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160.       femme_fatal
0 posts
 17 Oct 2007 Wed 03:58 pm

Quoting fearless:

So you think anyone can publish books under a state leader's name and give manipulated information, without being contradicted? Good idea then, I should consider publishing a book, written by, say, George W. Bush. The title could be something like "The hell with democracy, we're there for the oil!". What do you think?

absolutely possible! you dont need to write the truth and yet still can publish a book full of rubbish.

to me its EOT
im not going to dispute on a dodgy book

161.       femme_fatal
0 posts
 17 Oct 2007 Wed 04:01 pm

americans have also used vietnamise and korean oils

162.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 17 Oct 2007 Wed 04:05 pm

Quoting teaschip1:

Fearless just to give you some statistics on the misconseption of oil the U.S. gets from Iraq take a look.

Importance of Iraqi Oil to the U.S.

The United States imported 11.3 million barrels of oil from Iraq. In comparison, imports from other major OPEC oil-producing countries included:

Saudi Arabia - 56.2 million barrels
Venezuela 20.2 million barrels
Nigeria 19.3 million barrels
Kuwait - 5.9 million barrels
Algeria - 1.2 million barrels

Leading imports from non-OPEC countries

Canada 46.2 million barrels
Mexico 53.8 million barrels
United Kingdom 11.7 million barrels
Norway 4.5 million barrels

How about this link then?

163.       teaschip
3870 posts
 17 Oct 2007 Wed 04:16 pm

Yes, and look who the author is. I have little regard for his publishings. Keep doing your research...Maybe fearless can share his book with you.

164.       teaschip
3870 posts
 17 Oct 2007 Wed 04:22 pm

Quoting femme_fatal:

americans have also used vietnamise and korean oils

We have the barrels housed in the basement of the Pentagon. Shhh, don't give out our secret.

165.       fearless
14 posts
 17 Oct 2007 Wed 04:59 pm

Quoting teaschip1:

Quoting femme_fatal:

americans have also used vietnamise and korean oils

We have the barrels housed in the basement of the Pentagon. Shhh, don't give out our secret.

sorry guys didn't mean to offend Americans or any other people, it was just meant to illustrate my point, that it would not be reasonable to publish a fake book under a country leader's name. I could or maybe should have put another example in order to not create controversy, hmmm, what about a fake book by Mandela with the title "Actually I am quite fond of Appartheit."


ok aenigma, no more quotes under my posts, in your favor

166.       fearless
14 posts
 17 Oct 2007 Wed 05:01 pm

Quoting teaschip1:

Quoting femme_fatal:

americans have also used vietnamise and korean oils

We have the barrels housed in the basement of the Pentagon. Shhh, don't give out our secret.

Why US invaded Afghanistan and Iraq is another topic. Storing barrels in the basement of Pentagon would not be very clever would it? No, the thing is about controlling the vast energy sources, the natural gas in Afghanistan and the oil in Iraq, so that only those who are approved by US get benefit from them, for instance , not rivaling powers like China . It is a long term future strategy, you can not disprove this by showing statistics from past about how much oil got imported to US from which country in the past.
Yet these claims are just a theory that I think makes lots of sense, anyone could object and I would respect.


167.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 17 Oct 2007 Wed 05:16 pm

Quoting teaschip1:

Yes, and look who the author is. I have little regard for his publishings. Keep doing your research...Maybe fearless can share his book with you.

How about bbc?
Secret US plans for Iraq's oil
The guardian
Just curious:
You really dont believe that usa is in Iraq because of democracy or 9/11..do you?

168.       C&K
22 posts
 17 Oct 2007 Wed 05:34 pm

Quoting thehandsom:

Just curious:
You really dont believe that usa is in Iraq because of democracy or 9/11..do you?


Every body knows which the famous 9/11 was the demoniac fact builded by the own USA GOVT, their only interest was the war, the USA economy is builded with blood of millions of inocent people, and now they are interested in the Turkish petroleoum and of course the Bosforos, then they must divide Turkey, first which the Genocide subject, second with the PKK...

169.       teaschip
3870 posts
 17 Oct 2007 Wed 05:39 pm

Quoting thehandsom:

Quoting teaschip1:

Yes, and look who the author is. I have little regard for his publishings. Keep doing your research...Maybe fearless can share his book with you.

How about bbc?
Secret US plans for Iraq's oil
The guardian
Just curious:
You really dont believe that usa is in Iraq because of democracy or 9/11..do you?

This has nothing to do with 9/11. Do I believe our soldiers are there for demoracy and to help the Iraqi people build a better country, absoultely! I support our troops, 100%. I have friends serving in the military over there and I hear from them the good we are doing in Iraq over the overwhelming negetivity they receive from the outside. You do realize our military is voluntarily? The government does not require anyone to serve. Do I believe in war? No, not necessarily, however it's inevitable since the beginning of man.

170.       teaschip
3870 posts
 17 Oct 2007 Wed 05:42 pm

Quoting C&K:

Quoting thehandsom:

Just curious:
You really dont believe that usa is in Iraq because of democracy or 9/11..do you?


Every body knows which the famous 9/11 was the demoniac fact builded by the own USA GOVT, their only interest was the war, the USA economy is builded with blood of millions of inocent people, and now they are interested in the Turkish petroleoum and of course the Bosforos, then they must divide Turkey, first which the Genocide subject, second with the PKK...

How disillusioned you are...

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