There are some Islamic ethical values. In this hadith you can see one of them:
´´Ölülerinizin iyiliklerini anınız, kötülüklerini anmayınız." (Tirmizi)
Mention good deeds of your deceaseds, do not mention their bad deeds.
Muslims accept Islamic ethical values as universal. So according to Muslims there is a set of universal ethical laws. If you don´t know or accept them, it is your problem. I am expressing my thoughts according to this Islamic values not according to me.
Most probably you do not know what are you talking about.
You are not an hadith expert nor a good muslim with a good knowledge of the religion and faith.
The only sunnah is the sunnah of Allah.
Here is the hadith that confirms it:
"Do not write down anything of me except the Quran. Whoever writes other than that should delete it" (Sahih Muslim)
As for your hadith, I do not know if it is authentic or fabricated (it must be fabricated if it´s narrated by Abu Huraira), but let´s say it is authentic..
اذكروا موتاكم بخير - (remember-your deads- with benevolence) = ölülerinizi hayırla yâd ediniz - talk good things of your deads
The part you translated as "your deceaseds" is "mevtakum" and indicates the dead people only you knew personally.
Not talking bad things of your deceased father, mother, aunt, uncle, et cetera, is understandable but why should we do the same with all the others?
Why should I pretend to like them just because they are dead? If they did not want my respect in life, they aint gonna get it now.
Should not we talk bad things also about those evil men like Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Stalin and many others just because they are dead?
How could you explain this "according to your universal islamic ethical values"?