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Protecting "Turkishness" Continues
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1.       TheAenigma
5001 posts
 16 Feb 2009 Mon 02:36 pm

Protecting Turkishness continues

ANKARA - The Justice Ministry has rejected 403 applications for investigations into remarks perceived as insulting "Turkishness" since May 8, 2008. It accepted 70 applications and 113 are still being considered, the justice minister said Friday.

 In response to Nationalist Movement Party, or
MHP, deputy Erkan Ekçay’s parliamentary question, Justice Minister Mehmet Ali Þahin said since May 8 last year when the ministry was given authority to approve or reject cases linked to Article 301 of the penal code, courts have suspended 301 trials, forwarding them to the ministry for reassessment. "That is why there are so many applications," he said, according to the Anatolia news agency."




When asked to confirm that thehandsom was on the list, Ekcay would not confirm or deny saying "I will not comment on individual cases".  He did, however, add that Tami was to receive a special medal for his services above and beyond the call duty for defending Turkishness

Edited (2/16/2009) by TheAenigma [Added Juice]

2.       adana
416 posts
 16 Feb 2009 Mon 02:39 pm


Quoting TheAenigma

Protecting Turkishness continues

ANKARA - The Justice Ministry has rejected 403 applications for investigations into remarks perceived as insulting "Turkishness" since May 8, 2008. It accepted 70 applications and 113 are still being considered, the justice minister said Friday.

 In response to Nationalist Movement Party, or
MHP, deputy Erkan Ekçay’s parliamentary question, Justice Minister Mehmet Ali Þahin said since May 8 last year when the ministry was given authority to approve or reject cases linked to Article 301 of the penal code, courts have suspended 301 trials, forwarding them to the ministry for reassessment. "That is why there are so many applications," he said, according to the Anatolia news agency."




When asked to confirm that thehandsom was on the list, Ekcay would not confirm or deny saying "I will not comment on individual cases".  He did, however, add that Tami was to receive a special medal for his services above and beyond the call duty for defending Turkishness



3.       tamikidakika
1346 posts
 16 Feb 2009 Mon 03:16 pm



Quoting TheAenigma


When asked to confirm that thehandsom was on the list, Ekcay would not confirm or deny saying "I will not comment on individual cases".  He did, however, add that Tami was to receive a special medal for his services above and beyond the call duty for defending Turkishness



Edited (2/16/2009) by tamikidakika

4.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 16 Feb 2009 Mon 04:10 pm


Quoting TheAenigma

Protecting Turkishness continues

ANKARA - The Justice Ministry has rejected 403 applications for investigations into remarks perceived as insulting "Turkishness" since May 8, 2008. It accepted 70 applications and 113 are still being considered, the justice minister said Friday.

 In response to Nationalist Movement Party, or
MHP, deputy Erkan Ekçay’s parliamentary question, Justice Minister Mehmet Ali Þahin said since May 8 last year when the ministry was given authority to approve or reject cases linked to Article 301 of the penal code, courts have suspended 301 trials, forwarding them to the ministry for reassessment. "That is why there are so many applications," he said, according to the Anatolia news agency."




When asked to confirm that thehandsom was on the list, Ekcay would not confirm or deny saying "I will not comment on individual cases".  He did, however, add that Tami was to receive a special medal for his services above and beyond the call duty for defending Turkishness


He he

It will be the same court which tried Orhan Pamuk, Hrant Dink, Yasar kemal etc.

I will consider it an honour if I am in the list..

Edited (2/16/2009) by thehandsom

5.       Elisabeth
5732 posts
 17 Feb 2009 Tue 04:37 pm


Quoting TheAenigma

Protecting Turkishness continues

ANKARA - The Justice Ministry has rejected 403 applications for investigations into remarks perceived as insulting "Turkishness" since May 8, 2008. It accepted 70 applications and 113 are still being considered, the justice minister said Friday.

 In response to Nationalist Movement Party, or
MHP, deputy Erkan Ekçay’s parliamentary question, Justice Minister Mehmet Ali Þahin said since May 8 last year when the ministry was given authority to approve or reject cases linked to Article 301 of the penal code, courts have suspended 301 trials, forwarding them to the ministry for reassessment. "That is why there are so many applications," he said, according to the Anatolia news agency."




When asked to confirm that thehandsom was on the list, Ekcay would not confirm or deny saying "I will not comment on individual cases".  He did, however, add that Tami was to receive a special medal for his services above and beyond the call duty for defending Turkishness


 Let it be known that thehandsom´s Turkishness has already been revoked!  {#lang_emotions_lol_fast}

6.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 17 Feb 2009 Tue 04:48 pm


Quoting Elisabeth


 Let it be known that thehandsom´s Turkishness has already been revoked!  {#lang_emotions_lol_fast}


Lis.... Stop spreading lies..{#lang_emotions_you_crazy} OK?

I demand above post to be deleted..

7.       Elisabeth
5732 posts
 17 Feb 2009 Tue 04:56 pm


Quoting thehandsom



Lis.... Stop spreading lies..{#lang_emotions_you_crazy} OK?

I demand above post to be deleted..


Handsom, I do not lie.  We have ample evidence that proves you have been insulting your own Turkishness and I have copies of documents that order your Turkishness be removed forcibly if you don´t surrender it willingly.{#lang_emotions_lol_fast}  Tami and his henchmen will be around shortly to see to it!

8.       cynicmystic
567 posts
 19 Feb 2009 Thu 06:30 pm

Well, being so handsome, I am sure the one and only thehandsom will charm the judges at the tribunal anyways... He will give new meanings to Turkishness & Handsomness with a vast collection of evidential newspaper articles from Zaman and other paper-sources. He will stand his ground. he will stomp his feet. He will smile at the face of injustice. He will prevail.


So, no worries handsom, your Turkishness is still as intact as a virgin´s hymen.

9.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 19 Feb 2009 Thu 09:12 pm


Quoting cynicmystic

Well, being so handsome, I am sure the one and only thehandsom will charm the judges at the tribunal anyways... He will give new meanings to Turkishness & Handsomness with a vast collection of evidential newspaper articles from Zaman and other paper-sources. He will stand his ground. he will stomp his feet. He will smile at the face of injustice. He will prevail.


So, no worries handsom, your Turkishness is still as intact as a virgin´s hymen.




So you have decided (again ) to stage a personal attack, rather than talking about the subjects I post..Eh?


First of all, I am not worried a tiny bit about my Turkishness..


Well you and people like you who grew up with the rhetorics such as ´One Turk equals to the world´ and believed in it by heart, would have different understanding of Turkishness than I do and that does not surprise me at all..



And about people and their Turkishness..

Well..What can I say..

Lets put it this way:

People kill Hrant Dink, they claim they are ´real Turks´ 

People kill Ugur Mumcu, they claim they are ´real Turks´ 

People take kurds from their homes and put a bullet into their necks, they claim they are ´real Turks´..

People take kids to the courts they claim they are ´real Turks´



All People in Ergenekon case, they all are saying that they are ´real Turks´..

All People in JITEM, they claim that they are ´real Turks´..

All people who try to stop talking about Armenian issues which is our important part of history, claim to be ´real Turks´


Above are the subjects mostly I post about. But somehow, instead of getting answers or comments, people like you, start going personal.. {#lang_emotions_unsure}



Your Turkishness goes hand in hand with their Turkishness. And  people like you are quite happy with that fact..

You do NOT open your mouth for above  subjects and you critisize my Turkishness?

Your Turkishness as ´precious´ as the people´s who claim to be ´real Turks´ and my Turkishness is Not the same.

AND I am proud of it.


The only stomping here is done (and will be done in the future as it seems) by you guys. Because you are unable to come up with ideas (because you do not know your history, your people, your own country and what is going on there)


As a last word, if you keep bringing your Turkishness into the subject, you will force me to play with it like I would play with a football..


I promise you:  the virginity of what you believe will not be intact at all once I am done..

Edited (2/19/2009) by thehandsom [adding more stuff]
Edited (2/19/2009) by thehandsom [more text]
Edited (2/19/2009) by thehandsom [more text]

10.       cynicmystic
567 posts
 19 Feb 2009 Thu 09:19 pm

Me and people like me who grew up with the rhetoric etc...?


As usual, you are talking straight out of your ass my angry friend.


You don´t know a thing about me, where I grew up, or how I was raised under what rhetorics.


There is no personal attack here. Just my personal sentiments about what an authentic clown you are.


Now go on. Rant a little more. Amuse us further.



Quoting thehandsom





So you have decided (again ) to stage a personal attack, rather than talking about the subjects I post..Eh?


First of all, I am not worried a tiny bit about my Turkishness..


Well you and people like you who grew up with the rhetorics such as ´One Turk equals to the world´ and believed in it by heart, would have different understanding of Turkishness than I do and that does not surprise me at all..


And about people and their Turkishness..

Well..What can I say..

Lets put it this way:

People kill Hrant Dink, they claim they are ´real Turks´ 

People kill Ugur Mumcu, they claim they are ´real Turks´ 

People take kurds from their homes and put a bullet into their necks, they claim they are ´real Turks´..

People take kids to the courts they claim they are ´real Turks´






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