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110.       femme_fatal
0 posts
 21 Dec 2007 Fri 01:08 am

another a little piece from me.
when brits had the land, it was empty, there were no significant cities (except for jerusalem) nothing grew.
the population was not comparable to what today is.

there was no nation called palestinians.
over one night arabs from transjordania became palestinians.

arabs thought they would easily wipe out jews, so they attempted countless.

never worked!

111.       teaschip
3870 posts
 21 Dec 2007 Fri 01:12 am

You may not realize the symbolism of Jerusalem and the New Testament in the Bible. The Crucifixion Of Jesus and the Jews. However, most Jewish people don't acknowledge the New Testament, but they do believe in the Old Testament.
That's how far back the Jewish people occupied what is now Israel.

This is why it's so crazy to me, this historical, spirtual place and at the same time so much hate.

112.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 21 Dec 2007 Fri 01:12 am

John Pilger - Palestine Is Still The Issue
john pilger
Please watch all of them!!

113.       catwoman
8933 posts
 21 Dec 2007 Fri 01:13 am

Here's little something I have to share with you guys: Israel, Palestine, Britain. Watch all seven parts.

114.       femme_fatal
0 posts
 21 Dec 2007 Fri 01:16 am

Quoting azade:

Come again? How can a country exist if it isn't declared?

balfour declaration.

Quoting azade:

Sure jews lived there throughout history but palestinians did too,

there was no such nation like palestinians

Quoting azade:

still doesn't justify declaring a country in favor of some of the people living there, fencing in (or out) the others.

thank you for sharing your opinion.

Quoting azade:

The area is really important for all abrahamic religions so it was clearly a really bad move to declare the kingdom of Israel

who was abrham?
a jew?
theresnt a country that is called kingdom of israel.

115.       catwoman
8933 posts
 21 Dec 2007 Fri 01:19 am

Quoting azade:

Come again? How can a country exist if it isn't declared?

Sure jews lived there throughout history but palestinians did too, still doesn't justify declaring a country in favor of some of the people living there, fencing in (or out) the others.

The area is really important for all abrahamic religions so it was clearly a really bad move to declare the kingdom of Israel

Yep. Jews are clearly just as psychotic as the rest of the region. Why would any sane person choose to make a country in the most screwed up region of the world.

116.       femme_fatal
0 posts
 21 Dec 2007 Fri 01:19 am

Quoting azade:

Anyway there are very sharp opinions on this subject I don't have time for quarrelling


117.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 21 Dec 2007 Fri 01:20 am

Quoting teaschip1:

You may not realize the symbolism of Jerusalem and the New Testament in the Bible. The Crucifixion Of Jesus and the Jews. However, most Jewish people don't acknowledge the New Testament, but they do believe in the Old Testament.
That's how far back the Jewish people occupied what is now Israel.

This is why it's so crazy to me, this historical, spirtual place and at the same time so much hate.

Occupying a country, illegaly forcing its people out and turning around and saying 'ahhh. but it is god given'.
it is ridiculus. it is laugable!

118.       teaschip
3870 posts
 21 Dec 2007 Fri 01:20 am

The Balfour Declaration promises a Jewish Homeland in Palestine.
“The Balfour Declaration, made in November 1917 by the British Government...was made a) by a European power, b) about a non-European territory, c) in flat disregard of both the presence and wishes of the native majority resident in that territory...[As Balfour himself wrote in 1919], ‘The contradiction between the letter of the Covenant (the Anglo French Declaration of 1918 promising the Arabs of the former Ottoman colonies that as a reward for supporting the Allies they could have their independence) is even more flagrant in the case of the independent nation of Palestine than in that of the independent nation of Syria. For in Palestine we do not propose even to go through the form of consulting the wishes of the present inhabitants of the country...The four powers are committed to Zionism and Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age-long tradition, in present needs, in future hopes, of far profounder import than the desire and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land,’” Edward Said, “The Question of Palestine.”

119.       catwoman
8933 posts
 21 Dec 2007 Fri 01:25 am

Quoting thehandsom:

Please femme/catwoman, withdraw/delete the post. I can see that this thread will be locked otherwise.

handsom sounding like a REAL Turk, finally!!!!!! lol lol lol

120.       teaschip
3870 posts
 21 Dec 2007 Fri 01:28 am

Quoting thehandsom:

Quoting teaschip1:

You may not realize the symbolism of Jerusalem and the New Testament in the Bible. The Crucifixion Of Jesus and the Jews. However, most Jewish people don't acknowledge the New Testament, but they do believe in the Old Testament.
That's how far back the Jewish people occupied what is now Israel.

This is why it's so crazy to me, this historical, spirtual place and at the same time so much hate.

Occupying a country, illegaly forcing its people out and turning around and saying 'ahhh. but it is god given'.
it is ridiculus. it is laugable!

It also sounds familiar to what the Turks did to the Armenians.. now that's ridiculus..

You must be jealous your not one of the chosen people then. Just wait till judgement day for you handsom. lol

Like I said if you want to blame anyone blame the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Brits...

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