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Forum Messages Posted by erdinc

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Thread: Ask your teacher - erdinc´s group

1.       erdinc
2151 posts
 22 Sep 2008 Mon 04:23 am

I´m sorry but I won´t be able to help you anymore. You can read more details here:


Thread: What´s happened to this site?

2.       erdinc
2151 posts
 20 Sep 2008 Sat 11:43 pm


That website was one of the most known websites on this field. It is a shame it is down now. I hope they will be back. There was a small note a few days ago telling that due to some peoblems they hoped to have the website back again when they move to New Zealand. Maybe they had a problem with the hosting company and they were in the middle of moving to another country so they cound´t fix it.  

Thread: Samples of past tense sentences

3.       erdinc
2151 posts
 16 Sep 2008 Tue 05:34 pm

Just a small detail, Winmekmak does translate many conjugations correctly. This includes the narrative of present continuous tense (In English this corresponds to past continuous tense). 


Type gitmek, choose present continuous as the tense and choose narrative as modifier and it will show this:


ben gidiyordum

I was going


asad.12 liked this message

Thread: Ask your teacher - erdinc´s group

4.       erdinc
2151 posts
 14 Sep 2008 Sun 06:22 pm


we add the personal suffix to diği when needed,its not fixed rule to ´-diği´ only,yes ?


diği has already a personal suffix. It has the third person posessive suffix. We use possessive suffixes here. Here is a full conjugation:


ben geldiğim için

sen geldiğin için

o geldiği için

biz geldiğimiz için

siz geldiğiniz için

"onlar geldiği için" or "onlar geldikleri için"


Compare this to any possessive suffix: (It is exactly the same)

benim evim

senin evin

onun evi

bizim evimiz

sizin eviniz

"onların evi" veya "onların evleri"



In a way we can say "-diği için" has the meaning of ´because of ´ or something,right?

This is possible but I wouldn´t put it that way. The -dik suffix has many different usages. This is only one of them. Here are a few:

geldiği için : because he came

geldiği zaman: when he comes

geldiğinde: when he comes

geldiği gün: the day he came/comes  

geldiğimiz uçak: the plane we came in


With için sentences you don´t need a comma. With çünkü sentences it is a matter of taste. 

Khayrul Haq, asad.12, Moha-ios and meryemjomana liked this message

Thread: Tenses inTurkish

5.       erdinc
2151 posts
 12 Sep 2008 Fri 02:12 am

There are too many sticky thread in language forum. I think we should remove a few but don´t want to remove other people´s threads. I think the best things would be if somebody would create a list of most useful threads.


I have added this topic to the sticky thread of mine called useful links.  

Khayrul Haq liked this message

Thread: Positive / negative / affirmative / question - tense of past:

6.       erdinc
2151 posts
 12 Sep 2008 Fri 01:19 am

Long time ago I created my own tables because the ones I found all had mistakes. 


Thread: Translation from English to Turkish

7.       erdinc
2151 posts
 11 Sep 2008 Thu 05:37 am

Team Turkey: Türk Takımı

Actually it means Turkish team but I think this is the best option. The ı´s have no dot. 


Of course names don´t change.  



Thread: Ask your teacher - erdinc´s group

8.       erdinc
2151 posts
 11 Sep 2008 Thu 05:33 am




The other way around of çünkü sentences is build with "-diği için".




İşe geç gittim, çünkü otobüs çok geç geldi.

Otobüs çok geç geldiği için işe geç gittim.

"için" and "çünkü" are related to each other. I think they both come from the same origin. Maybe Arabic origin. I´m not sure. 

Convert these çünkü sentences to için sentences:
1. Bugün çok yoruldum çünkü çok çalıştım.
2. Islandım çünkü çok yağmur yağdı. 
3. Türkçe öğreniyorum çünkü arkadaşlarımla Türkçe konuşmak istiyorum. 


Thread: Please verify my interpretation of cooking instruction

9.       erdinc
2151 posts
 10 Sep 2008 Wed 11:55 pm

1 su bardağı means 200ml.

3.5 would be 700 ml.


Thread: Members of the Sentence

10.       erdinc
2151 posts
 10 Sep 2008 Wed 06:30 am


Quoting CANLI

Ps: can you say what are the four components of the the complement in Turkish  ?


Of course:



1. nesne

2. dolaylı tümleç  (yer/yön tümleci)

3. zarf tümleci

4. edat tümleci



1. object

2. indirect complement (location/direction complement)

3. adverbial complement

4. participle complement


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