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Forum Messages Posted by erdinc

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Thread: What are the Chances?

311.       erdinc
2151 posts
 25 Aug 2006 Fri 05:45 pm


Is it really true that Turks cannot visit the USA on a tourist visa without extraordinary research into their past, employment history, financial status etc...

This is completely true. There is even much more than this. I have heard that somebody wasn't given a visa because of buying books about İslam on Amazon.com. I wouldn't be surprised if the US Government tracks this kind information.

I think they keep extensive records of people who enter the US. They are requesting your homeland address, phone number, credit card number etc. from the airline company. This has been a conflict between the EU and US since these are confidential information.

I think they also take pictures of you and they take fingerprints and DNA sample if you are a Turkish national.

The US is the last place I would want to live or travel as a tourist or as a student.

Thread: wages

312.       erdinc
2151 posts
 25 Aug 2006 Fri 05:23 pm

Quoting vonnyz:

In fact, I felt "why" is it that way? That is...some people are not earning alot while some even have difficulty finding jobs and yet things are expensive.

I can tell you why this is so. In Turkia the government doesnt bother collecting tax from income. There is of course an income tax and it is very high. I think it is %30 to %40 percent of your yearly income. The problem is that nobody pays income tax and everybody shows zero income on paper. There is no control. Only %2 of tax payers are controlled whether or not they are paying a fair tax.

Since the government doesnt like collecting tax from income they collect it in indirect ways. For instance oil prices are World's highest in Turkis because %70 of it is tax.

Mobile phone bills are incredibly high since more than half of it is tax. There is a commonication tax in for mobile phones and there is a vat of total costs. This means they are taxing taxes.

Luxury goods are taxed highly. All branded goods, sproting goods (nike, adidas etc.), fashion good, imported alcohol, imported cigarets, electronics (mp3 players, mobile phones) fall in this category.
Unfortunately because there is no income tax and there is only these indirect taxes, the poor gets poorer and the rich gets richer. There are more rich people in Turkia than you can imagine.

Thread: A question about the word "gitmeye"

313.       erdinc
2151 posts
 25 Aug 2006 Fri 02:48 pm

Yes, you are right. The -iş is a verbal noun suffix and is limited to certain verbs just like the verbal noun suffix -ma.
The -ma infinitive and the -mak infinitive isn't limited.


gitmek (to go) > gidiş (departure)
gezmek (to walk around) > geziş (non existent)

I remember some sources listing the -iş as a third infinitive. I don't remember now where I have read this. There is no concencus on these issues.

ardita158 liked this message

Thread: can english nurses work in turkey and teaching english in turkey

314.       erdinc
2151 posts
 25 Aug 2006 Fri 02:35 pm

Coming from abroad and working as a nurse in Turkia is a very bad desicion. The workload is too much and sallaries are too low.
It would be perfect if you could earn some money on your homeland without working and spend it in Turkia. For instance if you had a flat to rent and it would bring you more than £500 then this would be sufficient for a perfect living in Turkia. A nurse working 37 hours per month, plus many night shifts, would earn between £250-£300 anyway and you would have a hard life and hard working conditions.

Thread: hoş geldniz or hoşgeldiniz?

315.       erdinc
2151 posts
 25 Aug 2006 Fri 02:23 pm

Yes caliptrix. You guessed right. These are correct spellings:

sağ ol
sağ olasın
sağ olsun
sağ olun

The main source for spellings is this:
Type the beginning of a word and all possible continuations will apprear.

It is sometimes difficult to follow all these details. I too make many mistakes from time to time. Bye.

Thread: wages

316.       erdinc
2151 posts
 24 Aug 2006 Thu 09:52 pm

I can tell you that. I'm a teacher for 10 years and 8 of those where in Turkia. Today the average wage for a teacher is 820 YTL per month.

A newly started teacher will get about 770 and a 10 year experienced teacher gets 860 YTL. There is also a small bonus for the workhours after 15 hours per month. Most teachers work 30 hours per week and they get about 200 YTL extra for the months when they actually work (not when the schools are off). A nurses sallary would be smillar to a teacher's but without that extra bonus.

These are internet prices in Turkia:

Unlimited connection is as follows:
512 KB speed > 88 YTL (67 USD)
1 MB speed > 150 YTL (114 USD)
2 MB speed > 239 YTL (182 USD)

The average cost of renting a flat is 350 YTL per month. Landline phone will cost about 50-70 YTL and electricity will cost about 30-50 YTL per month.

Oil is the World's most expensive in Turkia and there are many taxes for car owners. This means add a minimum of 40 YTL per person per month travel cost to that list.

Thread: can someone tell me the meaning of..

317.       erdinc
2151 posts
 24 Aug 2006 Thu 09:40 pm

The correct spelling is "Bir de buna bakın".

Thread: hoş geldniz or hoşgeldiniz?

318.       erdinc
2151 posts
 24 Aug 2006 Thu 09:36 pm

These are correct spellings:

hoş geldin
hoş geldiniz
hoşÃ§a kal
Allaha ısmarladık
Türkçede, Türkçeyi, İngilizceyi, Arapçada

Thread: Tell me one sentence among 1000 most common Turkish sentences in everyday speech

319.       erdinc
2151 posts
 24 Aug 2006 Thu 09:34 pm

Yours looks good. I will add them to the list soon.

Thread: A question about the word "gitmeye"

320.       erdinc
2151 posts
 24 Aug 2006 Thu 09:24 pm

Quoting CANLI:

Can we call eylem + (y) Iş infinitive too ?

No. These are permanent nouns. The -ış,iş,uş,üş suffix is a verbal noun suffix.

In Turkish the -ma, -me suffix in gitmeye, okumaya, yürümeyi, bakmaya is the short infinitive. You can call it a verbal noun suffix if it makes you happy. I used to call it verbal noun suffix.

The truth is that the -ma, -me suffix has two independent functions. Except the negative suffix -me, ma which we don't need to mebtion here, we have a verbal noun suffix -me, -ma and a shorth initive suffix -me, -ma.

1. to be a short infinitive as in gitmeye, koşmaya, yürümeye , bakmaya. This first usage is not limited. It can apply to any verb. Notive that ıt has no nominative version because nominative takes full infinitive. The short infinitive exists only in dative, accusative, genitive cases for all verbs.

2. to be a verbal noun suffix and to build permanent nouns such as yüzme (swimming) , okuma (reading) , yazma (writing). This second usage is called gerund in English. It is limited to very few verbs. There are few verbs that can have the gerund version in Turkish.

Most sources just call it verbal noun suffix and leave it that way. I would prefer using to different names for them. We have already one -me -ma suffix which is the negative suffix. Instead two -me, -ma's we would have three if we call one verbal noun and the other short infinitive.

Anyway, the naming is not the most important thing as long as you can use it. The "-ış,iş,uş,üş" works exactly the same way as the second usage (marked as number 2 above) of -me, -ma (not the first usage).

These are permanent names derived from verbs: gidiş (departure) , bakış (glance) , geliş (arrival).

ardita158 liked this message

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