Turkey |
170. |
17 Oct 2007 Wed 05:42 pm |
Quoting C&K: Quoting thehandsom:
Just curious:
You really dont believe that usa is in Iraq because of democracy or 9/11..do you? |
Every body knows which the famous 9/11 was the demoniac fact builded by the own USA GOVT, their only interest was the war, the USA economy is builded with blood of millions of inocent people, and now they are interested in the Turkish petroleoum and of course the Bosforos, then they must divide Turkey, first which the Genocide subject, second with the PKK...
How disillusioned you are...
171. |
17 Oct 2007 Wed 05:52 pm |
Quoting teaschip1: Quoting thehandsom: Quoting teaschip1: Yes, and look who the author is. I have little regard for his publishings. Keep doing your research...Maybe fearless can share his book with you. |
How about bbc?
Secret US plans for Iraq's oil
The guardian
Just curious:
You really dont believe that usa is in Iraq because of democracy or 9/11..do you? |
This has nothing to do with 9/11. Do I believe our soldiers are there for demoracy and to help the Iraqi people build a better country, absoultely! I support our troops, 100%. I have friends serving in the military over there and I hear from them the good we are doing in Iraq over the overwhelming negetivity they receive from the outside. You do realize our military is voluntarily? The government does not require anyone to serve. Do I believe in war? No, not necessarily, however it's inevitable since the beginning of man. |
The word I can only find for you is NAIVE..
Because you and people like you, YOU GOT 1.000.000 MILLION PEOPLE KILLED there. Killing is still going on.
Nobody wants you there.
Nobody asked you to be there.
Iraqies did not ask you to be there.
You have no right to be there.
You have no mandate from UN.
Daylight robbery it is.
Biggest terrorist act it is.
172. |
17 Oct 2007 Wed 05:58 pm |
Quoting thehandsom: Quoting teaschip1: Quoting thehandsom: Quoting teaschip1: Yes, and look who the author is. I have little regard for his publishings. Keep doing your research...Maybe fearless can share his book with you. |
How about bbc?
Secret US plans for Iraq's oil
The guardian
Just curious:
You really dont believe that usa is in Iraq because of democracy or 9/11..do you? |
This has nothing to do with 9/11. Do I believe our soldiers are there for demoracy and to help the Iraqi people build a better country, absoultely! I support our troops, 100%. I have friends serving in the military over there and I hear from them the good we are doing in Iraq over the overwhelming negetivity they receive from the outside. You do realize our military is voluntarily? The government does not require anyone to serve. Do I believe in war? No, not necessarily, however it's inevitable since the beginning of man. |
The word I can only find for you is NAIVE..
Because you and people like you, YOU GOT 1.000.000 MILLION PEOPLE KILLED there. Killing is still going on.
Nobody wants you there.
Nobody asked you to be there.
You have no right to be there.
Daylight robbery it is.
Biggest terrorist act it is.
Sounds like you need anger management courses theugly... Your words have no effect on me, so cast stones all you want. You have alot of room to talk about killings, what about the denial of the Armenian Geoniced by your country. When you throw your attacks at people, all I can fathom is a sense of jealousy...keep it up...
173. |
17 Oct 2007 Wed 06:01 pm |
Quoting teaschip1: Quoting thehandsom: Quoting teaschip1: Quoting thehandsom: Quoting teaschip1: Yes, and look who the author is. I have little regard for his publishings. Keep doing your research...Maybe fearless can share his book with you. |
How about bbc?
Secret US plans for Iraq's oil
The guardian
Just curious:
You really dont believe that usa is in Iraq because of democracy or 9/11..do you? |
This has nothing to do with 9/11. Do I believe our soldiers are there for demoracy and to help the Iraqi people build a better country, absoultely! I support our troops, 100%. I have friends serving in the military over there and I hear from them the good we are doing in Iraq over the overwhelming negetivity they receive from the outside. You do realize our military is voluntarily? The government does not require anyone to serve. Do I believe in war? No, not necessarily, however it's inevitable since the beginning of man. |
The word I can only find for you is NAIVE..
Because you and people like you, YOU GOT 1.000.000 MILLION PEOPLE KILLED there. Killing is still going on.
Nobody wants you there.
Nobody asked you to be there.
You have no right to be there.
Daylight robbery it is.
Biggest terrorist act it is.
Sounds like you need anger management courses theugly... Your words have no effect on me, so cast stones all you want. You have alot of room to talk about killings, what about the denial of the Armenian Geoniced by your country. When you throw your attacks at people, all I can fathom is a sense of jealousy...keep it up... |
On the invasion of IRAQ, yes..
I may need anger management. I never denied that..
174. |
17 Oct 2007 Wed 06:01 pm |
You do realize our military is voluntarily? The government does not require anyone to serve. |
Teaschip, with all do respect (as i do respect your posts a great deal), but we all know someone in the military at this point, I think there are very few people that don't. However, yes it is "voluntary" to "join" the military, but trying saying "I refuse to fight in a war I do not support" as MANY of our military soldiers would like and have said. Yes I'm sure many believe in bringing "democracy" to Irag, but many that have also been there like your friends would say its a line of BS. They would rather be shot, or imprisoned rather then return and kill for the financial interest of the wealthy.
175. |
17 Oct 2007 Wed 06:10 pm |
Quote: Quoting dottiek:
You do realize our military is voluntarily? The government does not require anyone to serve. |
Teaschip, with all do respect (as i do respect your posts a great deal), but we all know someone in the military at this point, I think there are very few people that don't. However, yes it is "voluntary" to "join" the military, but trying saying "I refuse to fight in a war I do not support" as MANY of our military soldiers would like and have said. Yes I'm sure many believe in bringing "democracy" to Irag, but many that have also been there like your friends would say its a line of BS. They would rather be shot, or imprisoned rather then return and kill for the financial interest of the wealthy. |
We don't all have close friends in the military as you would assume here in the U.S. We may know someone who has a daughter or son so to speak. I NEVER said every soldier in the military feels we need to be in Iraq. But there are many who believe we are doing the right thing. Yes, there many who would like to come home, understandably. But it is their CHOICE to serve!
176. |
17 Oct 2007 Wed 06:16 pm |
Quoting thehandsom: Quoting teaschip1: Quoting thehandsom: Quoting teaschip1: Quoting thehandsom: Quoting teaschip1: Yes, and look who the author is. I have little regard for his publishings. Keep doing your research...Maybe fearless can share his book with you. |
How about bbc?
Secret US plans for Iraq's oil
The guardian
Just curious:
You really dont believe that usa is in Iraq because of democracy or 9/11..do you? |
This has nothing to do with 9/11. Do I believe our soldiers are there for demoracy and to help the Iraqi people build a better country, absoultely! I support our troops, 100%. I have friends serving in the military over there and I hear from them the good we are doing in Iraq over the overwhelming negetivity they receive from the outside. You do realize our military is voluntarily? The government does not require anyone to serve. Do I believe in war? No, not necessarily, however it's inevitable since the beginning of man. |
The word I can only find for you is NAIVE..
Because you and people like you, YOU GOT 1.000.000 MILLION PEOPLE KILLED there. Killing is still going on.
Nobody wants you there.
Nobody asked you to be there.
You have no right to be there.
Daylight robbery it is.
Biggest terrorist act it is.
Sounds like you need anger management courses theugly... Your words have no effect on me, so cast stones all you want. You have alot of room to talk about killings, what about the denial of the Armenian Geoniced by your country. When you throw your attacks at people, all I can fathom is a sense of jealousy...keep it up... |
On the invasion of IRAQ, yes..
I may need anger management. I never denied that.. |
Then please don't ask me personal questions, only to attack my answers. You may not agree with me, but you can do it in a more tactful way. Bye, the way I have never killed nor have had anyone killed.
177. |
17 Oct 2007 Wed 06:36 pm |
Hrant Dink responses:
178. |
17 Oct 2007 Wed 11:57 pm |
I am deeply disturbed by the Iraq War. The justification for the invasion was based on what appears to be fabrications about Sadam having WMD. I am not at all happy with what is going on, and I am not alone in my feelings.
68% do not approve.
Blix dismisses argument that war was legal
The former UN chief weapons inspector Hans Blix today rubbished the government's argument that war in Iraq was legalised by existing security council resolutions.
He said Britain and the US would have needed a second resolution explicitly authorising the use of force against Saddam Hussein's regime for the invasion to have been legal.
The Iraq war is a disaster. Countless human lives have been destroyed. It is draining the economy, valuable resources needed for education, healthcare and infrastructure maintenance and repair have been diverted. It is causing incalculable damage to the credibility and reputation of the US.
As far as the military being volunteer, I'm sure some choose to join because of high ideals. However, not a few are questioning being sent to a war that is questionable, to say the least. Most are there because of economic problems and the promise of benefits. Not few are questioning the war
The Iraq war is based on lies and deception.
The Bush Administration planned for an attack against Iraq before September 11th, 2001. They used the false pretense of an imminent nuclear, chemical and biological weapons threat to deceive Congress into rationalizing this unnecessary conflict. They hide our casualties of war by banning the filming of our fallen's caskets when they arrive home, and when they refuse to allow the media into Walter Reed Hospital and other Veterans Administration facilities which are overflowing with maimed and traumatized veterans
General Sanchez:Ex-Commander Says Iraq Effort Is ‘a Nightmare’
WASHINGTON, Oct. 12 — In a sweeping indictment of the four-year effort in Iraq, the former top commander of American forces there called the Bush administration’s handling of the war “incompetent†and said the result was “a nightmare with no end in sight.â€
The war has been outsourced to mercenaries like Blackwater and others who are profiting from it. In fact there reported to be more private contractors there than actual enlisted military.
Petrol was one factor, but strategic location and war profiteering seems to be equal motivations in this disastrous adventure.
179. |
18 Oct 2007 Thu 12:00 am |
its gone back to america-iraq again!
180. |
18 Oct 2007 Thu 12:10 am |
Quoting femme_fatal: its gone back to america-iraq again! |
I wonder how American goverment will react if Turkey blocks its access to their airforce bases there?