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20.       aslan2
507 posts
 12 Oct 2006 Thu 08:01 am

Quoting KeithL:

Quoting KeithL:

I think less peopel fast in istanbul than in the samller cities and villages. I would say well less than 50% of the peopel in istanbul fast. This isnt a criticism, just my opinion.

Since ramazan began, I have been to Nautilus, Capital, Profilo, Cevahir, Akmerkiz and Kanyon among other places in the city. The foodcourts to me seem just as full now (before iftar) as they are the rest of the year. Another unscientific way to guess is to look out the window at 4.30 am and see how many lights are on. I live in Fulya (very conservative) and there are not as many lights on as you would think.

Having been to those places, you shouldn't come up with such conclusions. That's not a good way to get good stats. You should choose your samples better.
Where I work (more than 100 people), counting the numbers of people having their lunch in the cafeteria, I would say 80%. I talked to a friend about this, who said he's the only one (~80 people) in the company who doesn't fast. That example gives you 98% maybe.
I also have been to such places and I think there are less people nowadays in the foodcourts.

And by the way, are you usually up at 4.30? Or was it because to count the windows?

21.       ramayan
2633 posts
 12 Oct 2006 Thu 09:33 am

fasting means to keep urself far from:
sex,kissing(anything that comes through your mouth)eating,drinking(any kind of drink) and any other sins during day time(at least an hour ago bfor sunrise till sunset)

its aim is to make the muslims understand the beauty and comfort that we have in our daily life...to understand the poor,how thet live and how do they suffer...to keep the body healthy(your stoma gets some rest,beside ur heart)..to keep far you from the common sins...to provide a more peaceful time and life for a while(in the end of ramadan it becomes a good reason to see all your family and relatives,bairam)

the results,you gets closer to the heaven ...your lips mostly get dry u suffer first few days ...you understand what the hell it means to have nothing to eat(the ppl who has no food all around the world) and it makes u not to waste the food....and also you can get on weight if you eat too much after sunset ...generally it gives a good rhytim to your stoma...i recommend yaaa aaaaaaaaaallll...

22.       ramayan
2633 posts
 12 Oct 2006 Thu 09:43 am

Quoting libralady:

What percentage of the population fasts?
Is it the same for men and women?
How old are you when you start?
What about women who are pregnant or breastfeeding?
What about the elderly and the ill (hospitals etc)?
Do you feel thirsty if you cant drink?
How do you cope during the first few days?
What is it like when you begin to eat during the day again?
Do you lose weight?

Another thing that I would like to know about: The fast food (kebabs and peanut/chestnut sellers etc) do they carry on with their business during fasting period?

*mostly but the students and the light muslims dont fast generally
* for wo(hu)man beings(im not making discrimination i meant women) are supposed to start at the age of 7 or 9 or later(it depends when they starts have their special days...and in their special days they dont fast ...(i know so much)
*the sick ppl,pregnants,old ppl and handicapped ones are not supposed to fast...they should compensate these days later or they should feed one person for each day they didnt fast...but everybody must compansate these days...
*try once u ll see if u feel thirsty or not
*first few days u generally forget that u r fasting and keeps eating and drinking(if u dont eat and drink intentionally its ok) so u wont have so much trouble...
*when ramadan ends you never need a lunch for a while..its also economic..cmoon ppl try this and save more money for holidays
*the restaurants are open (it depends the owner to keep them open..but in most rural areas ad small towns they r closed except nite time) but the most %95 of the liquor stores are closed...

(ouh pls dont thank me im just trying to enlighten you dear friends) im also so modest..btw im owned...pls dont spam me haha

23.       KeithL
1455 posts
 12 Oct 2006 Thu 05:15 pm

I am fasting, so that is why I am up at 4.30.
My first post said that my guess of 50% was not intended to be criticism. It is only my best guess. Please dont be offended.

24.       kadersokak
0 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 05:16 am

Quoting KeithL:

I think less peopel fast in istanbul than in the samller cities and villages. I would say well less than 50% of the peopel in istanbul fast. This isnt a criticism, just my opinion.

but it is a wrong opinion.

25.       erdinc
2151 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 06:44 am

The religious practice that is done as a show-off is worthless. Therefore any public aspect of any religion is not as important as what is inside the persons mind. Basically, religion is a personal thing and the more you try to make it public the more it will lose its essence and will turn into something else.

As we know there are many sick minded people and they do look for consolation in their tiny worlds.

26.       aslan2
507 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 08:06 am

Quoting KeithL:

I am fasting, so that is why I am up at 4.30.
My first post said that my guess of 50% was not intended to be criticism. It is only my best guess. Please dont be offended.

I'm NOT. Why should I? You have been to the most cosmopolitan places in Istanbul and making up wrong conclusions.
And by the way, I am one of those who don't. I have my reasons.

27.       Trudy
7887 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 12:54 pm

Quoting ramayan:

* for wo(hu)man beings(im not making discrimination i meant women) are supposed to start at the age of 7 or 9 or later(it depends when they starts have their special days...and in their special days they dont fast ...(i know so much)

7 or 9 seems to me very early for have your periode as a girl. But what is you are (very) late for the first time? Like 16? Doesn't a girl fast before those 'special days'?

28.       robin01
0 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 01:04 pm

no women dont fast until they reach this stage in their life..and they are banned from doing many things during their special time..ramazan or not

and 9 isnt very unusual..but bi would say 7 is an odd age to start ur special time...

29.       aenigma x
0 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 01:07 pm

Quoting robin01:

..and they are banned from doing many things during their special time..ramazan or not :

Like what?

30.       Trudy
7887 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 01:10 pm

Quoting robin01:

no women dont fast until they reach this stage in their life..and they are banned from doing many things during their special time..ramazan or not

and 9 isnt very unusual..but bi would say 7 is an odd age to start ur special time...

In Holland the average age is 11, when starting at 9 you are extremely early. When over 15 you are very late.

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