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30.       Trudy
7887 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 01:10 pm

Quoting robin01:

no women dont fast until they reach this stage in their life..and they are banned from doing many things during their special time..ramazan or not

and 9 isnt very unusual..but bi would say 7 is an odd age to start ur special time...

In Holland the average age is 11, when starting at 9 you are extremely early. When over 15 you are very late.

31.       robin01
0 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 01:11 pm

during their special time they cannot perform namaz..cannot have sex,,cannot touch the quran..there are other things as well.but these are the most easy to remember lol

the same as technically muslim women shouldn'r really wear nail varnish unless they take it off everytime that they perform ablution..because that means u are not cleaning ur whole body the nails wouldn't be clean

32.       Trudy
7887 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 01:16 pm

Quoting robin01:

during their special time they cannot perform namaz..cannot have sex,,cannot touch the quran..there are other things as well.but these are the most easy to remember lol

the same as technically muslim women shouldn'r really wear nail varnish unless they take it off everytime that they perform ablution..because that means u are not cleaning ur whole body the nails wouldn't be clean

Not having sex, okay - much more hygienic. Not touching the Qu'uran, okay. But in your period you cannot pray? That sounds strange in my ears, like you are sick then.

Are muslim women allowed to cook in their period? Because in some Jewish sects they are not.

33.       robin01
0 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 01:24 pm

yes they can cook..unfortunately

34.       ifigeneia
14 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 01:25 pm

actually this sounds really strange to me!!! :-S
a woman during her period is not a dirty woman..it's a totally natural procedure ,so how can she not pray or touch Quran..all this is in our nature and this is given from God too!actually this is similar with things that are said by "some" priests here too ,but i totally disagree and i am praying during my period too..i don't believe that in the eyes of God this is considered as sinn..

35.       robin01
0 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 01:30 pm

if u are unclean..then it is rude to perform namaz or read the words of the quran during this time..the same as the area where namaz is performed always has to be clean..thats like saying ur cleanliness isnt important....its disrespectful...

36.       sophie
2712 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 01:39 pm

The same rule exists for the Orthodox Christians too (don't know about Catholics). Women in that special period, can't receive the Holly Communion. And this has to do with the sin (it's a sin they say) of losing blood, even if caused from an injury, after drinking Jeasus's blood, through the Holly Communion.

I find all these too exaggerated actually. They want to make me believe that I ll go to hell, if I get injured in a car crash, after receiving the Holly Communion? :-S Isn't it absurd?

Well...I do believe in God, but I find it very hard to just follow the rules and not question them, especially when they are as paranoid as the one above.

37.       ifigeneia
14 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 01:39 pm

oh!!we obviously disagree robino..i find it more disrespectfull to make fun with comments on nails ...i personally don't think that a woman during her period is unclean..this is more i guess in terms of theological approach..ur comment was full of ironie!!(the one about the nails..)my purpose was not to be critical..i just showed my point of view..

38.       ifigeneia
14 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 01:42 pm

exactly my point..sophie i totally agree with you!that was what i wanted to say

39.       Trudy
7887 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 01:44 pm

Quoting sophie:

The same rule exists for the Orthodox Christians too (don't know about Catholics). Women in that special period, can't receive the Holly Communion. And this has to do with the sin (it's a sin they say) of losing blood, even if caused from an injury, after drinking Jeasus's blood, through the Holly Communion.

I find all these too exaggerated actually. They want to make me believe that I ll go to hell, if I get injured in a car crash, after receiving the Holly Communion? :-S Isn't it absurd?

Well...I do believe in God, but I find it very hard to just follow the rules and not question them, especially when they are as paranoid as the one above.

It used to be with Catholics as well. When I was born (1963) my mother had to go to a special Mass to get 'clean' again after giving birth, like she was very dirty. She refused - though very religious - because she said that giving birth is a present of God, not a sin. After that she had a lot of times her Communion, no priest refused to give it.

40.       robin01
0 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 01:44 pm

it wasnt full or irony..it is the truth..but yet so many choose to wear nail varnish..so technically they havent performed their ablution effectively..thats not ironic its the truth neway we shall agree to disagree

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