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Turkish Army
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100.       femme_fatal
0 posts
 21 Dec 2007 Fri 12:43 am

Quoting azade:

I understand that religious jews wanted to return to their roots but why not just go and settle there, did they absolutely have to declare their own country? There were people living there already

why cant they declare their own country? are they not entitled?
all in all its their historical land.

what people were living? and where were they living?

101.       azade
1606 posts
 21 Dec 2007 Fri 12:46 am

Quoting femme_fatal:

Quoting azade:

And why was it given to them?
Nobody can just give land away that's a very strange policy.

why do you ask such naive questions after a hundred years later?
why did nations invade other nations?
when you own a land you decide to whom the land you give.

Quoting azade:

Before when? Over some 3000 years ago?

are you mentioning jews or palestinians?

I wasn't born a 100 years ago and Israel was nothing then

Israel was declared in 1948, just after WWII and hmm..what a convenient time That late in history and again, just after the war, who could have thought it would be a good idea to give the land to a people who lived there sometime in the past, it was just bound to cause conflicts. That's what is naive in my opinion.

102.       azade
1606 posts
 21 Dec 2007 Fri 12:48 am

Quoting femme_fatal:

Quoting azade:

I understand that religious jews wanted to return to their roots but why not just go and settle there, did they absolutely have to declare their own country? There were people living there already

why cant they declare their own country? are they not entitled?
all in all its their historical land.

what people were living? and where were they living?

So what if eg. native americans all the sudden took their land back?
Sorry can't really think if any better examples right now but the situation is almost the same.
Just beacuse it was their land thousands of years ago doesn't mean they can just take it back. Loads of land swapping there would be if everyone claimed their lost land back again

103.       teaschip
3870 posts
 21 Dec 2007 Fri 12:48 am

The Palestine problem became an international issue towards the end of the First World War with the disintegration of the Turkish Ottoman Empire. So ultimately Turkeys to blame!

104.       femme_fatal
0 posts
 21 Dec 2007 Fri 12:56 am

Quoting azade:

I wasn't born a 100 years ago and Israel was nothing then

oh, sorry, didnt know that.

Quoting azade:

Israel was declared in 1948, just after WWII and hmm..

indeed hmmmmmmmm!
more home work to do!
it was recognised by all the nations, but existed before that.

Quoting azade:

what a convenient time That late in history and again, just after the war, who could have thought it would be a good idea to give the land to a people who lived there sometime in the past, it was just bound to cause conflicts. That's what is naive in my opinion.

sometime in the past?
they constantly lived there, most of them moved out from there when romans have punished them for their rebel.
learn learn and learn!

105.       teaschip
3870 posts
 21 Dec 2007 Fri 12:57 am

Quoting azade:

I understand that religious jews wanted to return to their roots but why not just go and settle there, did they absolutely have to declare their own country? There were people living there already

The Arabs sold their land to the Jews.. The UN with the encouragement of the Brits decided on 77% of Israel would be occupied by the Jews.

Land bought by the Jewish National Fund was held in the name of the Jewish people and could never be sold or even leased back to Arabs.

So now the Palestinians are pissed off because of their land being sold. They can only blame their own...

106.       teaschip
3870 posts
 21 Dec 2007 Fri 01:01 am

Here is a little history...
Between 3000 and 1100 B.C., Canaanite civilization covered what is today Israel, the West Bank, Lebanon and much of Syria and Jordan...Those who remained in the Jerusalem hills after the Romans expelled the Jews [in the second century A.D.] were a potpourri: farmers and vineyard growers, pagans and converts to Christianity, descendants of the Arabs, Persians, Samaritans, Greeks and old Canaanite tribes.” Marcia Kunstel and Joseph Albright, “Their Promised Land.”

107.       femme_fatal
0 posts
 21 Dec 2007 Fri 01:01 am

Quoting azade:

Quoting femme_fatal:

Quoting azade:

I understand that religious jews wanted to return to their roots but why not just go and settle there, did they absolutely have to declare their own country? There were people living there already

why cant they declare their own country? are they not entitled?
all in all its their historical land.

what people were living? and where were they living?

So what if eg. native americans all the sudden took their land back?
Sorry can't really think if any better examples right now but the situation is almost the same.
Just beacuse it was their land thousands of years ago doesn't mean they can just take it back. Loads of land swapping there would be if everyone claimed their lost land back again

nations have "exchanged" lands in the past.
so, there was another exchange.
btw, jews arent eskimos coming form a totally other part of earth.
jews wanted a piece of their own land, and they were given.
but the whole neighbourhood still cant accept it.
thats the problem.

there would be no problem if not islam.

108.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 21 Dec 2007 Fri 01:06 am

first of all dearest femmes questions requires some answers:

do me a favor, learn about the palestine/israel.

whats the situation in palestine?
--who is accupying whos land, who is killing who -I gave some values in a thread earlier. from those it is so obvious, israel KILLED MORE CHILDREN and CIVILIANS

why dont palestinians think about their country?
--which country? do they have a country? who is not accepting the peace plans? who keeps refusing UN resolutions? who keeps stealing the palestinian lands? (a little quote here-"Everybody has to move, run and grab as many hilltops as they can to enlarge the settlements because everything we take now will stay ours... Everything we don't grab will go to them." Ariel Sharon)

why dont they build schools, hospitals, factories etc etc?
--most of them are constantly being destroyed by israel. Actually it has been Israel's intention to have the Palestinian Authority collapse sistematically.

why dont they at least try to rebuild, try to go on?
--see above

what good of resistance they have?
--they have NOTHING there to lose right now. Thinking that Israel will give their land peacefully is a bit naive!

they should stop thinking of revenge but think of their future.
--their future is being blocked by the right wing sionist governments.

I wanted it to be deleted because this thread will be heated up and again you will start getting cross as it happened before

You have to have a strong stomach to support CIVILIAN/CHILD KILLERS - - it is not everybody's cup of tea.
Or really and trully you have no idea what is going on palestine.

arabs and jews living together peacfully?
a recent survey for you (replies from jews people):
* 75% would not agree to live in a building with Arab residents.
* More than 60% wouldn't accept any Arab visitors at their homes.
* About 40% agree upon taking the right to vote from Arabs.
* More than 50% agree that the State should encourage immigration of Arab citizens to other states.
* More than 59% think that the culture of Arabs is a primitive culture.

whos land, sorry!!
(OMG she must be joking!! lol)
The Jews took Israel from the Arabs after the Arabs had lived there for a thousand years.
Even every israeli knows that!!

on whos land again? who is confiscating whos land?
aaaaa..(Ok I got it..this is a dream, a huge joke!! she will suddenly say that she has been kidding)
Forget the history, any geography knowledge, a bit, tiny bit?crying out loud here!! lol
Here are the maps for the land israel keeps stealing with force:
and the un resolution

Still supporting Israel?
I will give the numbers I have given before :
(Death toll since 200
119 israeli to 971 palestinians (childeren)
700 israeli to 2000 plastinians (civilians)
I will conclude what I wrote above:
Supporting israel is not everybody's cup of tea.

109.       azade
1606 posts
 21 Dec 2007 Fri 01:06 am

Quoting femme_fatal:

oh, sorry, didnt know that.

indeed hmmmmmmmm!
more home work to do!
it was recognised by all the nations, but existed before that.

sometime in the past?
they constantly lived there, most of them moved out from there when romans have punished them for their rebel.
learn learn and learn!

Come again? How can a country exist if it isn't declared?

Sure jews lived there throughout history but palestinians did too, still doesn't justify declaring a country in favor of some of the people living there, fencing in (or out) the others.

The area is really important for all abrahamic religions so it was clearly a really bad move to declare the kingdom of Israel

110.       femme_fatal
0 posts
 21 Dec 2007 Fri 01:08 am

another a little piece from me.
when brits had the land, it was empty, there were no significant cities (except for jerusalem) nothing grew.
the population was not comparable to what today is.

there was no nation called palestinians.
over one night arabs from transjordania became palestinians.

arabs thought they would easily wipe out jews, so they attempted countless.

never worked!

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