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Let's practice Turkish by writing!!!
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10.       bod
5999 posts
 19 Jul 2006 Wed 11:15 pm

Yakın gelecek için planlarım.

Biraz sonra bir araba makineyi düzeltmelim. Bu etmek istemiyorum ama ben lazım. Kendim garajdan yüklü bir fatura alacağım düzeltmesem!

My plans for the future.

Soon I have to rebuild a car engine. I don't want to do this but I must. If I don't repair it myself I will receive an expensive bill from the garage!

11.       caliptrix
3055 posts
 24 Jul 2006 Mon 04:38 pm

Quoting bod:

Yakın gelecek için planlarım.

Biraz sonra bir araba makineyi düzeltmelim. Bu etmek istemiyorum ama ben lazım. Kendim garajdan yüklü bir fatura alacağım düzeltmesem!

My plans for the future.

Soon I have to rebuild a car engine. I don't want to do this but I must. If I don't repair it myself I will receive an expensive bill from the garage!

engine is motor for this sentence.
If rebuild same as repair that must be tamir etmek

As I know have to is an obliatory come from a higher authority. If this is wrong, correct me. If I am right, then you should use: zorunda olmak for have to

Biraz sonra bir araba motorunu tamir etmeliyim/etmek zorundayım.

You should use yapmak for the second sentence.

Bunu yapmak istemiyorum

The continuing sentence, lazım is used with another relative clause:

Benim gitmem lazım
I must go or I have to go

In your sentence:
ama yapmam lazım.

kendim is the right word here, bu you should use it within the same clause:
kendim düzeltmezsem or:
kendim tamir etmezsem (repair: tamir etmek)

garajdan yüklü bir fatura alacağım
This sentence is grammatically right but sounds like: "garage" is a company or a corporation and it will send you the bills.

If you want to say because of the garage, it may be like this:
garaj yüzünden yüklü bir fatura alacağım

And your full text is here:
Yakın gelecek için planlarım.

Biraz sonra bir araba motorunu tamir etmek zorundayım. Bunu yapmak istemiyorum ama yapmam lazım. Bunu kendim tamir etmezsem garaj yüzünden yüklü bir fatura alacağım.

Kolay gelsin!

12.       bod
5999 posts
 24 Jul 2006 Mon 07:52 pm

Quoting caliptrix:

engine is motor for this sentence.
If rebuild same as repair that must be tamir etmek

The dictionary translates düzeltmek as "to repair, put (something) in running order". "Rebuild" is a bit more involved than "repair" so would düzeltmek not be a better choice than tamir etmek ???

13.       caliptrix
3055 posts
 24 Jul 2006 Mon 08:01 pm

Quoting bod:

The dictionary translates düzeltmek as "to repair, put (something) in running order". "Rebuild" is a bit more involved than "repair" so would düzeltmek not be a better choice than tamir etmek ???

düzeltmek is usually to make something correct:

Yanlışım varsa düzeltin.
If I have a mistake, correct me.

or if something is bad as physically, and you want to make it better:

Kapının kolu yamulmuş, düzeltir misin?
The handle of the door has buckled, do you repair it?

By the way, we can use it for broken computers but we should not use it for engines. tamir etmek: repair is better for here.

Arabamı tamir ettirmem gerekiyor
I have to make my car repair

or if you will repaire:

Arabamı tamir etmem gerekiyor
I have to repaire my car

Kolay gelsin!

14.       miss_ceyda
2627 posts
 24 Jul 2006 Mon 08:21 pm

Quoting caliptrix:

Quoting bod:

The dictionary translates düzeltmek as "to repair, put (something) in running order". "Rebuild" is a bit more involved than "repair" so would düzeltmek not be a better choice than tamir etmek ???

düzeltmek is usually to make something correct:

Yanlışım varsa düzeltin.
If I have a mistake, correct me.

or if something is bad as physically, and you want to make it better:

Kapının kolu yamulmuş, düzeltir misin?
The handle of the door has buckled, do you repair it?

By the way, we can use it for broken computers but we should not use it for engines. tamir etmek: repair is better for here.

Arabamı tamir ettirmem gerekiyor
I have to make my car repair

or if you will repaire:

Arabamı tamir etmem gerekiyor
I have to repaire my car

Kolay gelsin!

so, when i said to my bf.. "benimle evlenmek istiyorsan anneni düzeltmen lazım" i was correct ha

15.       bod
5999 posts
 24 Jul 2006 Mon 08:41 pm

Quoting miss_ceyda:

so, when i said to my bf.. "benimle evlenmek istiyorsan anneni düzeltmen lazım" i was correct ha


16.       caliptrix
3055 posts
 24 Jul 2006 Mon 08:50 pm

Quoting miss_ceyda:

so, when i said to my bf.. "benimle evlenmek istiyorsan anneni düzeltmen lazım" i was correct ha

in fact, depends on your usage, it may be a joke or a rude saying.

by the way, i have seen this meaning of düzeltmek too:

to make someone believe in God (or God's existence)(sure for Islam, we should say: Allah's existence).lol

17.       bod
5999 posts
 24 Jul 2006 Mon 08:53 pm

Quoting caliptrix:

to make someone believe in God (or God's existence)(sure for Islam, we should say: Allah's existence).lol

I am not sure how it is possible to make someone believe in anything.......perhaps one can make another pretend to believe in something :-S

18.       caliptrix
3055 posts
 24 Jul 2006 Mon 08:57 pm

Quoting bod:

Quoting caliptrix:

to make someone believe in God (or God's existence)(sure for Islam, we should say: Allah's existence).lol

I am not sure how it is possible to make someone believe in anything.......perhaps one can make another pretend to believe in something :-S

I have many things to say about this topic but i am sure if i do that, this forum will be closed by erdinç lol

...not pretend; because convinced hearts dont pretend...

19.       miss_ceyda
2627 posts
 25 Jul 2006 Tue 12:51 am

Quoting caliptrix:

Quoting miss_ceyda:

so, when i said to my bf.. "benimle evlenmek istiyorsan anneni düzeltmen lazım" i was correct ha

in fact, depends on your usage, it may be a joke or a rude saying.

no, neither a joke nor a rude saying.. but smth which my father wants to happen before he will allow my marriage :S:'(

20.       ~Kerri~
6 posts
 27 Jul 2006 Thu 01:27 am

Quoting AlphaF:

The purest love is therefore the love of one drunk to another. There is absolutely no rational thinking involved !

hahaha that's halarious!

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