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40.       robin01
0 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 01:44 pm

it wasnt full or irony..it is the truth..but yet so many choose to wear nail varnish..so technically they havent performed their ablution effectively..thats not ironic its the truth neway we shall agree to disagree

41.       sophie
2712 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 01:54 pm

Well, the few times that I visit a church (I prefer to pray in my home's privacy) I get so mad, that I think that although I enter 'clean', I exit 'dirty'.

While they are waiting to receive the Holly Communion for example, there are hundreds of people, in a row, waiting for their turn to come. But till it comes, they argue with each other about who should pass first, they gossip about the clothes that their neighbour is wearing, they chat and laugh, while exchanging their news and in the end, they open their mouth to receive it, thinking how disgusted they are, from the old man that used the same spoon before them.

And right after, they go back home, feeling 'clean', happy and proud of themselves.

How pathetic...

42.       aenigma x
0 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 01:56 pm

It seems to me, in every religion, that it is not God or Allah's will that these things are decided. It is MEN's will! In their ignorance of such things as childbirth and menstruation they believe you are "unclean" and make these "rules" and do them in God/Allah's name.

43.       robin01
0 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 01:57 pm

that defeats the object of them going there...showing face and actually being sincere are two different things..and unfortunately some people are obviously not being sincere..(like the ones u mentioned)

44.       sophie
2712 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 02:03 pm

Quoting aenigma x:

In their ignorance of such things as childbirth and menstration they believe you are "unclean" and make these "rules" and do them in God/Allah's name.

Exactly twinny!
I wonder which God would be here now, saying that bleeding is a sin, that a woman who gave birth is dirty and that the wars and the murders are holly.
He definately has to make a...comeback!

45.       robin01
0 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 02:04 pm

which murders are holy?:-S im a little perplexed..

46.       sophie
2712 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 02:06 pm

Quoting robin01:

which murders are holy?:-S im a little perplexed..

All those who murder people in the name of God...from the crusaders to the politicians of today.

47.       robin01
0 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 02:09 pm

i agree with u in that case..all this talk of jihad and other such things are nonsense..u cant kill innocents during jihad

48.       libralady
5152 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 02:43 pm

So what about fasting then??

49.       sophie
2712 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 03:13 pm

Quoting libralady:

So what about fasting then??

Fasting, in every religion, is something you do for your own purification and to praise God. I don't believe that those who don't fast believe in God less than those who do.
But hey, tell me about those who, although they fast, they keep thinking of food and sex all day? Most of us, when we fast, we keep missing the food that we can't eat, the drinks that we don't drink and the sex that we don't (hopefully) do. And we can't wait for the day that the fast will be over, to go back again to our routine. Isn't that a sin?

Our (Orthodox's)fast, doesn't set a timetable. I mean, a fast is 24 hours a day, but you are allowed to eat certain kinds of food and avoid all the other 'sins' that were mentioned referring to the muslim's fast. For example, you can't eat meat, eggs, cheeze, milk and anything that comes from animals. You can't eat oil, etc. And the reason for all those, is to live simply, avoiding everything that gives pleasure, for those few days. But you CAN have seafood or spaghetti with tomato sauce, or pizza with soya cheeze, etc.

The result...all the fish restaurants are full, the McDonalds as well, selling vegeterian burgers and people do whatever they were doing before the fast, with a slight change in their menu.

Muslims, on the other hand, are fasting till evening, but thinking and missing what they will do after iftar and what they will eat during iftar.

I really don't think that this is the way fast was supposed to be in both cases. We MUST have missed something, during the centuries. And most of all, we have missed out the real purpose of fast and faith...

50.       Trudy
7887 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 03:35 pm

Quoting sophie:

And most of all, we have missed out the real purpose of fast and faith...

Well said Sophie. This last sentence reminds me of the behaviour of some of my students (80% of them are muslim). While having Ramazan, they say they are too sick to work, to do their homework for school... I think those might fast strict but not as it was meant to be.

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