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Mehmet Ali Birand
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30.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 24 Jan 2013 Thu 02:45 pm


Quoting AlphaF

I dont mind keeping quiet about misdeeds of someone who is already passed away, until someone else tries to make me agree that he was one of god´s marvellous perfect creations, and gives me religious examples to prove his point. I just can not take bulshit !





Nobody tries to make you agree by force. You are free. I can give religious examples to prove my point. You can give your own examples. 

31.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 24 Jan 2013 Thu 02:56 pm

Yahu sizin dilinizden ne ölü ne diri kurtulabiliyor. Kendisini savunamayacak durumda olan bir kişinin arkasından konuşmak bana göre yakışık almaz. Size göre alıyorsa o sizin bileceğiniz iş. Bunu eleştirebilirim ama size zorla kendi fikrimi kabul ettiremem.

Edited (1/24/2013) by gokuyum

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32.       AlphaF
5677 posts
 24 Jan 2013 Thu 02:58 pm


Quoting gokuyum



Nobody tries to make you agree by force. You are free. I can give religious examples to prove my point. You can give your own examples. 


Calling deceased people to be "good" in funeral prayers is only a ritual and should be understood as such. Such ceremonies do not clean up legal court rulings or criminal records.

You have no point to prove; using religious examples or not. Leave it at the ceremony that it is. Avoid misleading moslems with false statements.

33.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 24 Jan 2013 Thu 03:02 pm


Quoting AlphaF



Calling deceased people to be "good" in funeral prayers is only a ritual and should be understood as such. Such ceremonies do not clean up legal court rulings or criminal records.

You have no point to prove; using religious examples or not. Leave it at the ceremony that it is. Avoid misleading moslems with false statements.

Ceremony? Lol. Read the hadith again. 


34.       AlphaF
5677 posts
 24 Jan 2013 Thu 03:18 pm

Only idiots need to read Hadith, to decide whether a few hundred people gathered in a funeral can absolve a man convicted of his misdeeds, by shouting "İyi bilirim", when imam asks "merhumu nasıl bilirdiniz ?"

What has happened to rights of orphans about to be evaporated in that affair? WHAT DOES HADITH SAY ABOUT THAT ?

Read the related court orders and sum up the money embezzled; amazing !

Islam is not what you are talking about.

Edited (1/24/2013) by AlphaF

35.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 24 Jan 2013 Thu 03:30 pm


Quoting AlphaF

Only idiots need to read Hadith, to decide whether a few hundred people gathered in a funeral can absolve a man convicted of his misdeeds, by shouting "İyi bilirim", when imam asks "merhumu nasıl bilirdiniz ?"

What has happened to rights of orphans about to be evaporated in that affair? WHAT DOES HADITH SAY ABOUT THAT ?

Read the related court orders and sum up the money embezzled; amazing !

Islam is not what you are talking about.

We have a communication problem my friend. You don´t understand what I say.


36.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 24 Jan 2013 Thu 04:44 pm


Quoting gokuyum

Yahu sizin dilinizden ne ölü ne diri kurtulabiliyor. Kendisini savunamayacak durumda olan bir kişinin arkasından konuşmak bana göre yakışık almaz. Size göre alıyorsa o sizin bileceğiniz iş. Bunu eleştirebilirim ama size zorla kendi fikrimi kabul ettiremem.



37.       AlphaF
5677 posts
 25 Jan 2013 Fri 08:30 am


Quoting gokuyum


We have a communication problem my friend. You don´t understand what I say.



Adamın devletin parasını çaldığı - en iyi ihtimalle çalınmasına göz yumduğu veya alet olduğu - mahkeme kararı ile  tesbit edilmiş.

Ölünce " Allah rahmet eylesin" de ve sus,,,arkasından yalakalık etmeye, işin içine din, peygamber, hadis karıştırmaya gerek yok.

Cahil yalakalığından vazgeç.

Kendini gözünde büyütme. Benim anlayamayacağım bir şey söylemeye senin kapasiten yetmez.

38.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 25 Jan 2013 Fri 10:57 am


Quoting AlphaF



Adamın devletin parasını çaldığı - en iyi ihtimalle çalınmasına göz yumduğu veya alet olduğu - mahkeme kararı ile  tesbit edilmiş.

Ölünce " Allah rahmet eylesin" de ve sus,,,arkasından yalakalık etmeye, işin içine din, peygamber, hadis karıştırmaya gerek yok.

Cahil yalakalığından vazgeç.

Kendini gözünde büyütme. Benim anlayamayacağım bir şey söylemeye senin kapasiten yetmez.

Ölmüş birisinin yaptığı iyilikleri anmak, kötülükleri anmamak genel bir prensip. Seremoniyle falan da ilgisi yok. Bu kimseyi günahlarından da arıtmaz. İnaçlı bir insan olarak onun şimdi zaten ilahi mahkemenin huzurunda olduğuna ve hesaba çekildiğine inanıyorum. Sen hesaba çekildiğine inanmıyorsan onu istediğin kadar suçla eline ne geçecek?

 Ben kimseye yalakalık da etmiyorum. Sanki yalakalık edince elime birşey geçecek. Ayrıca bazı siyasi görüşlerine katılmadığımı da söyledim.

Mütevazi olmak bir erdemdir. Sizin bu cahilane bilgiçliğiniz beni çileden çıkardığı için kibire kapılıyorum. Size insanca cevap veriyorum anlamıyorsunuz. Sıkıştı mı üslubu da aşağı çekiyorsunuz. Bunlar beni tahrik etmiş olabilir. Sen de pek mütevazi değisin. Son cümlen bunu gösteriyor. Çuvaldızı kendine iğneyi başkasına batır.



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39.       vona
150 posts
 25 Jan 2013 Fri 06:21 pm


Quoting gokuyum


There are some Islamic ethical values. In this hadith you can see one of them:

´´Ölülerinizin iyiliklerini anınız, kötülüklerini anmayınız." (Tirmizi)

Mention good deeds of your deceaseds, do not mention their bad deeds.

Muslims accept Islamic ethical values as universal. So according to Muslims there is a set of universal ethical laws. If you don´t know or accept them, it is your problem. I am expressing my thoughts according to this Islamic values not according to me.


Most probably you do not know what are you talking about.

You are not an hadith expert nor a good muslim with a good knowledge of the religion and faith.

The only sunnah is the sunnah of Allah.

Here is the hadith that confirms it:

"Do not write down anything of me except the Quran. Whoever writes other than that should delete it" (Sahih Muslim)

As for your hadith, I do not know if it is authentic or fabricated (it must be fabricated if it´s narrated by Abu Huraira), but let´s say it is authentic..

 اذكروا  موتاكم   بخير  - (remember-your deads- with benevolence) = ölülerinizi hayırla yâd ediniz - talk good things of your deads


The part you translated as "your deceaseds" is "mevtakum" and indicates the dead people only you knew personally.

Not talking bad things of your deceased father, mother, aunt, uncle, et cetera, is understandable but why should we do the same with all the others?

Why should I pretend to like them just because they are dead? If they did not want my respect in life, they aint gonna get it now. 

Should not we talk bad things also about those evil men like Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Stalin and many others just because they are dead?

How could you explain this "according to your universal islamic ethical values"? 


40.       ikicihan
1127 posts
 25 Jan 2013 Fri 07:54 pm

i dont know mehmet ali birand personally and i dont need to know yet and i am not interested in to know now.

as far as i know he did his job well as a journalist, at least reporting the news part. also i enjoyed his 32. day programs many years ago.

is he a thief, may be, it desnt requires us to ignore or reject him totally. we take the good parts and use it. we leave the bad parts to laws and now to god.

but if there is anything about news he reported, lets discuss it. For example you can say he reported such and such things but they are all lies, he was trying to mislead us...

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