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Turkish Class Forums / Turkish Food Recipes

Turkish Food Recipes

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Urgent Recipe Needed .
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40.       catwoman
8933 posts
 18 Jul 2009 Sat 02:56 am

Is there a specific type of apple pie you want to make? In Poland people make lots of different kinds..

41.       CANLI
5084 posts
 18 Jul 2009 Sat 05:52 am

  Well, i didnt know that !

Ý just know a pie and apple inside it lol

Well, can you give examples of them ?

Ý mean, how difference would they be ?

42.       Daydreamer
3743 posts
 18 Jul 2009 Sat 11:09 am

Here´s an apple pie like the one my mum makes:


The recipe goes:

250 g of baking butter/margarine
600 g of flour
250 g of sugar
6 egg yolks
3 tablespoons of sour cream (creme fraiche will do too)
2 teaspoons of baking powder

Apple stuffing:
1 kg of apples
1 tablespoon of sugar
1 goosebery jelly powder (custard powder will do too or anything like that)


Knead the dough, divide into 2 halves. Use a rolling pin on both parts, put one on the bottom of baking tin (previously rub some margarine into the tin and put some flour on it), then add the apple stuffing, then the remaining dough.


Apple stuffing:

grate the apples, fry them a bit with sugar, then add the jelly powder and stir. Bake 45min at 160 degrees

43.       catwoman
8933 posts
 19 Jul 2009 Sun 06:25 am

You can make various types of dough and you can put/grate/spice the apple filling in various ways. Try DD´s recipe first, that´s probably the most common type. Afiyet olsun!

44.       christine
443 posts
 19 Jul 2009 Sun 11:27 am


Quoting CANLI

Guys,i need some help here, Ý need to make a birthday cake,good enough as if buying it. Ý always buy it so i´ve never done it before,this time i want to do it,and i´m afraid if i ruin it. So if anyone has a recipe or done it before,or got some tips,can please help here ?


 Type  birthday cake in google and i am sure you will find that you like and it should tell you all the detail of making it step by step.

45.       lady in red
6947 posts
 19 Jul 2009 Sun 03:58 pm


Quoting christine



 Type  birthday cake in google and i am sure you will find that you like and it should tell you all the detail of making it step by step.


 Canli´s message about the cake is more than 2.5 years´ old!!  lol  - I hope she managed to make one by now  lol

46.       CANLI
5084 posts
 19 Jul 2009 Sun 05:17 pm


Quoting Daydreamer



 Thanks DD, i will try this

Ý must say its a new recipe for the dough, all others didnt contain eggs at all or just 1 egg, but here is 6 egg yolks .

Ýt sound it must be tried recipe

47.       CANLI
5084 posts
 19 Jul 2009 Sun 05:38 pm


Quoting lady in red



 Canli´s message about the cake is more than 2.5 years´ old!!  lol  - I hope she managed to make one by now  lol


 Ã managed thank you  lol

Me bad, i should have posted it then.

Ý´ve managed on that time by the help of TLC members tho, some gave me the recipes here and some offered to help me actually while im making it and instruct me step by step 

Thanks bliss for that...i have thanked you then but should have posted it here too ...thanks dear Flowers


Quoting christine

 Type  birthday cake in google and i am sure you will find that you like and it should tell you all the detail of making it step by step.

Yes i know christine but one would need the tips that goes along with the recipes thats why i prefer to ask friends frist then if not google

Here one that i have tried and its great if you stick to it


The tip i would give you, TRUST them when they said ´´ mixer attachment and bowl are washed extremely clean after you made the egg yolks ´´ 

And that usually no

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