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50.       Trudy
7887 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 03:35 pm

Quoting sophie:

And most of all, we have missed out the real purpose of fast and faith...

Well said Sophie. This last sentence reminds me of the behaviour of some of my students (80% of them are muslim). While having Ramazan, they say they are too sick to work, to do their homework for school... I think those might fast strict but not as it was meant to be.

51.       sophie
2712 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 03:38 pm

Quoting Trudy:

I think those might fast strict but not as it was meant to be.

Eh at least they DO fast. We say we do, while having fun at a restaurant, eating delicious sea food :-S

52.       juliacernat
424 posts
 13 Oct 2006 Fri 04:22 pm

let`s not mix the faith with some ritual practices...invented by people and passed on from generation to generation. The true faith lays in everyone`s heart irrespective of how we choose to call the divinity...and if we do not "discover" there, the outer rituals/gestures/actions are useless...
regarding the "jihad" mentioned here, the true significance of the term is "the inner war against the "earthy" tendencies of the self"... unfortunately, we have become familiar with the negative conotation of the term, which the fundamentalists explore....

53.       CANLI
5084 posts
 14 Oct 2006 Sat 01:57 am

Quoting robin01:

i agree with u in that case..all this talk of jihad and other such things are nonsense..u cant kill innocents during jihad

What is really nonsense is calling a rule,an important rule,a believe in other people's religion with such words,
And adding not understanding the meaning of that..got another name !

Do you really understand what is Jihad which you called it nonesense ?

Do you understand how specialy and important is it in Muslims lives ??

And what does it means to us ?!

İf you said ' all this talk İN THE NAME OF jihad and other such things are nonsense '

İ would agree with you.
Because lots of actions done in the name of Jihad,which it is far away from Jihad,and ALLAH wouldn't approve upon it

But judging a rule of another religion without understanding ??!!

Please, what is wrong here ?!
We don't judge what we don't understand,we ask first... why don't you do the same ?!

Jihad is the action which Muslim people take to defend a cause.
Meaning,you are sitting in secure and peace in your home,and your neighbor,came,and want to kick you out of your home !

So defending your home is Jihad !
İs it wrong ?

Someone attacking your country,you left your luxury,your kids,your money,your home,and went to defend your country joined the army,is Jihad !

İs it wrong too ?

And who dies during Jihad we believe he is honered and would go to HEAVEN right with the prophets!

See how holy it is to us,and not something nonsense ?!

İt's not really nonsense to be welling to lose your life for other people to live ,is it ?

Because that is what Jihad means,he goes to fight,so his kids,his parents,his whole nation live in a free country,is this nonesense ?!

Note something,in Jihad,we have rules,
Not to kill a child,a woman,an old man.
Not to attack safe people who doesn't attack you.

We call it Jihad,which means 'struggling to do something'
We call it like that because we too make Jihad with ourselves,
To fight his fears,his desires,and has the guts to stand still and fight his enemies.. that is struggling,that is Jihad .

That is how is Jihad, otherwise would be actions in the name of Jihad !
But that doesn't give anyone the right to call Jihad nonesense !

We don't agree with many rules in other religions too,but we don't judge and call it nonesense !
Would you like hearing such words to describe any rule of your religion ?!

Give us same right too !

54.       CANLI
5084 posts
 14 Oct 2006 Sat 02:33 am

Quoting Trudy:

Quoting robin01:

during their special time they cannot perform namaz..cannot have sex,,cannot touch the quran..there are other things as well.but these are the most easy to remember lol

the same as technically muslim women shouldn'r really wear nail varnish unless they take it off everytime that they perform ablution..because that means u are not cleaning ur whole body the nails wouldn't be clean

Not having sex, okay - much more hygienic. Not touching the Qu'uran, okay. But in your period you cannot pray? That sounds strange in my ears, like you are sick then.

Are muslim women allowed to cook in their period? Because in some Jewish sects they are not.

İt is not a matter of being dirty !

Because calling women during their special days a dirty is really nonesense .

God creat women that way,and HE would never creat something dirty !

We look at it in a different way,your body during those days are rejecting something spoiled.

So how can you pray infront of ALLAH in your special days,while your own body rejecting spoiled things ?

We believe when we pray,we pray really infront of ALLAH,so out of respect,we don't do it during special days,same for reading Qur'an.
We believe Mosques are the houses of ALLAH in earth,matter of speach ofcourse,so we too respect and don't enter during those days.

But unfortunately,you can do all other things like cooking ,cleaning..ect..lol

Quoting sophie:

'I really don't think that this is the way fast was supposed to be in both cases. We MUST have missed something, during the centuries'

No,the way we fast in Ramazan,is the way ALLAH ordered us,it's written in Qur'an.

But to claim that cause of fasting,they cann't work,or cann't study,
that is nonsense !

Usually İftar time would be at 7 pm,i can understand not able to study 1 hour,or maybe 2 before İftar time,but more than that...that is being laziness

Most of Muslims great events was in Ramadan, were those people super humans ??! lol

55.       jackieeuk
72 posts
 11 Nov 2006 Sat 03:00 pm

I flew out to Turkey at the end of sept this year and I stayed with my fiance's family and it was right in the middle of Ramazan.
This is where the Turkish hospitality took me aback !
They were fully aware i am Christian although not practicing and they absolutely did everything in their power to make me welcome and feel at home with them.
My fiance would get up at 4.10 am to have his breakfast now i was also willing to get up and join them but they absolutely insisted that i stayed sleeping and i would eat when i wake up.
I was presented with a full breakfast every morning which is something i dont do in the UK so that HUGE meal set me up for the day but NOOOOOOO not for them, at lunchtime a meal was being prepared and i questioned why his sister in law was making a meal day time and he replied "its for you" sheeeeeesh i was still full up from breakfast !! noooooooo i dont want anything else im still full up from breakfast .
but the meal arrived and i had to eat ,they were absolutely sure i was trying to starve and fast with them and so out of respect i ate and then they were worried because i didnt eat much but i just couldnt keep up.
Then copius amounts of tea and coffee throughout the day, now this was in 30 degree heat i was eating and drinking in fornt of people who couldn't join me and im sure they must have been so thirsty, i felt so bad it wasnt because i wanted to fast i just couldnt keep up with the amount of food they presented to me and to think i was eating and drinking when they couldnt then the ashtray kept coming out, women dont smoke where he lives and i mean NO female smoked and yet here they were actually wanting me to smoke.i said i'd have one when i wanted one and then i would go out onto the balcony but nope every half an hr i was presented with the ashtray again they didnt want me to think i felt i couldnt .
His father actually gave my fiance permission for him not to fast in the week i visited to make me feel at home,and i absolutely begged him not to do it but for 1 day to make me feel better (think he did it cos he's a gut bucket) lol.
i am sorry to have gone off the subject of the original post a bit but i wanted to tell you of just how hospitable the Turks are, here i was in the middle of one if not the most important religious celebrations there is and they did absolutely EVERYTHING in their power to make me feel at home
One thing i did which i was soooooooo embarassed about on my first evening meal with them we all sat down on the floor and everyone was preparing to eat, i was handed what looked like an entire loaf of bread, they started to put food into the bread and the kids started picking at the food and so i copied and i ate, the kids started to snigger, his sister in law started laughing then i looked up and noticed no adults were eating , i stopped munching in mid floe and asked whats wrong?
my fiance said its not time yet we got 3 minutes before we can eat.
i saw the kids eating and i saw them putting food into their bread but the kids were exempt and so they could eat, the adults were not going to waste time in taking their first mouthful so were preparing their food so on the bell they were off but me i didnt see the bit where they didnt actually start to eat, i tucked in.
My fiance told me afterwards that his mother and father did everything they could not to laugh.They thought it was so funny and yet i was the total opposite how could i have done something so disrespectful even if it was done out of ignorance.

Kind Regards


56.       aenigma x
0 posts
 11 Nov 2006 Sat 04:38 pm

I really enjoyed reading this - what a lovely example of Turkish hospitality! I am sure the reason they were not offended by any mistakes, is because you were trying so hard to "fit in" and it was obvious your mistakes were innocent. They sound a wonderful family

57.       libralady
5152 posts
 11 Nov 2006 Sat 04:47 pm

Jackie, thanks for adding this post to my original thread. It is just want I was looking for - some real experiences! You sounded as though you had a wonderful time.

58.       jackieeuk
72 posts
 11 Nov 2006 Sat 06:20 pm

thank you for the posative feedback because i didnt really answer any of the original questions asked lol
but still now i can not get over how his family and also what i omitted to say all his family friends and other reltatives (who we visited) did the same, coffee, tea came out , i drank whilst the others chatted.
i had fresh grapes picked from the garden and one elderly uncle i actually did a favour to. As he was elderly he wasnt actually doing a strict fast and when he realised i smoked ,he said something quickly to his daughter and she was off like a ferret down a rabbit hole and came back with an ashtray, he held back from smoking because we were visitng ,oh his face lit up and we had a cigarette together it made us both feel better lol

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