In an interview with Sunday´s Zaman, ISRO/USAK Chairman Professor Sedat Laçiner, commented on recent developments, with particular reference to the apology campaign launched by a group of Turkish intellectuals and said no apology was needed on the matter
Some passages from this ´wise´ guy: yeah
How many Armenians did Turks rescue during the deportations?
A substantial part of the male deportees were militants. There were many incidents where their relatives and families did have difficult times. Men were primarily targeted during the attacks. Children and the elderly had to suffer the consequences. Local people took action to keep the orphans or the widows with them. This is an Islamic tradition. This is an Ottoman tradition. Westerners cannot understand this. In some cases, the guy just wanted a beautiful Armenian girl whose husband died. Some marriages were built based on this motive. Right
Isn´t this assimilation, even if it is done out of humanitarian concerns?
If you ask this to Western people, this is genocide, because you are trying to assimilate the Armenian population. However, Serbs raped about 30,000 women during the civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina but did not marry any of these victims. And they did not accept the children as their own. But there is something different here. These people did not see the Armenians as dirty and inferior. They made these women their wives. They had kids. They took these kids as their own and embraced these women as their wives.
But they converted them to Islam…
In that case, you accept your husband´s religion as your religion. But this Islamization is something like this: There were many Armenian women who did not actually perform their religious duties, though they looked pretty religious. There were some others who did not have much information about Islam. They believed in God. The Armenian people were not atheists. These marriages took place at early ages. And they died as Muslims. There are many Armenian converts that fall into this category. Right!
Scratch a Kürt and find an Armenian. Yes many Armenians became Kürts in 1915 era. And those who disappeared this way are said to be killed by Türks. Go figure.
btw..above is the also a simplistic answer to the thread ("His mother was an Armenian" !!!):
and to my questions in that thread :