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310.       cybernetics
753 posts
 04 Nov 2008 Tue 12:16 pm


Quoting TheAenigma

This is amazing cybernetics! It is very hard to have poems published - well done 


I wish I could read them in Turkish .... a translation will tell you a poem´s meaning, but unfortunately misses much of it´s composition and beauty


 poems are not published yet, just a few test copy for some publishing firms, and for some book stores , here is the poems book doesnt sell too much , so the book stores dont want to buy the poems book.. i will wait and i will see what will happen.  thanks for your post.


maybe TC will help you to learn Turkish ( can you believe that ? )

311.       TheAenigma
5001 posts
 04 Nov 2008 Tue 12:20 pm


Quoting cybernetics

maybe TC will help you to learn Turkish ( can you believe that ? )


 Hehehee you never know!  However, you have to know a language EXTREMELY well to appreciate poetry

312.       cybernetics
753 posts
 04 Nov 2008 Tue 12:29 pm


Quoting TheAenigma

 Hehehee you never know!  However, you have to know a language EXTREMELY well to appreciate poetry


who knows?

yes you are right so why i dont want to try to translate my poems ? because  my  english is so poor to translate them, i know english but not really good enough to translate poems, i just dont want to miss the meaning of the centences so i need Handsom and Marion until i learn English Extremly ...



313.       MarioninTurkey
6124 posts
 04 Nov 2008 Tue 10:30 pm

Ah Keþke


Dolaþsam tüm galakside sýnýrsýzca
O yýldýz senin bu yýldýz benim diye
Yorulduðumda otursam ayýn üstüne
Seyrederken dünyayý ,Ah keþke yanýmda olabilsen.


Soðuktan üþüyen ellerini avuçlarýma alsam, ýsýtsam
Kalbimin ateþini ellerinde hissetsen,
Gözlerimle anlatýrken seni nasýl sevdiðimi
Ah keþke bir dinleyebilsen..


Her atýþýndan bilirim kalbimin
Gönderiyor her saniye seni tüm damarlarýma
Hep burdasýn iþte tam burada,
Koyupta elini üstüne bir kez ah keþke bir duyabilsen.


Oh, If Only


If I were to travel through the whole infinite galaxy

Saying "This star is yours, this star is mine"

If I were to sit on the moon when I got tired

Watching the world, Oh if only you were by my side


If I could take your hands, shivering from the cold into my hands and warm them

If you could feel the warmth of my heart in your hands

As my eyes explain to you how much I love you

Oh, if only you could but hear it..


With every beat I know that my heart

Sends you through my veins every second

You are always here, look, right here

I put it here on your hand once more, oh if only you could feel it.

314.       cybernetics
753 posts
 06 Nov 2008 Thu 04:51 pm

Thank you so much Marion , {#lang_emotions_ty_ty}{#lang_emotions_ty_ty}{#lang_emotions_ty_ty}

315.       MarioninTurkey
6124 posts
 06 Nov 2008 Thu 09:51 pm

You are welcome!

316.       cybernetics
753 posts
 11 Nov 2008 Tue 12:07 pm

New one for today ,

Ýçime sýðmaz artýk bedenim,
Gözyaþý yaðmurlarý ile dolan,
Dayanmaz artýk yüreðim,
Bilmeden bir umuda giden.
Çaresizken, herþeyin karþýsýnda,
Uzaktan güzel sesin gelir hasretimi dindiren.
Sanki bir keman sesi kadar yumuþak,
Sanki bir hafif rüzgar gibi ýlýk,
Sanki bir deniz kadar huzur ve bir gündoðumu gibi umut verici.


Bu aslýnda bir hediye, hayatýmý canlandýran
Açamadan baktýðým, dokunamadan benim olan
Bir kaç kaðýt masamda ve bir kalem elimde,
Yazarken sevgimi , bir de SEN yanýmda olsan..



317.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 15 Nov 2008 Sat 03:50 am

Thousand kisses deep- Leonard Cohen


You came to me this morning
And you handled me like meat.
You´d have to live alone to know
How good that feels, how sweet.
My mirror twin, my next of kin,
I´d know you in my sleep.
And who but you would take me in
A thousand kisses deep?


I loved you when you opened
Like a lily to the heat.
I´m just another snowman
Standing in the rain and sleet,
Who loved you with his frozen love
His second-hand physique -
With all he is, and all he was

A thousand kisses deep.



i´m good at love i´m good at hate
it´s inbetween i freeze
Been working out-but it´s to late
it´s been to late for years
but you look fine you really do
the pride of Boogie street
Somebody must have died for you
a thousand kisses deep


Closing Time

I loved you for your beauty
But that doesn’t make a fool of me
You were in it for your beauty too
I loved you for your body
There’s a voice that sounds like God to me
Declaring that your body’s really you

I loved you when our love was blessed
And I love you now there’s nothing left
But sorrow and a sense of overtime
And I miss you since the place got wrecked
By the winds of change and the weeds of sex
Looks like freedom but it feels like death
It something in betwen, I guess

It’s closing time



I was in O2 tonight..and he was perfect..

318.       girleegirl
5065 posts
 15 Nov 2008 Sat 06:32 am


Quoting thehandsom

I was in O2 tonight....



319.       lesluv
722 posts
 15 Nov 2008 Sat 07:29 am


Quoting girleegirl



  it is a concert venue in London aka millenium dome

320.       girleegirl
5065 posts
 15 Nov 2008 Sat 08:13 am

Ahh ok.  I thought maybe he was in a hyperbaric chamber!  {#lang_emotions_lol_fast}

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