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A frustrating situation, losing my mind
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10.       louisa
87 posts
 20 Oct 2005 Thu 11:43 am

11.       carla
320 posts
 20 Oct 2005 Thu 07:21 pm

You always hear about Turkish men who work in the tourist industry hurting girls who fall for them, but I think you can't always judge. There has to be some exceptions right?

It is difficult as Kay said to see things as they are, you have basically tried to explain your whole story in a few paragraphs, so things may not be as we percieve them. I don't know much about Turkish culture etc when it comes to relationships, so forgive me if my reply is useless to you.

All I can say is that I know a Turkish man who works in some apartments, he met an English girl who was staying in those apartments 2 years ago, and he is marrying her in a month's time. Then he will go to England. When I was staying there, I saw a girl ask him to dance and he politely pushed her away and told her he is soon-to-be a married man. He tells people all the time that he is in love with her. He still calls other girls 'darling' etc, but he seems to be faithful (well, from what I saw anyway).

There has to be guys who don't fit into the 'player' category surely. Maybe you have found one of those guys. I think, don't stop the contact, but don't let him think you are so desperate to be with him. What will be, will be. There is nothing to lose. If love is there, then you will see it and he will prove it somehow.

12.       bliss
900 posts
 20 Oct 2005 Thu 10:28 pm

I was reading all the time and came to this conclusion, that we judge the guys for being nice to girls.I liked the post Lyndie wrote about touristic places.I think it is same everywhere in the world.Don't you think we have to be alert and do not fall for them.I want to ask this question to all girs on our site.Don't you go anywhere in your own country, own city? Isn't it same there? When we go to restaurants there are so many good looking and nice guys.Do we fall for everyone there?
Maybe I am wrong, I don't know, just feel bad to hear all these stories.I feel bad for the young girls who hurt so bad.Take care of yourself, be strong please.

With best reagards Bliss

13.       x-man
60 posts
 20 Oct 2005 Thu 10:35 pm

I am completely agree with you Bliss...

14.       Lyndie
968 posts
 20 Oct 2005 Thu 10:45 pm

Maybe you'll all disagree, but there are absolutely NO good looking, charming, romantic, sexy guys in england AT ALL! If there are, they are usually gay or married

15.       bliss
900 posts
 20 Oct 2005 Thu 11:10 pm

But do we look for good looking or charming guys to get married and share our life with them.I think for that reason we have to look deep inside of person , find our soulmate and get married to him.And I think it is important to have all beauty they have inside, not outside.
With years all the outside beauty is gonna go away anyway.
Hehe, do not judge me very strong.Just telling the truth.

16.       Lyndie
968 posts
 20 Oct 2005 Thu 11:12 pm

Been there! done that! Now I'll just settle for charming, romantic, handsome, shallow and preferable RICH!

17.       Lyndie
968 posts
 20 Oct 2005 Thu 11:16 pm

Oh alright - I was just being controversial and a little bit mischievous!

18.       bliss
900 posts
 20 Oct 2005 Thu 11:20 pm

Hehehe, Lyndie!!!
I like it and believe you were there.
Yes sure we all are looking for that.

19.       Lyndie
968 posts
 20 Oct 2005 Thu 11:42 pm


Yes it's just that I don't want to ignore his messages and stop the contact. Is there no chance that he may actually care for me? I mean he stayed in touch this time, and he said about meeting his family and everything.

Louisa, sorry for getting off track.
Look you don't have to ignore his messages and stop the contact, its a lovely feeling to be in communication with someone like this and to feel all loved up with him. Enjoy it BUT - just don't set your heart on anything coming from this. Maybe it will and maybe it won't. Just take my advice, don't stop your life for this boy. Don't sit pining indoors waiting for his texts. Don't sit there checking your phone every 5 minutes waiting for him. Don't stop going out with your friends, in case he texts, don't say no to someone else who you like and who asks you to go out with them.
In short enjoy this romantic little episode in your life and wait and see what happens, but don't repeat don't have too high an expectation OK? GOOD LUCK again.

20.       Seticio
550 posts
 21 Oct 2005 Fri 06:49 pm

I agree with Lyndie. Time will show whether this boy is worth trusting or not. But try not to involve yoursefl into it to much because later you can be very dissapointed. Lyndie knows touritic face of Turkey and she really knows what she's saying.

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