Turkey |
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23 Aug 2006 Wed 01:15 am |
This is my first post to the forum which I've found because my daughter is learning turkish - she has a turkish sweetheart.
I have been browsing the forums tonight looking at the translations and it seems to me that many involve requests for money from western girls.
I had to post because my daughter received a similar request - in english - by text message last night. I genuinely thought my daughter's boyfriend adored her, it certainly seemed so to everyone but now I am not so sure and I am worried.
Sorry my first post here is not a more positive question but what is it with all the requests for money? I am a little concerned as you might imagine and would like some advice, especially from the turkish members of the forum. I truly thought my daughter's boyfriend was genuine and I do not want to see my daughter get hurt.
I hope nobody takes any offence from my question, I am trying to understand, not to offend. Thank you so much.
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23 Aug 2006 Wed 01:19 am |
Mr. Watson,
This is more common in the tourist areas near the seaside cities. Dont send the money. I am sorry for you and your daughter....
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23 Aug 2006 Wed 01:23 am |
Many that do this may be trying to get money from many different girls at the same time.
A big test is to ask your daughter if she can alays reach her boyfriend on his mobile. Does he answer his phone right away or does he call back hours later?
Then they will make an excuse why they couldnt answer their mobile. Every man in turkey carries his mobile every second ogf the day.
Anyway, maybe this was too much info but again, good luck.
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23 Aug 2006 Wed 01:28 am |
There are many views on this thread which may be of interest...
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23 Aug 2006 Wed 01:29 am |
I too would never send any money.
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23 Aug 2006 Wed 01:34 am |
What are you still waiting for to strongly recommend your daughter to end her relationship with her so-called boyfriend?
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23 Aug 2006 Wed 01:41 am |
I am sure no-one would take offence from your post. It is not a insult to Turkish men - there are good and bad in every country!
I think it shows what a great mother you are to go to all this trouble to find out more
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23 Aug 2006 Wed 02:07 am |
Never ever lend or send money to a person you don't know very well. This is general rule in life that I follow.
If a Turkish boyfriend of a Western girl asks for a mobile phone or for some money then the person should reconsider this relationship very seriously.
Most of these guys in tourism industry are actually very conservative and they don't think very nice things about Western girls.
On the thread mentioned above by SineNomine I have written on this issue in more detail:
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23 Aug 2006 Wed 02:25 am |
Thank you kind members for taking the trouble to reply to me. The link I was referred to was very thought provoking and your post Erdinc, especially so.
She did meet this boy in a tourist resort, but my daughter is convervative by nature herself, which is why we thought they were quite well suited and why the request for money came as such a surprise. Her father and I have met him and thought him trustworthy.
Perhaps what I was hoping for was the possibility the situation wasn't as bad as it seemed (even though I feared it was) and there could be another explanation for his actions.
Sadly, it looks like I will be dealing with a broken-hearted daughter instead. But I thank you all for your honesty.
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23 Aug 2006 Wed 03:09 pm |
Oh This is so upsetting to hear
I really do hope this Turkish man is genuine ... it would be so awful for your daughter... and also for you to stand around and see her heart breaking.
I hope it's all ok for her. And you just sound like the perfect, caring parent. ... good on you !