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Turkish PM storms off in Gaza row
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60.       kafesteki kush
104 posts
 31 Jan 2009 Sat 12:57 pm


Quoting AlphaF

.......Their holy book also tells them they are god´s chosen "shepherd",  divinely meant to rule the rest of the world, the "flock".THERE aren´t chosen nations(well,not according to Jews)but Jewish nation is subordinate to the same universal rules no matter if God´s or human.It shouldn´t be glorified but treated as the rest of nations


Long time to peace yet, unless these nuts are stopped immediately.

Agree.no matters what measures are taken,the peace is something unobtainable now..

just a result of creating artificial country,politics..



61.       AlphaF
5677 posts
 31 Jan 2009 Sat 01:05 pm

Jews have been saved and given refuge more than once in history by Moslem Turks, mainly from Catholic Spanish Inquisition and Nazi Germany.


I do not konw what your perverted mind means by a "typical turkish and moslem post". You obviously dont know much history, but should at least know enough geography to grasp that both Spain and Germany are parts of the glorious West.

62.       CANLI
5084 posts
 31 Jan 2009 Sat 01:57 pm


Quoting femmeous




Femmeous, i have no problem with whatever opinions you may/have, logical, non logical, good, bad, healthy, sick..what so ever...i dont care really

 Opinions represent the person who concede them not others.

So actually its not my problem as much as its yours.

But my problem here is how you present, introduce your opinions.

We have rules here for that, and i believe they are way too clear, and need no more further explanations !

So taking those rules into consideration, will not lead in deleting any kind of post no matter how we agree, or disagree with.

63.       CANLI
5084 posts
 31 Jan 2009 Sat 02:17 pm


Quoting femmeous

i think you are all blind and deaf. thats all i can say about it.

i suppose most of you even didnt bother yourselves to listen to the whole debate. you all are ignorants.


can anyone explain me a thing?

how come arabs in israel live a peaceful life untouched and they even can participate in government?

and any single jew that wonders into gaza or west bank must be killed and dismembered?


but you all hear and see what you want to see and hear. thats all.


Ý dont understand why are you so angry about ?

Because Perese didnt has the last word as he wanted and as was planed for ?!


To answer your questions.

No, actually i have listened to the whole debate, searched till i found what Perese said.

He was way very impressive in describing how the children cant sleep the night, and make it a good excuse in the killing of the 400 Palestinian kids !

Ý heard it alright, but it contains many claims that not even worth talking about!

People can try to change history, make other people forget, but how on earth can they expect others to forget things, events that we already witnessed ?!


And about the arab living in israel thing.

Ý dont think you forgot Baruch Kappel Goldstein in 1994

And what israel done in response, or do you need a reminder ?!

So please save me the good heart thing here !  

64.       CANLI
5084 posts
 31 Jan 2009 Sat 02:35 pm


Quoting femmeous

 yes a typical turkish and muslim post.

"israel, listen, you will never see peace, we will destroy you. if not palestianians, we turks will kill you off and then iranians and even rusians!" congratulations on your superb peaceful mentality.

go, and make peace the way you always did.


i mean, israel is not so bad when israel gives tanks and other wepons for free and train your army. then israel is not bad.

typical dudus.


 Ã dont think you get it, do you ?

Do you expect us to offer our lands to israel as a gift or present or something ?!

AlphaF was talking about erezet ýsrael


Quoting AlphaF


Sionists will still have to deal with Syria, Turkey, and Iraq to secure all the land they believe god has "promised" them. I doubt if even that will stop them: Their holy book also tells them they are god´s chosen "shepherd",  divinely meant to rule the rest of the world, the "flock".




So you mean we should be good  and offer our lands in exchange of peace ?!

Do you hear yourself ?!!

Who is having a superb peaceful mentality then ?!

You call that peace ?!

65.       armegon
1872 posts
 31 Jan 2009 Sat 03:06 pm


Quoting AlphaF

Well ! Nobody touches or nudges a Turkish Priminister, while the PM is formally speaking.

That was exactly what that clown of a moderator did; Stuff it, if you think that was Western diplomacy.


 Yeah, and it is not surprising that clown is an Armenian lobbyist{#lang_emotions_rolleyes}

66.       AlphaF
5677 posts
 31 Jan 2009 Sat 03:15 pm

Want to know what CBS thiks?



67.       AlphaF
5677 posts
 31 Jan 2009 Sat 04:18 pm

Want to know what Mary Callaghan thinks?



68.       AlphaF
5677 posts
 31 Jan 2009 Sat 04:25 pm



What your map clearly proves is that old Moses was a farmer and had no idea of jeology.

His map definitely misses all Iraqi and Kuwaiti oil fields, by a wide margin.


69.       femmeous
2642 posts
 31 Jan 2009 Sat 04:57 pm

 where did you find this post of alpha?

israel is one of the nations trying to survive. i would love to see what you would say if russians, czechs, germans, swedish would constantly attack poland. would you be speaking the same thing?


you better dont speak of artificial nations, because we can throw your country into the same bag. for how long poland was errased from the map?

when russian politicians were speaking this crap about poland i felt shame for them.

but i think i feel shame for you today.


Quoting kafesteki kush



.......Their holy book also tells them they are god´s chosen "shepherd",  divinely meant to rule the rest of the world, the "flock".THERE aren´t chosen nations(well,not according to Jews)but Jewish nation is subordinate to the same universal rules no matter if God´s or human.It shouldn´t be glorified but treated as the rest of nations


Long time to peace yet, unless these nuts are stopped immediately.

Agree.no matters what measures are taken,the peace is something unobtainable now..

just a result of creating artificial country,politics..

70.       kafesteki kush
104 posts
 31 Jan 2009 Sat 05:54 pm


Quoting femmeous

 where did you find this post of alpha?

in this thread of TLC

israel is one of the nations trying to survive. i would love to see what you would say if russians, czechs, germans, swedish would constantly attack poland. would you be speaking the same thing?

I did not say that Israel is not trying to survive,I SAID IT BEHAVES LIKE A OCCUPIER NOW

 and is it rightful thing to attack civilians.I have an impression you have not paid attention to my previous post just umping on my reply to Alpha´s

you better dont speak of artificial nations,

WHICH ARTIFICIAL NATIONS i spoke about.Don´t put a country and a nation into the same bag.

 because we can throw your country into the same bag. for how long poland was errased from the map?

For almost 300 years but there is a big difference.Poland had existed historically as a country on the maps, before partition -Israel NOT.

when russian politicians were speaking this crap about poland i felt shame for them.

Oh,what a generosity!)

but i think i feel shame for you today.

oh what an act of elevated  feelings,somehow I am not surprised,anyway,thank you that you manage to bother your head with such feelings for me as I do not feel it about myself.

you claim rights to express your opinions here ,don´t you think I am also entitled to  speak my mind no matter what you think?




.......Their holy book also tells them they are god´s chosen "shepherd",  divinely meant to rule the rest of the world, the "flock".THERE aren´t chosen nations(well,not according to Jews)but Jewish nation is subordinate to the same universal rules no matter if God´s or human.It shouldn´t be glorified but treated as the rest of nations


Long time to peace yet, unless these nuts are stopped immediately.

Agree.no matters what measures are taken,the peace is something unobtainable now..

just a result of creating artificial country,politics..



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