Living - working in Turkey |
A Turkish husband
670. |
31 Jul 2013 Wed 12:12 am |
so why didnt you call him yourself? you liked him only for one night? ayıp..
because i am not intersed in him..i am just surprised..but now everything is more clear...i didnt know that people can be like that..and just for some money...well..we all know how is named a person who sell his body ))) good night to every body ..
Edited (7/31/2013) by Mandala
671. |
31 Jul 2013 Wed 12:33 am |
I can hold myself three days. I am shy 
but do you have money for icecream

672. |
31 Jul 2013 Wed 12:41 am |
but do you have money for icecream

No need for it. I am the most delicious ice cream 
673. |
31 Jul 2013 Wed 09:52 am |
someone asked Mae West if she believed in love at first sight, she said "no, but it saves a lot of time."
If you slept with him that was first mistake! If they say they love you after like say 2 days (or even a week) you should already know its a sack of lies.
674. |
31 Jul 2013 Wed 05:55 pm |
I want a ´block this thread´ button.
675. |
31 Jul 2013 Wed 06:08 pm |
there are a lot of women in love here
şakaydı....kusura bakmayın...
676. |
31 Jul 2013 Wed 06:35 pm |
I want a ´block this thread´ button.
I thought you were supporter of just don´t read what you don´t want to read
677. |
31 Jul 2013 Wed 06:40 pm |
someone asked Mae West if she believed in love at first sight, she said "no, but it saves a lot of time."
need of alot of alcohol too
678. |
04 Oct 2013 Fri 02:40 pm |
Quoting Mandalawhy turkish men lie so much foreign girls??? i just dont get it... Because everything seems easier to get from a foreign girl...If they give them that after a first meeting, then girls cannot complain and judge Tukish men. It´s universal, not only Turkish men are players with girls...Girls should be more aware and wise about that. Don´t put the fault on the Turkish men. Girls have reponsabilities as well. If a man found an opportunity, then he will go for it...and this is not related to the citizenship!! You can find this everywhere in the world...Grils open your eyes, be safe and do not trust someone who tells you he loves you after one week.
Edited (10/4/2013) by çay_time
679. |
04 Oct 2013 Fri 04:05 pm |
Because everything seems easier to get from a foreign girl...
Because everything seems easier to get from a foreign girl...
Because everything seems easier to get from a foreign girl...
Because everything seems easier to get from a foreign girl...
Because everything seems easier to get from a foreign girl...
Because everything seems easier to get from a foreign girl...
Because everything seems easier to get from a foreign girl...
Because everything seems easier to get from a foreign girl...
680. |
15 Oct 2014 Wed 10:03 pm |