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280.       cybernetics
753 posts
 24 Sep 2008 Wed 09:53 am

Thank you so much Marion, yes you are right it must be "kollarımda"..



281.       cybernetics
753 posts
 25 Sep 2008 Thu 01:12 pm

New one for today


Kayýp kelimeler.


Bulamadaðým kelimeleri sen söyle
Saklý kalmýþ bir kaç cümle de sen kur
Unutulmuþ þarkýlarý söyleyelim yeniden sarmaþ dolaþ,
Yaðan bu aþk yaðmuru eþlik etsin bize yanaklarýmýzdan.


Duyarým sesini çok uzaklardan
Haykýr beni sevdiðini bu sonbaharda
Umutlarýmdýr þimdi beni ayakta tutan
Seninle cenneti yaþamaktýr rüyalarýmda


Kaderin sunduðu bir mucizesin
Gelip girdin dünyama ansýzýn,
Tuttun ellerimi sýmsýký
Gözlerinle yüreðime mühür bastýn,


Karlar altýnda donmayan bir kalbim var
Ateþler içinde yanýp duran,
Gözyaþlarým mý?  bu süzülen gözlerimden
Yoksa sevdan mý, keþke bir an için inansan..



282.       MarioninTurkey
6124 posts
 25 Sep 2008 Thu 04:42 pm


Quoting cybernetics

New one for today


Kayýp kelimeler.


Bulamadaðým kelimeleri sen söyle
Saklý kalmýþ bir kaç cümle de sen kur
Unutulmuþ þarkýlarý söyleyelim yeniden sarmaþ dolaþ,
Yaðan bu aþk yaðmuru eþlik etsin bize yanaklarýmýzdan.


Duyarým sesini çok uzaklardan
Haykýr beni sevdiðini bu sonbaharda
Umutlarýmdýr þimdi beni ayakta tutan
Seninle cenneti yaþamaktýr rüyalarýmda


Kaderin sunduðu bir mucizesin
Gelip girdin dünyama ansýzýn,
Tuttun ellerimi sýmsýký
Gözlerinle yüreðime mühür bastýn,


Karlar altýnda donmayan bir kalbim var
Ateþler içinde yanýp duran,
Gözyaþlarým mý?  bu süzülen gözlerimden
Yoksa sevdan mý, keþke bir an için inansan..





The lost words


Tell me the words which I searched for and couldn´t find

Make a few sentences that have been hidden

Let us sing those forgotten songs once more in a deep embrace

May this falling rain of love accompany us from our cheeks.


I hear your voice from far away

Shout that you love me, in this autumn

It is my hopes that are keeping me on my feet

I dream of living with you in heaven


You are a miracle given to me by fate

You suddenly came and entered my world,

You held my hands, so tightly

You sealed my heart with your eyes,


I have a heart that doesn´t freeze in the snow

It burns with flames,
And my tears? These things that seep from my eyes

Or is it your love, if only you would believe for a moment..

283.       cybernetics
753 posts
 26 Sep 2008 Fri 04:50 pm

Thanks again marion i am gratefull

284.       eiddie
169 posts
 26 Sep 2008 Fri 09:00 pm

I wrote ‘ I Danced With a Stranger ‘ a few

months ago…during a very dark time

in my life…..


Love can come in the strangest of places

and at the strangest of times…


It may begin with a look, a kind word, a lending

hand…a lonely night…


Or even ... a knock at the door…


It may uncover something so beautiful…

…sometimes lasting a lifetime …….yet…


At other times, lasting for just a moment…


Love should be everything or not at all…



I Danced With a Stranger


Stars were out the night the music called

I was dressed and honored and she was dolled.

Our breaths taken away, the world was left astray…

All of a sudden the glabrous notes began to climb.

Her hand in mine, our hips began their subtle rhyme.


My mind wandering as if a peregrine bird,

Yet the music kept our embraced bodies blurred.

Hypnotizing melodies dancing ‘round the room.

Two cheeks touching, ten fingers twinning.

With fleeting feet, our smiling lips began aligning.


Thoughts of yesteryear softly fleeting by.

Youth revisiting this night we could not deny.

Cool night, open doors, jasmine in the air.

Still, despite the magic, our tempo or descry

Love and laughter, silliness and tears came by.


Stranger in my midst and I in hers?

Hands in the air, and on each others hips?

Who was I dancing with that tender night?

Black shorts and the face of a queen.

Is this for real or had it been just a dream?


The same for this royal girl of mine

Had she been dancing with the prince of rhyme?

I was taken, I was lost, I was captured, enraptured.

Her scent took me to a places yet unseen, unheard

Still, most of me that girl had just bestirred.


What had been different on that night of fate?

Had our thoughts found each other more ornate?

Had our scents recaptured past innocence?

I saw a stranger dancing on air as if on a cloud.

My breath, my heart, my soul had cried aloud!


‘Where have you been my dear sweet lady?

For I’ve been looking and searching daily.

Where did you go for oh so very long?

Had I been a stranger to you as well?

You my dear, no longer shall my heart expel’.


That night of love, tenderness and cohesion

Shall forever be remembered for no reason.

For this woman had been with me once before.

Her eyes were like no other or none better.

This nights’ pleasure was our treasure.


I flickered, I thought, and wondered, where?

A beauty such as this I could never have ensnared.

Brown eyes, blonde hair, the sweetest cherry lips.

As the memories came crawling back again

Cross my heart I had remembered when!


Though the crimsoned night had not yet ended

Her voice, her eyes indeed had not pretended.

Beads of perspiration glistened with excitement.

Lips like magnets, hands like blankets, seeking, finding.

Bodies pushing, pressing, twirling, glowing…. 


She’d come back on this one clear night of passion.

One night, one hour or maybe just one session.

Perhaps she will return again… and I for her.

For she had been the only one I had adored.

My precious wife, my friend, my lover, my amour…..




: >

285.       teaschip
3870 posts
 26 Sep 2008 Fri 09:49 pm

Very nice eddie...I really enjoyed that piece so passionate.

286.       cybernetics
753 posts
 27 Sep 2008 Sat 10:17 pm

New one for today


Küçük Taþ


Her akþam pencerenin önünde,
Hýþýrdayan yapraklarla beraber
Küçük bir taþýn üzerinde
Oturup beklerim ümitlerimle


Ne zaman pencerenden dýþarý baksan
Gözlerin buðulanýr, gözlerim gibi,
Seçerken yýldýzýný gökyüzünden
Direnmekten yorulan bir yaprak daha düþer sessizce..


Belki göremezsin o küçük taþý ,üzerinde oturduðum
Sayamazsýn dökülen yapraklarý o koca çýnardan
Ne zaman ki devran durur, bu hayat biter,
iþte ozaman kalkýp giderim o küçük taþýn üzerinden..



287.       MarioninTurkey
6124 posts
 28 Sep 2008 Sun 09:20 am


Quoting cybernetics

New one for today


Küçük Taþ


Her akþam pencerenin önünde,
Hýþýrdayan yapraklarla beraber
Küçük bir taþýn üzerinde
Oturup beklerim ümitlerimle


Ne zaman pencerenden dýþarý baksan
Gözlerin buðulanýr, gözlerim gibi,
Seçerken yýldýzýný gökyüzünden
Direnmekten yorulan bir yaprak daha düþer sessizce..


Belki göremezsin o küçük taþý ,üzerinde oturduðum
Sayamazsýn dökülen yapraklarý o koca çýnardan
Ne zaman ki devran durur, bu hayat biter,
iþte ozaman kalkýp giderim o küçük taþýn üzerinden..





A small stone slab


Every evening in front of your window,

Together with the rustling leaves

On top of a small stone slab

I sit and wait with my hopes


Whenever you look out from your window

Your eyes fill with tears, like my eyes do,

When chosing your star in the night-sky

Another leaf tires of holding on and falls silently..


Maybe you can´t see the small stone slab, the one on which I am sitting

You cannot count the leaves falling from that huge plane tree

When the wheel of fortune stops turning, this life ends,

That´s the time when I will get up from this small stone slab and leave..

288.       cybernetics
753 posts
 28 Sep 2008 Sun 05:41 pm

Thank you Marion again again again {#lang_emotions_ty_ty}{#lang_emotions_flowers}{#lang_emotions_ty_ty}{#lang_emotions_ty_ty}

289.       cybernetics
753 posts
 30 Sep 2008 Tue 12:22 am

New one for today




Ýçimdeki yangýnlar yüzüme vurmuþ sanki,
Bilirmisin ne karlar erittim kalbimde?
Ne fýrtýnalar koptu da batmadým,
Ne yaðmurlar yaðdý boðulmadým.


Rüyalar gördüm bazen aðlamaklý yalnýzlýðýmý paylaþan
Uyandým sen vardýn karþýmda ellerimi tutan
Kaldýrýmlar eþlik etti bazen adýmlarýma
Bazen de martýlar yol gösterdi bedenime senle dolup taþan


Uykusuz gecelerde gülüþlerimizi 
Anlattýðým hikayeleri sabýrla dinlemeni hatýrlarým,
Bilirim ki mutluyum, bilirim ki seninleyim
Bundan baþka daha ne isterim?



290.       eiddie
169 posts
 01 Oct 2008 Wed 07:34 pm

Strange, the things we remember...


When in fifth grade I liked a girl named

Catherine. She had red hair and pretty freckles.


One day after school she was being teased

about those freckles by a group of boy & girls. 


I wanted to come to her aid - I felt badly for not

doing so.


For a second I watched from a distance, then I  left.


Memories - they really are strange aren´t they?


I should have stood up for you Catherine...


This is for you...



I touch them in the morning.

I see them in the daylight.

In the full of the moon they glimmer.

They shine in the darkest of nights.

Your freckles love.

They speak with tender urgent longing.

Pain, joy, laughter, fears, tears.


Your precious dots are subtle reflections.

Each one a personality

Each one an intrigue.

I touch one, then another, then,


Each one a mystery.

They speak truths.


I love your freckles.

I would be here with you

A thousand years if I could

But just taste one at a time.

A touch of my tongue

From top to bottom - front and back.

One at a time - my vanguard.



Freckles are unsightly to most.

Freckles are unwanted by all.

‘Why must I have them?’ I hear.

Freckles have feelings, they show emotion.

Touch them as I do, see them as I do.

You’ll fall in love.


‘Shhh‘, they say to me.

‘She loves you’, they confess.

Gently they utter their feelings.

I receive secrets from them love.

They speak of your esoteric passion.

I feel their heat, their beating.....longing.

I love them...


Your freckles are beautiful.

They radiate melodies.

They gyrate and show me portraits.

They expose their colors to me.

I see them naked.

Their pinks, reds, browns, blues...their muse.

Each freckle a color, each color a story, a feeling.


Your freckles have eyes.

Their characters have ribbons in them.

Their aura stimulates me.

Sweet. Senuous...salty...Erotic

I love your freckles love.

As you age, you’ll win more.

I can hardly wait...


A thousand years to to adore...




: >


This is the last poem I enter classmates.


My wish is to not complicate things

by being here.


Passions may change as life flows. But there is

always one passion that is rooted deep

inside of each of us.


You know what it is.


Use it to write, paint, play, create.


Use it to breathe...


It’s a gift that each of us have been

given. Find it , and you will discover

that it may take you to unbelievable sights.......


Thank you for allowing me to share

my thoughts…


: >

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