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We have survived another winter
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20.       si++
3785 posts
 26 Mar 2013 Tue 09:27 am


Quoting catwoman



Si++, it´s hard to make rules that are going to make 100% sense in every situation. Nobody had said that this conversatio in Turkish wasn´t ok, many people enjoyed it and nobody removed or criticized it. The point of the rule is not to exclude ´learners´ from discussions in Turkish where native speakers have extensive conversations that others cannot follow, which is when we ask for a translation.


OK. Thanks for the clarification.

21.       elenagabriela
2040 posts
 26 Mar 2013 Tue 10:23 am

...dünden beri kar yağıyor....zavallı ağaç kuş....

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22.       elenagabriela
2040 posts
 27 Mar 2013 Wed 06:02 pm

and still snowing..((

23.       elenagabriela
2040 posts
 26 Nov 2013 Tue 06:53 pm

kış yine geldi...

zaman su gibi akıyor....

24.       si++
3785 posts
 27 Nov 2013 Wed 07:59 am



Ben yazları daha çok seviyorum...

25.       elenagabriela
2040 posts
 27 Nov 2013 Wed 10:35 am



hep yaz olsa...keşke..

giz liked this message
26.       si++
3785 posts
 18 Feb 2014 Tue 12:41 pm

Winter seems to be over here in Istanbul. In fact there was no winter at all this year. It´s like we are in April here or something like that. Nice wheather outside but it´s really worrisome to not have any significant rainfall for the past 3 months here.

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27.       elenagabriela
2040 posts
 18 Feb 2014 Tue 01:54 pm


Quoting si++

Winter seems to be over here in Istanbul. In fact there was no winter at all this year. It´s like we are in April here or something like that. Nice wheather outside but it´s really worrisome to not have any significant rainfall for the past 3 months here.


I wish at least the weather remain nice for the the end of February....after that weekend, let it snow..

28.       catwoman
8933 posts
 20 Feb 2014 Thu 04:53 am

Did we have the same conversation last year? {#emotions_dlg.lol} Thanks Elenagabriela for digging it out.

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29.       elenagabriela
2040 posts
 20 Feb 2014 Thu 09:17 am

zaman su gibi akıyor


daha ne olsun

30.       elenagabriela
2040 posts
 04 Jun 2014 Wed 07:11 pm

we have survived another winter but still have rainy days....

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