakikattir Bu Sözlerim

Beautiful I have missed you a lot

For three months I have been waiting you

These words of me are the truth


Bahar Çiçek Açar Dalda
Ömür Geçer Hep Bu Yolda
Benim Gönlüm Değil Malda

In Spring flowers bloon on branches

My life passes always like this

My heart doesnt wish richness

Güzel Seni Çok Özledim
Üç Ay Oldu Yol Gözlerim
Hakikattir Bu Sözlerim

Beautiful I have missed you a lot

For three months I have been waiting you

These words of me are the truth

Selam Gelir Mektub İle
Mektup Değil Bu Bir Sille
Sever İsen Beni Dinle

Greeting comes by letter

This is not a letter but a slap

If you love me, listen to me.

Güzel Seni Çok Özledim
Üç Ay Oldu Yol Gözlerim
Hakikattir Bu Sözlerim

Beautiful I have missed you a lot

For three months I have been waiting you

These words of me are the truth




Edited (6/14/2013) by gokuyum
Edited (6/14/2013) by gokuyum

ikibir and nessah liked this message
41.       nessah
744 posts
 14 Jun 2013 Fri 02:24 am


Quoting gokuyum





thanks swetey it was nice


42.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 22 Jun 2013 Sat 11:00 pm

Halil İbrahim Balad



Dağda gızıl ot biter, içinde keklik öter
Eşkiyadan da beter, uslan be halil ibrahim
Kıvırcık saçlarına, kar düşmüş uçlarına
Dağın yamaçlarına yaslan be halil ibrahim

Red grass grows on the mountain, in it partridge sings

He is worse than a bandit, settle down o Halil İbrahim.

Snow felt on tips of your curly hair

Lean against montain sides o Halil İbrahim.

Derede su durulur, daldan köprü kurulur
El yerine vurulur, aslan be halil ibrahim
Kıvırcık saçlarına, kar düşmüş uçlarına
Dağın yamaçlarına, yaslan be halil ibrahim

 Water settles down in the brook, a bridge is built of branch

He is shot instead of others, Halil İbrahim is a lion.

Snow felt on tips of your curly hair

Lean against montain sides o Halil İbrahim.

Müfreze dağı sarar dağda kaçaklar arar
Geçit vermez kayalar, hızlan be halil ibrahim
Kıvırcık saçlarına, kar düşmüş uçlarına
Dağın yamaçlarına yaslan be halil ibrahim


Batallion surrounded the mountain, they search for runaways

Rocks dont give passage, hurry o Halil İbrahim

Snow felt on tips of your curly hair

Lean against montain sides o Halil İbrahim.


LonsingerAmber liked this message
43.       LonsingerAmber
34 posts
 23 Jun 2013 Sun 11:36 am


Quoting gokuyum

Halil İbrahim Balad



Dağda gızıl ot biter, içinde keklik öter
Eşkiyadan da beter, uslan be halil ibrahim
Kıvırcık saçlarına, kar düşmüş uçlarına
Dağın yamaçlarına yaslan be halil ibrahim

Red grass grows on the mountain, in it partridge sings

He is worse than a bandit, settle down o Halil İbrahim.

Snow felt on tips of your curly hair

Lean against montain sides o Halil İbrahim.

Derede su durulur, daldan köprü kurulur
El yerine vurulur, aslan be halil ibrahim
Kıvırcık saçlarına, kar düşmüş uçlarına
Dağın yamaçlarına, yaslan be halil ibrahim

 Water settles down in the brook, a bridge is built of branch

He is shot instead of others, Halil İbrahim is a lion.

Snow felt on tips of your curly hair

Lean against montain sides o Halil İbrahim.

Müfreze dağı sarar dağda kaçaklar arar
Geçit vermez kayalar, hızlan be halil ibrahim
Kıvırcık saçlarına, kar düşmüş uçlarına
Dağın yamaçlarına yaslan be halil ibrahim


Batallion surrounded the mountain, they search for runaways

Rocks dont give passage, hurry o Halil İbrahim

Snow felt on tips of your curly hair

Lean against montain sides o Halil İbrahim.


 Great song. Thank you for posting. 


gokuyum liked this message
44.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 23 Jun 2013 Sun 06:56 pm

Mamoş Ballad


Pencereden bir taş geldi
Ben sandımki mamoş geldi
Uyan mamoş mamoş uyan
Başımıza ne iş geldi

A stone came through window

I thought Mamoş came.

Wake up Mamoş, wake up

What happened to us?

Mamoş palton tutayım mı ?
Hayrına satayım mı ?
Di gah mamoş mamoş di gah
Başımıza yığıldı halk

Mamoş should I keep your coat?

Or should I sell it for the good of someone?

Get up Mamoş, Mamoş get up

Folk gathered around us

Eyvah mamoş mamoş eyvah
Tabib çağır yarama bak
Mamoş ninni mamoş ninni
Bilimez kim kime kinlii

Oh my God Mamoş, Mamoş oh my God

Call a doctor, look at my wound

Mamoş hush, hush Mamoş

It is not known who has a grudge


Edited (6/23/2013) by gokuyum

rumeysa liked this message
45.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 31 May 2014 Sat 05:25 am

I discovered this singer and this folk song just now. I wanted to share it. It is so nice. 



Çeke Çeke Ben Bu Dertten Ölürüm 
Seversen Ali´yi Değme Yarama 
Ali´nin Yoluna Serim Veririm 
Seversen Ali´yi Değme Yareme 

Suffering from this sorrow I am going to die

If you love Ali dont touch my wound

I am willing to give my head for the cause of Ali

If you love Ali dont touch my wound

Ali´nin Yaresi Yar Yaresidir 
Buna Merhem Olmaz Dil Yarasıdır 
Ali´yi Sevmeyen Hakk´ın Nesidir 
Seversen Ali´yi Değme Yareme

The wound of Ali is the wound of beloved

There is no medicine for it because it is a wound of heart

The one who doesnt love Ali, who he is to God?

If you love Ali dont touch my wound.

Bu Yurt Senin Değil Konar Göçersin 
Ali´nin Dolusun Bir Gün İçersin 
Körpe Kuzulardan Nasıl Geçersin 
Seversen Ali´yi Değme Yareme 
This land is not yours you are just a passenger
One day hopefully you will drink the drink of Ali
How can you turn away from these young lambs?
If you love Ali dont touch my wound.

Ilgıt Ilgıt Oldu Akıyor Kanım 
Pir Yoluna Kurban Verilir Serim 
Benim Derdim Bana Yeter Efendim 
Seversen Ali´yi Değme Yareme 
I am bleeding slowly
My head is given on the road of pir
My troubles are enough sir
If you love Ali dont touch my wound

Pir Sultan Abdal´ım Deftere Yazar 
Hilebaz Yarinle Olur Mu Pazar 
Pir Melhem Çalmazsa Yaralar Azar 
seversen Ali´yi Değme Yareme
My Pir Sultan writes on a notebook
Is it possible to negotiate with a trickster?
If pir doesnt put ointment, my wounds are going to get worse
If you love Ali dont touch my wound.

Edited (5/31/2014) by gokuyum
Edited (5/31/2014) by gokuyum
Edited (5/31/2014) by gokuyum
Edited (7/26/2014) by gokuyum

46.       alameda
3499 posts
 02 Jun 2014 Mon 05:35 pm

When you make a new link an choose the target,  you please pick "open link in new window" ? That way we won´t be taken away fromm the page with your translation. It´s annoying when you click on a link and the page you were looking at goes away. 
I love your translations, but hate looking the page when clicking on the link

It is very generous of you to lenduyour time to translate these songs for us.
Thank you Gokuyum.  

Quoting gokuyum

I discovered this singer and this folk song just now. I wanted to share it. It is so nice. 



Çeke Çeke Ben Bu Dertten Ölürüm 
Seversen Ali´yi Değme Yarama 
Ali´nin Yoluna Serim Veririm 
Seversen Ali´yi Değme Yareme 

Suffering from this sorrow I am going to die

If you love Ali dont touch my wound

I am willing to give my head for the cause of Ali

If you love Ali dont touch my wound

Ali´nin Yaresi Yar Yaresidir 
Buna Merhem Olmaz Dil Yarasıdır 
Ali´yi Sevmeyen Hakk´ın Nesidir 
Seversen Ali´yi Değme Yareme

Where is the wound of Ali o beloved?

There is no medicine for it because it is a wound of heart

The one who doesnt love Ali, who he is to God?

If you love Ali dont touch my wound.

Bu Yurt Senin Değil Konar Göçersin 
Ali´nin Dolusun Bir Gün İçersin 
Körpe Kuzulardan Nasıl Geçersin 
Seversen Ali´yi Değme Yareme 
This land is not yours you are just a passenger
One day hopefully you will drink the drink of Ali
How can you turn away from these young lambs?
If you love Ali dont touch my wound.

Ilgıt Ilgıt Oldu Akıyor Kanım 
Pir Yoluna Kurban Verilir Serim 
Benim Derdim Bana Yeter Efendim 
Seversen Ali´yi Değme Yareme 
I am bleeding slowly
My head is given on the road of pir
My troubles are enough sir
If you love Ali dont touch my wound

Pir Sultan Abdal´ım Deftere Yazar 
Hilebaz Yarinle Olur Mu Pazar 
Pir Melhem Çalmazsa Yaralar Azar 
seversen Ali´yi Değme Yareme
My Pir Sultan writes on a notebook
Is it possible to negotiate with a trickster?
If pir doesnt put ointment, my wounds are going to get worse
If you love Ali dont touch my wound.



47.       alameda
3499 posts
 02 Jun 2014 Mon 05:35 pm

Drat, my post double posted. If the admin can delete this one, it would be nice. 

Edited (6/2/2014) by alameda

48.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 02 Jun 2014 Mon 10:35 pm


Quoting alameda

When you make a new link an choose the target,  you please pick "open link in new window" ? That way we won´t be taken away fromm the page with your translation. It´s annoying when you click on a link and the page you were looking at goes away. 
I love your translations, but hate looking the page when clicking on the link

It is very generous of you to lenduyour time to translate these songs for us.
Thank you Gokuyum.  



Yeah I know. You told me that before But unfortunately my pc is broken now and I am using my tablet pc for a while. And it is a torture for me using this site with the tablet pc. I am so fond of using the mouse instead of my fingers. Without the mouse, everything is a challange for me now



49.       alameda
3499 posts
 02 Jun 2014 Mon 10:56 pm

Yes, I do´t like the tablets. I use a laptop/notebook and am good with the touchpad. It is looking like smart phones and tablets will be the death of the written language. 
Good luck getting your PC repaired. I think in Turkey you have sme excellent PC repair people. I had one that I was told the CD Rom and DVD drive was dead, and the keys kept ketting stuck. They wanted big bucks just to diagnose it....long story...even though I had a warranty on it, they found a way to not honor it.

Now in Turkey is is working very well.  

Quoting gokuyum


Yeah I know. You told me that before But unfortunately my pc is broken now and I am using my tablet pc for a while. And it is a torture for me using this site with the tablet pc. I am so fond of using the mouse instead of my fingers. Without the mouse, everything is a challange for me now





gokuyum liked this message
50.       denizli
970 posts
 03 Jun 2014 Tue 02:54 pm

Hello Gokuyum. How about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1GYQBsFOqA

This wouldn´t be an actual Turkish folk song but that style at least?

Is the singer considered good in Turkey or more of a Pop singer who adds Turkish elements as an after-thought?

I was stuck on a few things in the Lyrics, what is Saki? what is "Ah be"?

51.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 03 Jun 2014 Tue 05:59 pm


Quoting denizli

Hello Gokuyum. How about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1GYQBsFOqA

This wouldn´t be an actual Turkish folk song but that style at least?

Is the singer considered good in Turkey or more of a Pop singer who adds Turkish elements as an after-thought?

I was stuck on a few things in the Lyrics, what is Saki? what is "Ah be"?

Sıla is a popular pop singer.

Sorry but I dont hear any folk elments in the song.

Saki means cup bearer.


52.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 03 Jun 2014 Tue 06:27 pm


Quoting alameda

Yes, I do´t like the tablets. I use a laptop/notebook and am good with the touchpad. It is looking like smart phones and tablets will be the death of the written language. 
Good luck getting your PC repaired. I think in Turkey you have sme excellent PC repair people. I had one that I was told the CD Rom and DVD drive was dead, and the keys kept ketting stuck. They wanted big bucks just to diagnose it....long story...even though I had a warranty on it, they found a way to not honor it.

Now in Turkey is is working very well.  



Everythin is cheap here including human life


53.       denizli
970 posts
 03 Jun 2014 Tue 07:14 pm


Quoting gokuyum


Sıla is a popular pop singer.

Sorry but I dont hear any folk elments in the song.

Saki means cup bearer.



But isn´t the main instrument on Saki the Bağlama? Not that every North American Pop song using an acoustic guitar makes the song a true Folk song, but we often relate these.

Sila sounds too good to be a popular pop singer by North American standards. I´m noticing this, many of the most popular Turkish Pop singers are quite good. Not that none of the pop singers in North America are good. But usually you´ll find the good singers are less popular. Of course this partly may be my own personal opinions.

54.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 03 Jun 2014 Tue 07:21 pm


Quoting denizli



But isn´t the main instrument on Saki the Bağlama? Not that every North American Pop song using an acoustic guitar makes the song a true Folk song, but we often relate these.

Sila sounds too good to be a popular pop singer by North American standards. I´m noticing this, many of the most popular Turkish Pop singers are quite good. Not that none of the pop singers in North America are good. But usually you´ll find the good singers are less popular. Of course this partly may be my own personal opinions.

Yeah American pop music really hit the bottom. But with it Turkish pop music too. There are only a few good musicians now.


Edited (6/3/2014) by gokuyum
Edited (6/3/2014) by gokuyum
Edited (6/3/2014) by gokuyum
Edited (6/3/2014) by gokuyum

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